View Full Version : Cam McHargue vs Kevin Gittenmeier

01-02-2006, 22:10
mijn makker Cam gaat 24 maart weer eens de ring in en deze keer is het persoonlijk :wink:

er gingen een aantal vurige discussies aan vooraf zoals deze (http://www.iscfmma.com/ISCFMMAMessageBoard/showthread.php?t=141&page=2&pp=25) en deze (

ook op mma.tv staat een nu al 35 paginas lange thread (http://mma.tv/tuf/index.cfm?ac=ListMessages&PID=1&TID=725883&FID=1&pc=506) (!!!!)

verder heeft die Gittenmeier de HL vid van Cam op z'n site gezet
en een "grappig" filmpje over z'n voorbereiding voor dit gevecht...

ben erg benieuwd of Cam die gast gewoon een paar ronden lang helemaal verrot slaat *of* hem binnen een minuut submit...

we zullen't wel zien :lol:


01-02-2006, 22:38
kreeg mailtje van de man:

"I can't decide if I want to drag it out and beat on him or tap him really quick
just to show him how he doesn't belong in the ring with me...
I actually think tapping him quick will hurt him more than a physical beating."


oh ja...
ik snap best dat niemand hier weet who the fuck die Kem mec Den Haag is, maar kijk maar ff naar die highlight van hem...
de man is very goei... :-p


01-02-2006, 22:42
Ik ken die Gittenmeier verder niet maar hij is leuk bezig met die kleine toch :)

Heb de discussies verder niet gelezen, maar een beetje bad blood doet het altijd goed :lol: .

01-02-2006, 22:46
Ik ken die Gittenmeier verder niet maar hij is leuk bezig met die kleine toch :)
het was maar goed dat die kleine zich inhield :wink:

ken die hele gittenmeier ook niet, maar hij schijnt nogal een grote bek te hebben op allerlei vechtsport fora en Cam kan d'r ook wel wat van en is iemand die vindt dat als je wat beweerd, je dat ook waar moet maken

vandaar dit gevecht dus...
ff checke wiens grote bek het meest gerechtvaardigd is... :D


03-02-2006, 12:12
Cam by whatever he wants whenever he wants, Cam is on a total different level then Kevin and he will prove it when this fight doesn't last more then two minutes.

Blue (Proud Team Praxis Member)

03-02-2006, 15:04
nog een mailtje:

I saw on the post where people have read the other posts and said I was talking shit.

Let me clear up what I meant...

I am not a shit talker to promote fights. I have never liked that WWF
style bullshit because it's all so fake. I have never in the past had any animosity towards any of my opponents
and always had respect for each one of them, before and after the
fights. I do not talk shit to promote a fight.

Some people are confusing "talking shit" with stating fact. When I tell Kevin he's stupid as a bag of hammers, I am not doing that to promote hype for a fight. I am simply making an observation.

It all started with the debate about the new bill (some threads are no longer accessible)...
Kevin wanted the GA athletic commission put in charge. We did not want the AC involved at all. Kevin's main argument was that other sanctioning bodies should be allowed into the state and my main question was why that had to involve the AC at all... The law could have been amended to allow other sanctioning orgs without nvolving the AC at all. By involving the AC it effectively raised the ost of doing a show in GA by $2000.00 and did not achieve anything at all except allow other sanctioning orgs into the state.

I constantly asked Kevin why he was so adamant that the AC be involved and he could never answer the question. After a while he resorted to ad hominem attacks because he did not want to let on to the truth behind his stance. After I called him out on his voidance and his resorting to ad hominem attacks to make up for his lack of debating skills he simply threw it all out the window and called me a red headed bitch. After that everything was a personal attack on me and he avoided the subject of debate completely.

He brought up my record and said some disparaging things about me saying that his record was as good, if not better, than mine. I simply pointed out what his record consisted of.
Then he comes on saying I have insulted him...

This is a break down of how the conversations go...

Kevin: We need to change the law to put the AC in control.
Me: Why do we need to do that?
Kevin: So other sanctioning orgs can be allowed in GA.
Me: But Kevin, couldn't we just amend the law to let other sanctioning orgs into GA without involving the AC at all?
Kevin: Quit being a red headed bitch!!!
Me: Kevin, you really are a stupid bastard, aren't you?
Kevin: Wahhhhh!!!!! Cam insulted me!!!!!!!!!!!!

He totally ignores the fact that he called me a red headed bitch and
only acknowledges that I pointed out the fact that he is stupid, therefore proving my point, I guess...

My point is that I do not trash talk to hype a fight. If, by defending
myself and pointing out the obvious (Kevin is stupid as a bag of hammers), I am considered trash talking then it is only in retaliation and response to what he has instigated.

And, by the way, did I point out that Kevin is as dumb as a bag of
Well, that's kind of not fair to a bag of hammers...