View Full Version : Blackouts in Europe, how could Russia win the War

anoniem gg
30-09-2022, 15:50
Blackouts in Europe, how could Russia win the War?

Read Here, lees hier: https://basboon.com/blackouts-in-europe-how-could-russia-win-the-war/

The destruction of the Nordstrom Pipelines in the Nord Sea is a sign. This is how much risk the Globalists will go to advance their agenda. Europe could go dark soon. I would love to see the faces of the University professors and their Marxist students when the lights are turned off. Those who have advocated suicide energy policies for a better world suddenly face reality. Black Outs occur, and it will cause panic.

Just imagine the LGBTQ cult can not post pictures anymore on their social media accounts. Suddenly the “victim” society cult of complainer socialists and politicians looks in the barrel of a gun. Some hungry migrants with weapons enter their homes or apartments. Their refrigerators are not working. Inside their beloved homes, it starts to smell. The washing machines don’t work, and the toilet is out of order.
This is the result of Blackouts.

The grocery stores are not getting supplies. Suddenly for the first time, you know the feeling of becoming hungry. The result is sheer panic. You can’t call the cops as there is no power, the WIFI ‘towers don’t work, and you can not recharge your mobile phone. There will be so much looting and crime that the cops are obsolete.

Forget going to a bank. There is no power for the ATMs. And if you find your way with a pocket lantern to an ATM, you become the target of a robbery. Somebody just bashed your skull in for your two-hour-lasting pocket lantern and your coat.

The subsequent energy distribution sabotage could plunge Europe back into the stone age.
We know four bombs went off, which blew up the Nord Stream Pipelines. So that option for Europe to get gas is deliberately destroyed. What about the Yamal Europe pipeline through Poland and the Velke Kapusany pipeline? The Velke Kapusany gas connection flows gas into Slovakia from Ukraine.

But what....

04-10-2022, 18:11
Gaat niet gebeuren Bas. Rusland zal dit nooit kunnen winnen.