View Full Version : 15-year-old girl jailed with 20 men

23-11-2007, 08:23
Brazilie blijft een derde wereld land...

15-year-old girl jailed with 20 men | NEWS.com.au (http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,22808222-23109,00.html)

A 15-YEAR-old girl was put in a Brazilian jail cell with more than 20 men, and for a month was raped relentlessly and forced to have sex for food, human rights groups say.

"She was raped from day one'' at the jail in Para state, a Children and Adolescent Defence Centre (Cedeca) spokeswoman said.

The number of men in the cell varied from 20 to 34 while the girl, a robbery suspect, was there.

"She was raped innumerable times and forced to exchange sexual relations for food,'' said Miere Cohen, the president of the Order of Brazilian Lawyers Human Rights Commission.

Media reports of the case have sparked outrage across Brazil, especially since it closely followed an earlier incident of a 23-year-old woman who was also jailed in Para state for one month together with 70 men.

The teenager, whose identity was not disclosed, was arrested in Para state capital Abaetetuba on October 21 on suspicion of robbery and put behind bars at a local police station jailhouse until an anonymous caller tipped off the media.

"Nobody really knows what she was charged with. She was a suspect in a robbery but police were unable to tell us which robbery. There was no formal charge,'' Ms Cohen said.

The girl's lawyers said police at one point said they believed the suspect was not under-age.

"Whether she was 15, 20, 50, 80 or 100 doesn't matter. A woman should not have been kept in a jail cell with men,'' Para Governor Ana Julia Carepa said.

She said she would mete out "exemplary punishment'' in the case.

The girl, whose family is very poor, "is distraught and very afraid, but said she's able to recognise the police officers who locked her up and the detainees who raped her. She's ready to talk", the Cedeca spokeswoman said.

23-11-2007, 08:54
Geen woorden voor.

23-11-2007, 09:15
gewoon te naar voor woorden, die heeft nu sowieso hiv, weet iemand hoe het rechtssysteem in brazillië normaalgesproken überhaupt werkt?

23-11-2007, 09:15
:eek:dis niet normaal!

23-11-2007, 09:32
:eek: Ongelooflijk! Sommige mensen worden als prinsen behandeld terwijl ze de verschrikkelijkste dingen gedaan hebben, en sommigen moeten zo iets meemaken voor een stomme overval. Begrijp me niet verkeerd ... commit a crime, do the time! Maar een arm meisje van 15jaar zal niet gaan stelen voor een nieuwe GSM ... en dan dit!

Dat ze die agenten die haar hebben opgesloten ook maar eens een tijd opsluiten tussen die gevangenen ... in hun uniform ... zal ongeveer vergelijkbare toestanden opleveren, dus lijkt me een gepaste straf! :evil:

23-11-2007, 09:37
ho ho ho...
iedereen heeft het nu wel over dat meisje
maar die jongens die daar zaten zijn ook geen lievertjes hoor!

23-11-2007, 09:39
ho ho ho...
iedereen heeft het nu wel over dat meisje
maar die jongens die daar zaten zijn ook geen lievertjes hoor!


De man van 14K
23-11-2007, 09:45
ho ho ho...
iedereen heeft het nu wel over dat meisje
maar die jongens die daar zaten zijn ook geen lievertjes hoor!

volgens mij sla jij geheel de plank mis..

23-11-2007, 09:51
ho ho ho...
iedereen heeft het nu wel over dat meisje
maar die jongens die daar zaten zijn ook geen lievertjes hoor!


23-11-2007, 09:57
@ Focus ; goede variant op Hans Teeuwen's opmerking over joden en duitsers...

23-11-2007, 09:58
Brain damage or brain injury is the destruction or degeneration of brain cells.

Brain damage may occur due to a wide range of conditions, illnesses, injuries, and as a result of iatrogenesis. Possible causes of widespread (diffuse) brain damage include prolonged hypoxia (shortage of oxygen), poisoning by teratogens (including alcohol), infection, and neurological illness. Chemotherapy can cause brain damage to the neural stem cells and oligodendrocyte cells that produce myelin. Common causes of focal or localized brain damage are physical trauma (traumatic brain injury), stroke, aneurysm, or neurological illness.

