View Full Version : HBN BJJ Toernooien - Enquete

16-03-2010, 17:46
Om onze toernooien te verbeteren hebben we een enquete gemaakt. We hopen dat jullie bereid zijn om ons te helpen de organisatie verder te verbeteren door jullie mening te geven.

De enquete staat op: http://www.bjjholland.com/HBN-Survey-Competitor.html

Er is een specifiek gedeelte voor toeschouwers, dus toeschouwers kunnen hem ook invullen.

Ga naar de link en download de enquete. Je kunt hem ook copy/pasten.
Mail de ingevulde enquete dan naar: [email protected]

Iedereen die hem invult, bedankt voor de moeite! Het zal de toernooien ten goede komen!

17-03-2010, 09:26
Goede zaak dat HBN deze enquete opzet om zo de toernooien nog beter te maken. Zonder andere organisatoren te kort te doen denk ik dat de HBN toch regelmatig een van de beste toernooien van NL neerzet met verschillende concepten (BJJ, Grappling, en nu White Belts).

17-03-2010, 20:20
Om meer respons te krijgen denk ik toch dat je het de mensen wat makkelijker moet maken met een simpeler "enquete" vorm rechtstreeks op het web. Nu moet je knippen plakken, invullen en ook nog zelf mailen. Zou mooi zijn als mensen deze moeite nemen. Succes ;)

remco pardoel
18-03-2010, 12:51
1. How old are you? Years old
2. Sex: Male / Female
3. Where do you live ? City: Country: .
4. Are you originally from your city and/or country ? If not, please name city/country of birth.

City: Country: .

5. What belt do you hold in BJJ ? White / Blue/ Purple / Brown / Black
6. Are you married ? Yes / No
7. Do you have any kids? If so, how much? kids
8. How many brothers and/or sisters do you have? Brothers Sisters
9. What kind of work do you do ?
10. Below you will find a list with items regarding BJJ tournaments. Rate each item with a figure between 1 and 10 for its importance, with 1 being very unimportant and 10 very important.
Planning, correctness time schedule=
Time waiting between the matches=
Condition of fight area (mats, fences)=
Sufficient mats available=
Condition of warm-up area=
Quality of locker rooms (well-equipped)=
Quality of referees=
Quality of tournament officials=
Availability of tournament officials=
Medical Staff presence=
Event results reported in media=
Price of tournament=
Attractiveness of awards rewarded=

Quality of event merchandise (t-shirts)=
Tourist Attractiveness of Host City=
Physical Attractiveness of fight area=
Play-Related Food/Beverage at sports hall (Fruit, Energy Bars/Drinks)=
Friendliness and Courtesy of Host Site Staff=
Location, reach ability=

11. How would you rate all these items in terms of your satisfaction. Rate each item with a figure between 1 and 10 for your satisfaction, with 1 being totally unsatisfied and 10 perfectly satisfied.
Planning, correctness time schedule=
Time waiting between the matches=
Condition of fight area (mats, fences)=
Sufficient mats available=
Condition of warm-up area=
Quality of locker rooms (well-equipped)=
Quality of referees=
Quality of tournament officials=
Availability of tournament officials=
Medical Staff presence=
Event results reported in media=
Price of tournament=
Attractiveness of awards rewarded=

Quality of event merchandise (t-shirts)=
Tourist Attractiveness of Host City=
Physical Attractiveness of fight area=
Play-Related Food/Beverage at sports hall (Fruit, Energy Bars/Drinks)=
Friendliness and Courtesy of Host Site Staff=
Location, reach ability=
12. What do you think of HBN as an organization? You may choose several items.
Detached, distant / adequate/ professional/ commercial /sports-loving/ customer orientated
13.What do you think of the communication of HBN with its competitors? Think in terms of friendliness, communicative and speed of reply.
14. Do you have any suggestions or advice to improve HBN tournaments ?
15. Do you have any suggestions or advice for HBN as an organization ?

For the last part of the survey we would like your opinion as a spectator instead of as a competitor. So please answer the questions from a spectators’ perspective.
16. Below you will find a list with items regarding spectating a BJJ tournament. Rate each item with a figure between 1 and 10 for its importance, with 1 being very unimportant and 10 very important.
Attractiveness fight area for spectating=
Quality of seating spots/bleachers=
Quality of fight wear=
Price of fight wear=
Overall fan comfort=
Facility access=
17. How would you rate all these items in terms of your satisfaction. Rate each item with a figure between 1 and 10 for your satisfaction, with 1 being totally unsatisfied and 10 perfectly satisfied.
Attractiveness fight area for spectating=
Quality of seating spots/bleachers=
Quality of fight wear=
Price of fight wear=
Overall fan comfort=
Facility access=
In case you wouldn’t mind us contacting you for further information, please write down your name and email below.



remco pardoel
18-03-2010, 12:52
zo beter??

18-03-2010, 13:45
Kheb ze maar ne keer ingevuld en verzonden ;)