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View Full Version : wat is Pride Bushido nou eigenlijk

20-10-2004, 18:03
zie titel

is het een soort eerste divisie van pride?
is het voor opkomende en of terugkomende vechters?

wie kan mij het vertellen?

20-10-2004, 18:10
The word BUSHIDO translates from the Japanese language as "the way of the warrior." More specifically, t he term refers to the principals and moral code that developed among the samurai (military) class of Japan. Today, in the spirit of the samurai from Japan, PRIDE FC brings you the "way of the warrior" with its mixed martial arts event, BUSHIDO. Featuring a mixture of elite fighters as well as young up and coming talent, BUSHIDO presents the entire spectrum of weight classes, from lightweights to heavy weights. In addition, BUSHIDO provides flexibility for more experimental fight card formats, such as "team" competitions pitting country versus country, or fight team versus fight team. BUSHIDO also welcomes up and coming fighters, giving them an opportunity to prove themselves in BUSHIDO "Challenge Matches."

BUSHIDO rules are generally the same as PRIDE FC rules with some exceptions:

In BUSHIDO fights are two rounds (instead of three). The first round is ten (10) minutes, and the second round is five (5) minutes. There are no extra rounds. If the fight goes the distance then judges decide on a winner.
For BUSHIDO "Challenge Matches," fights are two (2) rounds. The first and second rounds are five (5) minutes each. If the fight goes to the full time limit no decision will be rendered. The fight will be ruled a draw.
In BUSHIDO, red cards are used in the same way that yellow cards are used in PRIDE FC. In BUSHIDO, if fighters commit the following actions, they shall be given a red card by officials: Stalling or failure to initiate any offensive attack, making no attempt to finalize the match or damage the opponent, and holding the opponent's body with the arms and legs to produce a stalemate. A red card results in a 10% deduction/fine of the fighter's fight purse. A major difference in the penalty card system between PRIDE FC and BUSHIDO is that in PRIDE FC a total of three yellow cards results in a disqualification, while in BUSHIDO red cards can be given out in an unlimited number without disqualification.

20-10-2004, 18:13
ah ok, dus het is een soort speciale editie van pride als ik het goed begrijp... toch ook wel een stapje minder op enkele partijen na...?

20-10-2004, 18:24
Het is gewoon de pride voor lichtgewichten die aangevuld word met superfights

20-10-2004, 18:47
PRIDE FC brings you the "way of the warrior" with its mixed martial arts event, BUSHIDO. Featuring a mixture of elite fighters as well as young up and coming talent, BUSHIDO presents the entire spectrum of weight classes, from lightweights to heavy weights. In addition, BUSHIDO provides flexibility for more experimental fight card formats, such as "team" competitions pitting country versus country, or fight team versus fight team. BUSHIDO also welcomes up and coming fighters, giving them an opportunity to prove themselves in BUSHIDO "Challenge Matches."

20-10-2004, 19:11
Het is gewoon de pride voor lichtgewichten die aangevuld word met superfights

volgens mij heb je het niet helemaal goed gelezen :roll:

Gulo gulo
20-10-2004, 19:23
Bushido is dus een losser concept met meer mogelijkheden??

21-10-2004, 09:45
In Bushido vechten ook meer Japanners volgens mij

21-10-2004, 10:06
volgens heeft nicky gelijk .........................

21-10-2004, 10:08
PRIDE FC brings you the "way of the warrior" with its mixed martial arts event, BUSHIDO. Featuring a mixture of elite fighters as well as young up and coming talent, BUSHIDO presents the entire spectrum of weight classes, from lightweights to heavy weights. In addition, BUSHIDO provides flexibility for more experimental fight card formats, such as "team" competitions pitting country versus country, or fight team versus fight team. BUSHIDO also welcomes up and coming fighters, giving them an opportunity to prove themselves in BUSHIDO "Challenge Matches."

dit komt rechtstreeks van de Pride site

21-10-2004, 10:25
toch denk ik dat nicky gelijk heeft .........................

21-10-2004, 13:11
toch denk ik dat nicky gelijk heeft .........................

lol ik ook ;)

22-10-2004, 08:00
bushido=samurai spirit

22-10-2004, 08:02
yep, dat was gidter avond laat op nat. geog. the way of the samurai

22-10-2004, 16:51
Het is gewoon de pride voor lichtgewichten die aangevuld word met superfights

volgens mij heb je het niet helemaal goed gelezen :roll:

Wat daar staat komt misschien niet overeen met wat ik zeg...

Maar ik ben er voor 1000% van overtuigd dat toen bushido werd op gericht, het de 1e opzet was om een gala te maken voor de wat lichtere vechters.

22-10-2004, 16:58
je hebt volgens mij ook wel gelijk nicky, maar ik heb het gevoel dat bushido nu een beetje een allegaartje aan het worden is...