View Full Version : KatoBoonFamily Fun Guess What Animal Is This?

anoniem gg
17-09-2021, 21:13
KatoBoonFamily Fun Guess What Animal Is This? The title says it all you need to guess what animal. Were, what animal?

Watch Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxxfACvaKo0&t=3s

It is stormy days in the Esan in Thailand, and the KatoBoonFamily spends a few days inside the house.
The Pantomime idea, what animal is this?
Papa Bas Boon comes up with an idea. He suggests playing a pantomime game at home. Pantomime comes from Roman times which performers express meaning through gestures such as hand signals and body language in some cases accompanied with music.
Hilarious Translation mistake turns game into LMAO.
The meaning of Pantomime is challenging to explain to the KatoBoonFamily, which majority only speaks Thai. Papa Bas Boon thinks they made a translation mistake. The Thai people probably understood Pandemonium.
The definition of those words is a wild uproar, tumult, chaos, or unrestrained.
As always, with the KatoBoonFamily, there is a lot of laughs and fun. It becomes pretty chaotic and funny Kato Boon is trying to steal the show.
Even the young one-year-old Conan Boon gives a fantastic performance.
Mama Rak is making Thai food for the family and cuts fresh bananas from a tree in the garden. Everybody is hungry. It smells like garlic shrimp in the house.
There is so much fun and the time goes fast. Humour makes storms and pandemics disappear.
Get ready for a laugh in another hilarious episode of the Boon Family.