View Full Version : yakuza pride door politie gearresteerd,meer volgen........

24-02-2006, 08:29
In relation to the appearance by top foreign fighters at a major event on NYE 2003, the President of the Promotion Company was threatened and so Kanagawa Police and Shizuoka Police have arrested top members of Yamaguchi Gumi today. According to the police investigation, in December 2003, the 4 yakuza, using the excuse that there is another contract in place, threatened and extorted the promoter of Inoki Bom Ba Ye not to use then Pride HW Champion Fedor in their event.

The yakuza attempted to extort the promoter from proceeds of the broadcast contract and other cash.

This event is surrounded by civil proceedings for non payment of amounts to foreign fighters and also actions against the TV broadcaster. The promoter said that he was held against his will and threatened prior to a press conference in relation to the event. The promoter has lodged a criminal complaint due to the actions of the yakuza who threatened him over the appearance of Fedor in the event.

In relation to Inoki Bom Ba Ye, Mirko Crocop was announced not to fighting and the promoter announced the participation of Fedor instead. The police say that the yakuza used illegal pressure in relation to these events.

24-02-2006, 09:07
'kijk dr niet van op

24-02-2006, 09:32
oeffff ben benieuwd hoe lang pride blijft bestaan, kon wel eens het einde betekenen van Sakakibara en consorten

24-02-2006, 09:54
ik had een tijd geleden ook zoiets gelezen, maar dit is weer iets nieuws

24-02-2006, 10:43
Dit blijf je houden als er veel geld word verdiend,bij voetbal toch ook met scheids omkopen en shit....

24-02-2006, 11:23

Is over heel japan dit nieuws, tv en alle kranten en alle forums, bad news voor pride

Is hetzelfde als in Spanje de misdaad Madrid niet wil laten voetballen tegen Barcelona of spelers daarvan willen weerhouden te voetballen. Is Groot Nieuws

24-02-2006, 18:26
In Japan was dit nieuws groter dan de eerste gouden medaille die door Japan op de olympische spelen werdt behaalt vandaag. Geeft even aan hoe groot dit schandaal is en nog kan worden