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View Full Version : UFC gaat europees Judo sponsoren xD

06-02-2015, 10:22
UFC, the world’s premier mixed martial arts organisation, today announced their involvement in the 2015 European Judo Championships, which will take place in Glasgow, UK in April, as they continue to support the development of combat sports around the world.
Through their association with the British Combat Sports Federation, UFC will support the event with branding, marketing and also promotion of the event to their audience of engaged mixed martial artists – of which Judo is a foundation discipline- around the world.
In attendance at the event were Scottish UFC fighters Robert Whiteford (http://www.ufc.com/fighter/Rob-Whiteford) and Joanne Calderwood (http://www.ufc.com/fighter/Joanne-Calderwood) who train at the Griphouse Gym in Glasgow.
Whiteford, a former Judoka was thrilled to be involved in the event and said: “It’s superb to see the cross collaboration between mixed martial arts and individual combat sports, this is the development of sport and it’s important to embrace it. Sharing techniques, skills and knowledge is important for personal, professional and physical development. The UFC’s involvement in supporting the European Judo Championships cements that forward thinking.”
A landmark event for the UK, European Judo Championships are set to return to the UK for the first time in 20 years and will be held in Scotland for the first time in the competition’s 60 year history.

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