View Full Version : Film Ernesto Hoost - One More

11-09-2014, 20:30
Ernesto Hoost, een van de beste K-1 vechters die Nederland ooit heeft gehad, stapt op 19 oktober weer terug in de ring om de strijd aan te gaan met zijn oude rivaal Peter Aerts - ook een van de meest befaamde vechters. Een klein en gemotiveerd team van filmmakers willen hem volgen naar Japan, om de strijd vast te leggen op film en eindelijk een korte documentaire over Ernesto en zijn leven als een kick-bokser te maken.

Zie onderstaande link voor meer informatie over het project. Om de film te kunnen maken hebben ze jullie hulp nodig. Je kan de film steunen met een donatie in ruil voor een beloning en door DEZE (http://www.cinecrowd.nl/one-more-ernesto-hoost) link te delen!


16-09-2014, 14:06
A short documentary about legendary kick-boxer Ernesto Hoost needs your support.

Kick-boxing legend Ernesto Hoost needs little introduction to those who follow the sport. He has won countless
titles including four times K-1 World Champion and is one of the most respected fighters. In the ring, they say he has the right solution for every situation. That’s why they call him Mr. Perfect.
The filmmakers Camille Herren (Director) and Rogier Tolen (Producer) recently decided to embark on a documentary project about the life of kick-boxer Ernesto Hoost. The timing couldn’t be better, on October 19th in Osaka, Japan Hoost will fight his long time rival Peter Aerts for the sixth time. The first time they fought each other was 26 years ago. This fight will be a big part of the film and serve as the narrative backbone of the film.
For the film crew it’s a passion project and everybody involved works on a voluntary basis. However, filming a fight in Japan is not without hurdles. That’s why the film crew started a crowd funding campaign to ask you for your support so they can finance the filming in Japan. Without your support, the crew will not be able to follow Hoost to Japan and capture the fight. To find out more about how you can donate for the project and receive your own personal reward, please visit: http://www.cinecrowd.nl/one-more-ernesto-hoost
We think it’s a great story and can’t wait to see the film on screen. If you’re equally enthusiastic or if you’re a fan of Hoost, supporting this film should be a no-brainer, even a small donation can make a big difference. To date this will be the only film made that exclusively captures this man’s life as fighter that has been at the pinnacle of kick- boxing more than once and continuous to reach farther than his grasp.
Rogier Tolen | Producer | KIMMO FILMS | [email protected] | www.kimmofilms.com | Mobile: +31 6 3362 1912