View Full Version : 25.08.2007 Kamal El Amrani Thai-/Kickboxing Seminar/Workshop

18-07-2007, 19:56
Kamal El Amrani Thai-/ Kickboxen Workshop
with the 6 times worldchampion

Focus: techniquetraining
Beginners and advanced students are wellcome.
Equipment: Gloves and safetys.

Datum: 25.08.2007
Zeit: 14:00 bis 16:30 Uhr
Preis: 25 Euro (in advance to bankaccount)
TV Wickede, Acc.: 2214600,BLZ: 414 622 95, Volksbank Wickede (Ruhr)
Verwendungszweck: Kamal El Amrani Seminar 25.08.2007

or 30 Euro
(at the day of event)

Place: Gerken Sporthalle
58739 Wickede (Ruhr)

Every participant receives a certificate.

Infos und Anmeldung:
Tel: 02932/82814
[email protected]
od. [email protected]

Ausrichter: StrikezoneDortmund,Kirsten Mach,Am Spörkel 67,44227 Dortmund, Tel.0231/759375
in cooperation with
TV Wickede, Bulldogs Kickboxen Team, Mark Nash

kind regards
Mark Nash
Frank Mach