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View Full Version : RB vs JLB

16-05-2006, 09:46
Hieronder volgt een vertaling uit het frans van de website van JLB.
Nou nog alle rare Musashi overwinningen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Courtesy of www.jerome-le-banner.com

Le Banner Finally Gets The Victory In Holland

After his fight versus the Dutch Remy Bonjasky, Jerome Le Banner was declared as the loser. This result caused a big surprise in the audience. During an after-fight meeting with K-1 peoples: this decision given by the three dutch judges was called a "big mistake". Mr. Tanigawa, K-1 President, cancelled that decision and gave the victory to Jerome Le Banner. Without this great and important intervention, Jerome Le Banner would have left K-1 definitely. Jerome Le Banner team is now waiting for the K-1 official announcement.