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13-03-2011, 20:58
Mooie/grappige citaten laat maar komen!:

Frazier is so ugly that he should donate his face to the US Bureau of Wild Life.
Muhammad Ali

Foto Scharrenberg
13-03-2011, 22:54
"Een appel per dag houdt de dokters weg, vooral als je goed mikt." Winston Churchill

13-03-2011, 23:02
Ik ben niet labiel. Ik ben emotioneel flexibel.
Theo Maassen

13-03-2011, 23:11
Muhammad Ali Quotes (http://www.mixfight.nl/forum/showthread.php?108976-Muhammad-Ali-Quotes&highlight=Muhammed+ali+quotes)

13-03-2011, 23:33
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer..........Michael Corleone

13-03-2011, 23:37
een dag niet geneukt is een dag niet geleefd...:lol:

14-03-2011, 00:14
10) “I am on a drug. It's called Charlie Sheen. It's not available. If you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.”

9) “I blinked and I cured my brain, that's how. Because everybody has the power. Can't is the cancer of happen. Can't is the cancer of happen..”

8) “I’m not bi-polar, I’m bi-winning. I win here and I win there.”

7) "You borrow my brain for five seconds and just be like dude, can't handle it, unplug this bastard. It fires in a way that is, I don't know, maybe not from this terrestrial realm. When you've got tiger blood and Adonis DNA, it's like, get with the program dude."

6) “Resentment is the rocket fuel that lives in the tip of my saber.”

5) "You're dealing with a Vatican assassin. Sorry. I'm a high priest Vatican assassin warlock."

4) “Panicking is for amateurs and morons….Hope is for suckers and tools.”

3) “It’s just strafing runs in my underwear before my first cup of coffee, because I don’t have time for these clowns.”

2) "Whatever ... If they want me in it, it's a smash. If they don't, it's a turd that opens on a tugboat."

1) “I have a 10,000 year old brain and the boogers of a seven-year old.”

-Charlie Sheen, held.
www.dumpert.nl - Bi-Winning (http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/1387141/94ba1fd9/bi_winning.html)

14-03-2011, 00:20
Beter 10 meeuwen in de lucht, dan 1 als je buurman.

14-03-2011, 10:42
ja man ja van bert kops haha.

14-03-2011, 11:21
Just because your paranoid it doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
Brute force. If it's not working your not using enough.

14-03-2011, 16:06
Beter 10 meeuwen in de lucht, dan 1 als je buurman.

Krijg een leven, als je de manier van besturen in Nederland haat waarom woon je dan hier?!

14-03-2011, 16:23
Krijg een leven, als je de manier van besturen in Nederland haat waarom woon je dan hier?!

'If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen'

Harry S. Truman

14-03-2011, 16:45
'If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen'

Harry S. Truman

Dit heeft ook wel iets van de duivel weg als je in het midden naar de drietand kijkt en rechts naast het staartje, maar dat slaat toch ook nergens op?


14-03-2011, 17:46
klopt Pansier, dat slaat idd nergens op..

14-03-2011, 17:56
klopt Pansier, dat slaat idd nergens op..

Het is het zelfde idee, maar ik ga er ook niet zo dom over lopen doen.

14-03-2011, 18:02
No one knows what to say in the loser's locker room.
Muhammad Ali (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/muhammad_ali.html)

14-03-2011, 18:09
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
Buddha (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/b/buddha104025.html)

14-03-2011, 18:10
Dit is niet mijn winkel..............

14-03-2011, 18:21
Het is het zelfde idee, maar ik ga er ook niet zo dom over lopen doen.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Albert Einstein

14-03-2011, 18:22
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
Buddha (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/b/buddha104025.html)

Stay yourself

14-03-2011, 18:31
Jack Bauer once shot himself 10 times just to proof that 50cent is a pussy.
Jack Bauer doesn't need to use his hands to masturbate. He just stares at his penis and says: You've read my file. You know what I'm capable of.
Jack Bauer once forgot where he put his keys. He then spent the next half-hour torturing himself until he gave up the location of the keys.
There were originally five horsemen of the apocalypse. Jack Bauer said he would travel by foot.
The Dinosaurs laughed at Jack Bauer...

14-03-2011, 18:32
Stay yourself


14-03-2011, 18:40
If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.
Jim Rohn (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/j/jimrohn165075.html)

14-03-2011, 18:54

Oh wacht nu zie ik het -_-... Zat even met mijn kop ergens anders

14-03-2011, 19:01
When u compete with yourself u become better, if ur continuously competing with others u become bitter

14-03-2011, 19:01
If you loan someone $20 and never hear from them again, it was probably worth it

14-03-2011, 19:57
By giving people the power to share, we're making the world more transparent. - Mark Zuckerberg

Greed is good - Gordon Gekko

Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it. - Trey Parker

Good Designers copy, great designers steal - Pablo Picasso

I like boring things - Andy Warhol

Why join the navy if you can be a pirate? - Steve Jobs

If you can't make it good, at least make it look good. - Bill Gates

Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary… that’s what gets you. - Jeremy Clarkson

I’d like to consider Ferrari as a scaled down version of God. - Jeremy Clarkson

14-03-2011, 20:09
Don't fear failure. Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail. Bruce Lee