View Full Version : Nogueira interview

01-09-2004, 17:22
Leuke uitspraak over de no contest van de HW GP.

Oh ja en onderaan de pagina trainingsfoto's.

01-09-2004, 18:41
KP- Then you fought Fedor and 'the cut' happened.
RN- Yes, he hit me with his head. Everyone that understands fighting knows that. I went to take his back from an arm-drag and the position worked, he felt the move and blocked with his head and it hit mine. So he cut himself, his mistake, it should be his problem and my victory! But that is Ok, Pride has already scheduled a rematch and I am eager to fight him again. This time I felt great about the match, because the first fight I had a real bad back with a herniated disk. But we have already signed the deal and I am looking forward to that date.

01-09-2004, 18:47
Leuk interview en mooie foto's. Bedankt Jeru :thumbs:

01-09-2004, 18:56
idd top interview! Hij heeft gelijk, het was gewoon een stomme fout van Fedor om er zo in te springen...... nu ik de beelden heb gezien vind ik eigenlijk dat Fedor had moeten verliezen. Maar ja, dr komt nu nog een topwedstrijd aan tussen twee fitte topvechters!!