View Full Version : nog een paar chuck facts... ziten weer goeie tussen

06-04-2006, 13:46
When Chuck Norris wants popcorn, he breathes on Nebraska.

Chuck Norris has a vacation home on the sun.

Chuck Norris uses redhot lava to moisturize his skin.

Chuck Norris invented the apple.

Chuck Norris Buillt Mount Everest with a bucket and spade.

Chuck Norris does not age. Every birthday, it's just another year added to his existence, which sucks for you.

Chuck Norris does not have chest hair, he has millions of highly venomous nematocysts. You have virtually no chance of surviving the venomous sting, unless treated immediately. The pain is so excruciating and overwhelming that you would most likely go into shock and collapse a split second before getting hit in the face with a roundhouse kick.

Chuck Norris can chug a gallon of milk and not throw up.

Chuck Norris beat the Sun in a staring contest.

If you get roundhouse kicked in the face by Chuck Norris in your dream, you DIE!

Chuck Norris can have his cake AND eat it too.

Chuck Norris was born in a log cabin that he built with his bare hands.

Some people get lucky and kill two birds with one stone. Chuck Norris once killed four birds with half a stone. What's that? You say there's no such thing as half a stone? The four dead birds didn't think so either.

Chuck Norris CAN lick his elbow.

P is for Chuck Norris, as is every other letter of the alphabet.

Chuck Norris puts the FUN in Funeral.

Chuck Norris' paradise is war.

Chuck Norris is capable of photosynthesis.

Chuck Norris has never had a surprise birthday party. He can NEVER be surprised. EVER.

Chuck Norris does not love Raymond.

Chuck Norris can lick his own elbows. At the same time.

Chuck Norris can kick start a car.

Chuck Norris doesn't breathe, he holds air hostage.

Chuck Norris wrote an autobiography....it was just a list of everyone he has killed.

Einstein's original Theory of Relativity was; if Chuck Norris kicks you, your relatives will feel it.

Bigfoot takes pictures of Chuck Norris.

As seen in Sidekicks, Chuck Norris can climb a rope with one hand, and one hand only.

Chuck Norris does not dance. He roundhouse kicks to the beat.

Chuck Norris can MAKE water run uphill.

Chuck Norris can hold Puff Daddy down.

The moon is actually a comet that was once on course to hit earth... then Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked it into orbit.

Chuck Norris can strike a match on a bar of soap.

Chuck Norris once played Russian roulette with a fully load gun and won.

The only reason the color pink still exists is because Chuck Norris is color blind.

Chuck Norris is allowed to talk about Fight Club.

06-04-2006, 14:07
hahahahahahha :lol: wat een grappige shit

06-04-2006, 15:03
Chuck Norris is allowed to talk about Fight Club.


06-04-2006, 15:11

zitten weer n boel leuke tussen

06-04-2006, 18:52
hahaha ze blijven komen en t wordt niet eens flauw.....

Bigfoot takes pictures of Chuck Norris.

06-04-2006, 19:01
Thanks Redjuh!!

Voor meer chuck lol: http://chucknorris.hyves.nl/

en je kunt ook lid worden :wink: deze week bij een gratis lidmaatschap een Chuck Norris baardhaar :wink:

06-04-2006, 19:28
ben dubbel lid. alleen site is zooooow traag!

06-04-2006, 20:38
die einstein is vet!

06-04-2006, 22:02

07-04-2006, 02:28
Chuck Norris gave Mona Lisa that smile

07-04-2006, 19:31
Kan aan mij liggen maar snap geen hol van heel die Chuck humor.

07-04-2006, 23:21
Kan aan mij liggen maar snap geen hol van heel die Chuck humor.
Het eerste :lol: :wink:

08-04-2006, 10:10
het is echt geweldig....

08-04-2006, 16:17
Net ff wat uitleg gehad van Redjuh over Chuck , t kwartje begint te vallen :lol:

08-04-2006, 20:54
tja kijk jarno, dit soort dingen slaan dus op mensen die nogal vol van zichzelf zijn...