View Full Version : Enfusion League Press Conference 22.52016

Julie Kitchen
11-05-2016, 14:50
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/13055580_600362826790650_4277335643757751067_n.jpg ?oh=60f2760b492086247cdc67417e153baf&oe=57AAF35C&__gda__=1470687972_62250715043997d1595db09a6817061 4
All welcome! Come along to the Enfusion League press conference. Meet and greet the League fighters. Find out all the details regarding the Enfusion League and have your photo taken with the League fighters...
Mohammed Jaraya
Nordin Ben Moh
Tayfun Ozcan
Serginio Kanters
Jonay Risco
Crice Boussoukou
Do not miss out!!

13-05-2016, 18:05
Thank you, the Enfusion League will be great

Julie Kitchen
03-06-2016, 11:33