View Full Version : A confident Belfort ready to rock 2006 (spoiler)

13-12-2005, 13:55
Vitor Belfort is confident in his preparation for the year 2006. After a loss to Tito Ortiz at UFC and a premature elimination in the Pride GP Middleweight tourney, Vitor moved from São Paulo to Belo Horizonte and hired Boxing coach Luiz Dórea, and his brother Rubens, to oversee his training. The results were seen on December 3rd at England's Cage Rage, where Vitor knocked out Frenchman Antony Rea Stout out with a powerful uppercut.

- I felt really good. I was very confident in the work we have done for this fight. I did what I should do. I went into reclusion like a samurai, I trained a lot and I took advantage of the gift that God gave to me. It also ended the year-and-a-half suffering due to my sister's disappearance - Belfort remembers.

According to The Phenom, besides his training partners, the Dórea family was truly responsible for his good performance in British. "I really have to thank the Dórea family for this job. Rúbens was essential for this growth inside the octagon. He knew how to bring back my best to the octagon and I was also comfortable with him in my corner. It was a perfect combination! I owe my sharpened hands to him", Vitor confesses.

With a good perspective for the year that is coming, Vitor depends on his manager's hands to guide where he will fight on 2006. "I did a deal with my team that I won't get involved with it. I have to train and that's what I will do. But I have been told I can return to Pride or even to the UFC. I have a good history in MMA. I realized it at this Cage Rage, when I stepped on the octagon and I saw the Wembley Centre fully packed, with the audience stood up to receive me. And I'll return this affection doing good shows", Belfort concludes.

13-12-2005, 14:11
goed voor vitor, is verdomme een half mirakel dat die kerel nog kan vechten na wat er met zijn zuster gebeurd is

Jay Hoov
14-12-2005, 09:32
Bij Vitor weet je het nooit....De ene keer is ie niet te verslaan, de andere lijkt ie op een B-klasser!!!
Maar in goede staat, kan ie zeker met de top mee!

14-12-2005, 12:26
wat is er nu uiteindelijk met z'n zus gebeurt?

14-12-2005, 12:27
vermoord teruggevonden ergens

14-12-2005, 12:32
Ja meen dat ze wel teruggevonden is ja...zal vanavond het artikel s proberen terug te vinden.

14-12-2005, 12:34
Ja meen dat ze wel teruggevonden is ja...zal vanavond het artikel s proberen terug te vinden.

ja ik herriner me het ook

ze was dood teruggevonden in een container of zoiets

14-12-2005, 12:41
dat heb ik ook gelezen, maar Vitor vertelde dat het niet om zijn zus ging.