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View Full Version : Buakaw, Liam Harrison, Sagetdao Headline @ MAX Muay Thai China

18-07-2013, 16:29

MAX Muay Thai has just released the line-up for their 4 man 68 kg and tournament in China on August 10, and boy does it look awesome.

The four man tournament will consist of Liam Harrison, Sagetdao Petchphayathai, Sweden’s Martin Ahktar, and Zhang De Zeng of China. The two biggest names in the tournament are without a doubt Liam “The Hitman” Harrison Sagetdao, who have both fought against some of the best talent in the world at this weight. Liam Harrison has had a rocky year, losing three fights in a row to Masaaki Noiri, Mosab Amrani, and Saenchai Pksaenchaimuaythaigym (No shame in that). It should be considered that his latest losses have been in the kickboxing ring with super promotion GLORY sports. It will be good to see Harrison once again in the Muay Thai arena, and against an opponent as Sagetdao.

While Sagetdao Petpayathai no longer seems to be in the prime of his career, he is still by far the most experienced and dangerous Thai to be brought onto MAX thus far. The “Falling Star” is coming off an exciting loss to Pakorn earlier in the month, but before that he scored a brutal TKO victory in America against Tetsuya Yamato. While Martin Ahktar and Zhang De Zang are certainly skilled in their own right, it would be tough to say they are on the same level as Harrison as Sagetdao. However, given the surprise upset Victor Ngabe pulled off against Fabio at MAX Pattaya, there’s a good chance the tournament format could give the two underdogs a bit of an advantage.

MAX also officially confirmed that Buakaw Banchamek would be fighting on the event. For the 6 months, Buakaw has been allowed to participate in nothing but “exhibition fights” in Cambodia, and on MAX. Now that the issues with his contract have been at least momentarily dissipated, it looks like we’ll finally get to see Buakaw fight for real again. An opponent has yet to be announced, but hopefully MAX continues the trend of matching the best up with the best.

Bron (http://fightsportasia.com/2013/07/18/buakaw-liam-harrison-sagetdao-headline-max-muay-thai-china/)







20-07-2013, 08:59

20-07-2013, 08:59

20-07-2013, 09:00

20-07-2013, 11:04
Zag net op facebook de onderstaande foto van Buakaw. Een ding is nu zeker en dat is dat forumbroeder Iwan een nieuw idool heeft.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/v/1075111_10201040810554828_2072046666_n.jpg?oh=3237 9c2b0866d614765bfc26266f194b&oe=51EC4478&__gda__=1374467094_fd6999de041689ee5c23f6bdd8bc8be b

20-07-2013, 12:04
Robin van Roosmalen had trouwens ook een aanbod gehad om aan het evenement deel te nemen maar Robin had andere verplichtingen (Glory 10 LA).