View Full Version : Shogun injured?

28-06-2007, 21:22
Volgens GracieFighter.com (http://graciefighter.com/?page=news&PHPSESSID=8ecb1af7dd25b488b0fe458951633cae):

Shogun has injured his knee and could be out of his upcoming UFC appearance. We should know more on the severity of the injury in the next few days and whether or not it will have any impact on his fight schedule.This sucks :thown:

el bastardo
28-06-2007, 21:57
Pfff, zou echt vet klote zijn!

alex da silva
28-06-2007, 22:39
dat is niet waar denk ik.....ik heb net een nieuwe interview gelezen op een braziliaanse site en hij kan niet langer wachten om te vechten.....hij zei dat hij in zijn beste shape ooit is.... ik hoop echt niet voor hem.......

28-06-2007, 23:10
Ja, ik heb ook die interview gelezen op Sherdog (http://www.sherdog.com/news/interviews.asp?n_id=8111) (Zie link). Maar die is van een paar dagen terug volgens mij.
Ik hoop wel dat het allemaal bullshit is, want dit zou heel erg messed up zijn.

nicolas the red
28-06-2007, 23:11
hij zou toch pas ten vroegste in september vechten

29-06-2007, 08:49
Injury valt mee ;)

Shogun perto de fechar com o UFC

Mauricio Shogun está muito perto de fechar contrato com o UFC. Acompanhando seu irmão, Murilo Ninja, na luta em que a Chute Boxe ganhou seu primeiro cinturão nos Estados Unidos, Shogun aproveitou para arrumar seu futuro na terra do Tio San. “Tive reuniões com vários eventos e conversei com o Dana White pessoalmente. Perdemos até uma grana no cassino (risos). Acredito que na próxima semana, estaremos fechando minha luta para setembro”, revelou Shogun.

Apesar do reconhecimento de seu trabalho por parte do público japonês, o atleta da Chute Boxe sabe que o caminho nos Estados Unidos será árduo e prefere não escolher adversário. “O UFC é um evento novo para mim. Nos Estados Unidos as pessoas não me conhecem. Não posso escolher adversário e espero, assim como no Japão, que eu consiga conquistar o respeito do público americano”, disse Maurício Shogun. Sobre os rumores que teria se machucado, Shogun tranqüilizou os fãs. "Machuquei o joelho treinando. Fui ao médico, mas foi só um susto. Ele já me liberou para treinar normalmente", encerrou.

Shogun closed to a deal with UFC

Mauricio Shogun is really closed to sign the contract with UFC. With his brother, Murilo Ninja, who gave the first american belt to Chute Boxe, Shogun get the chance to fix his future in th US. "I had meetings with a lot of events and talked to White personally. We lost some bucks in the casino (laughs). I believe next week we are going to set this fight for september", told Shogun

However his work is already recognized by the japanese audience, the CB fighter knows that he has a hard path to take in the USA and he prefer to not choose the oponnent. "UFC is a new event for me. In the US people don't know me. I can't choose the oponnent and i hope to earn the respect of the american audience, like i did in Japan." said Shogun. About the rumors of a possible injury, Shogun calm down the fans. "I injuried my knee training. I went to the doctor, but it was not a big deal. And he said that i can train normally", he ended.


29-06-2007, 14:28
Injury valt mee ;)

Mooi! :ohyeah:

29-06-2007, 16:17
goed nieuws!!!

29-06-2007, 17:56
inderdaad... ben echt zo ontzettend benieuwd of hij zijn ritme uit pride kan vasthouden. Eens kijken hoe de onwetende amerikanen op hem zullen reageren.

Maarre... komt ninja ook naar de ufc dan? Ik dacht dat hij een contract bij elite XC had?

29-06-2007, 18:51
Misschien meteen tegen Chuck?

29-06-2007, 19:15
Ninja de first american belt. Daarvoor heeft hij welgeteld 1 gevecht moeten leveren.

30-06-2007, 03:24
Oh man ik schrok al! maar gelukkig valt het allemaal mee.