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22-05-2007, 01:00

22-05-2007, 02:11
prachtig ja. Can't wait :D

Wat zal dat een War gaan worden zeg :D

Of een dikke aanfluiting als Rampage op een goede knal loopt zoals vele andere die recent tegen chuck hebben gestaan.

22-05-2007, 02:21
hahaha.. ik hoop dat ie wint ! maar ben bang dat chuck er met de winst van doorgaat.

22-05-2007, 02:21
meesterlijk ja...

die hele jackson die kan zeggen wat ie wil kwa smack talk... maar toch komt ie niet arrogant over en blijft het gewoon dikke humor...

hoop ook echt dat rampage wint... is goed voor de sport als die belt een beetje rouleert... en ik gun het rampage ook...

22-05-2007, 03:33
Typisch amerikaans propaganda, als je goed luisterd hoor je iemand influistere wat ie moet zeggen.

22-05-2007, 04:11
Typisch amerikaans propaganda, als je goed luisterd hoor je iemand influistere wat ie moet zeggen.

MMA is in America het nieuwe WWE geworden, jammer maar helaas.

22-05-2007, 04:13
Die stem dat is 'em gewoon zelf (stond ook al een topic over op sherdog). Wel jammer dat het volume zo hard staat anders was het perfect geweest.

22-05-2007, 04:24
MMA is in America het nieuwe WWE geworden, jammer maar helaas.

zolang de gevechten maar echt blijven zie ik het probleem niet. een beetje hype rond een gevecht is altijd leuk.

22-05-2007, 05:11
die hele jackson die kan zeggen wat ie wil kwa smack talk... maar toch komt ie niet arrogant over en blijft het gewoon dikke humor...

klopt inderdaad, altijd lachen met rampage!!
hoop echt dat ie chuck een pak rammel verkoopt, al zal dat lastig worden!!

22-05-2007, 11:19
Hahaha, Rampage is echt altijd lachen! Hij komt echt niet arrogant over ookal trashtalkt 'ie, overduidelijke portie natuurlijke humor! :D Ik gun hem de winst.

22-05-2007, 19:09
Rampage is gewoon een showman die lol in het vechten en in de periode naar een gevecht toe heeft,,vind ik juist supertof,,als alle vechters zo'n nuchtere Sem Schilt-attitude hebben (no offense) word het ook maar een saaie bedoening..

22-05-2007, 21:57
Mooi ook weer die verwijzing naar de slechte adem.

Zijn trainers en sparringpartners: 'may have bad breath, but that still don't stop me from training'.

Het belooft een mooie pot te worden.

De man van 14K
22-05-2007, 23:24
411’s UFC All Access Report - Quinton “Rampage” Jackson
Posted by Larry Csonka (http://www.411mania.com/user_profile.php?user_id=399) on 05.21.2007

Before his title bout with Chuck Liddell, we get up close and personal with Rampage!

All Access Quinton "Rampage" Jackson

Rachelle Leah is our host, and welcomes us to All Access Rampage. Rampage is wild and funny, with the best slams in the business. He learned that is the streets to finish fights. We see good PRIDE footage of him powerbombing people. Rampage is an intimidating fighter, and became famous in Japan. He is in the UFC now and dismantled Liddell in PRIDE, and Liddell is looking for vengeance, and they will face at UFC 71.

Rampage trains in Big Bear California, and she joins him for his training. Rampage likes to howl because it hypes him up, he feels like he has no control ay times. He wanted to make a change, and fighting seemed natural. He loves his walking song, it hypes him up and get shim in the mood. Rampage says he is a shopping freak, and takes her jewelry shopping. They go to a home depot style place to buy chains. He started wearing them in high school during wrestling. It is a 4-foot long chain, cast iron with one clasp. They pick out some for Rachelle. She is all Rampaged out. He approves.

They drop off the rental and he gets his PIMPED OUT Rampage machine, with custom Rampage rims. They are off to training, and he gets taped up. We see him working stand up and Leah was surprised that it was so hot, 100 degrees, and that is so Rampage likes to stay loose and practiced hydration. He now works Muay Thai, licking and sparring drills. He does this 2-days a week for an hour at a time. He got rusty with it and has to work it to be prepared.

-Next is mat work, and he does this 3-4 days a week for 90-minutes. 5-7 rounds ay 7-10 minute s around. He doesn't like submissions a lot, and likes to knock a man out or ground and pound a man out. We get PRIDE footage of him knocking bitches out.

-Boxing is next, 5-days a week for 2-hours. 5-rounds at 5-7 minutes a round. His trainer says when Rampage gets hit he gets worked up and gets on fire. Rampage loves to fight as an underdog. He is coming to Chuck's house now, and he is going to whoop that ass.

-Back from commercial and she heads back to the cabin with them. E eats with a ton of people. His cabin has 15 people there, 2 chef, 4 coaches and 1 dog. They give him a toothbrush and toothpaste because he has bad breath. He eats 6 meals a day, no carbs except for lunch, he has a Sunday cheat day and drinks water and juice only. He now plays video games to unwind.

-Now onto running. 3-days a week, 3-5 miles a day. He runs for distance every other day, and then sprints the other days. He loves Big Bear to stay away from temptations and for the altitude effect. This is like boot camp for him.

-He moves into ROCKY mode now as he chops wood. This is good for strengthening the shoulders and deltoids, helps avoid fatigue and builds lactic acid for punching. Back in the gym we see him working strength and when to use it.

-John Ibarra is his trainer. He has been training for 23-years, and trained 9 championship boxers, including De La Hoya for 2-3 years. He is a manager, planner for Rampage and Rampage thinks the world of him. Rampage does "tire" training now, standing on weak tires to practice balance, weight shifting and muscle memory. It helps maximize punching power and striking strength. Rampage complains when he trains and makes his opponents pay for the work he has to do.

-Back from commercial and they go to Sonoma and one of his sponsors is a NASCAR driver, and they get to be pit crewmembers for the day. His car has Rampage on it! Rampage freaks and thinks a black man on a NASCAR is history.

-Rampage suits up and gets to take a ride in the car. The driver says Rampage stayed string even at going 165. Rampage says you can't scare him. He and Leah get to work the pit now. They give Rampage gloves and he says to back off because when gloves go on, asses get whooped! He and Leah change tires and make a bet, if she does better he has to tie his shirt up ala her, and damn she is fine. He loses because the guys help her and Rampage goes into tied shirt mode.

-Back from commercial we see Rampage with his kids. He takes them both mini-golfing with Leah. He has a $20,000 dog. Wow. Rampage says he learned Japanese from a girl and learned the language in their way, and was made fun of. He actually has 4-kids. 7, 7, 1 and 6-months. He takes ‘Angelo and Rajah mini-golfing and he says he wants to be a good father and a good role model. Rampage, the kids and Leah do some wacky cement racing, ala a luge or something. Rampage won. Later on Rampage and Leah play basketball, she is still hot. They have fun and Rampage just cuts loose.

-Leah says he grew up in a ghetto and fought out and is now a positive role model for kids to look up to now. Rampage says nothing comes easy, he has a quest and he will reach his goal. Chuck is going to get it. Rampage says he let her win, but won't let Chuck win.