The extent and effect of brain injury is often assessed by the use of neurological examination, neuroimaging, and neuropsychological assessment.

Brain injury does not necessarily result in long-term impairment or disability, although the location and extent of damage both have a significant effect on the likely outcome. In serious cases of brain injury, the result can be permanent disability, including neurocognitive deficits, delusions (often specifically monothematic delusions), speech or movement problems, and mental handicap. There may also be personality changes. Severe brain damage may result in persistent vegetative state, coma, or death.

Various professions may be involved in the medical care and rehabilitation of someone who suffers impairment after brain damage. Neurologists, neurosurgeons, and physiatrists are physicians who specialise in treating brain injury. Neuropsychologists (especially clinical neuropsychologists) are psychologists who specialise in understanding the effects of brain injury and may be involved in assessing the extent of brain damage or creating rehabilitation programmes. Occupational therapists may be involved in running rehabilitation programs to help restore lost function or help re-learn essential skills.

It is a common misconception that brain damage sustained during childhood has a better chance of successful recovery than similar injury acquired in adult life. It is contested that in recent studies, severe brain damage inflicted upon children can be alleviated by the interaction of nicotinamide repropagation in nerve cells. In fact, the consequences of childhood injury may simply be more difficult to detect in the short term. This is because different cortical areas mature at different stages, with some major cell populations and their corresponding cognitive faculties remaining unrefined until early adulthood. In the case of a child with frontal brain injury, for example, the impact of the damage may be undetectable until that child fails to develop normal executive functions in his or her late teens and early twenties.

The effects of impairment or disability resulting from brain injury may be treated by a number of methods, including medication, psychotherapy, neuropsychological rehabilitation, snoezelen, surgery, or physical implants such as deep brain stimulation.

Bron: Brain damage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_damage)

23-11-2007, 10:00
@ Focus ; goede variant op Hans Teeuwen's opmerking over joden en duitsers...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, was dat het! :rolleyes:

23-11-2007, 10:03
[quote=Christophe;472628]Brain damage or brain injury is the destruction or degeneration of brain cells.

The effects of impairment or disability resulting from brain injury may be treated by a number of methods, including medication, psychotherapy, neuropsychological rehabilitation, snoezelen, surgery, or physical implants such as deep brain stimulation.

WTF is snoezelen????

23-11-2007, 10:05
[quote=Christophe;472628]Brain damage or brain injury is the destruction or degeneration of brain cells.

The effects of impairment or disability resulting from brain injury may be treated by a number of methods, including medication, psychotherapy, neuropsychological rehabilitation, snoezelen, surgery, or physical implants such as deep brain stimulation.

WTF is snoezelen????

:lol: Hahahahahahahahahahaha ... je hebt de teks aandachtig gelezen kerel!

23-11-2007, 10:44
Snoezelen - Wikipedia (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snoezelen)

23-11-2007, 10:47
''Het is een concept dat gebruikt wordt bij mensen met verstandelijke beperkingen en handicaps (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handicap).''

en bedankt he christophe:crying:

De man van 14K
23-11-2007, 10:58
@ Focus ; goede variant op Hans Teeuwen's opmerking over joden en duitsers...

wow jullie snappen elkaar?

23-11-2007, 13:08
Dat is echt zielig... Walgelijk en ziekmakend. In en in triest.

23-11-2007, 13:11
klootzakken zeg godsomme :twak::boos::thown:

23-11-2007, 13:47
ergste waarschijnlijk is dat de agenten haar expres erin gestopt hebben wetend wat er zou gebeuren...

een maand lang... en blijkbaar in die tijd niet bij de rechter geweest of advocaat gezien...


23-11-2007, 14:33
Dat ze die agenten die haar hebben opgesloten ook maar eens een tijd opsluiten tussen die gevangenen ... in hun uniform ... zal ongeveer vergelijkbare toestanden opleveren, dus lijkt me een gepaste straf! :evil:


23-11-2007, 16:33
Is er een filmpje van?

24-11-2007, 16:59
Ik heb hier dezelfde gedachtes bij als met die afgaanse warlords shit.
Ik wordt hier zo focking moedeloos en agressief van, dat ik de mwereld steeds negatiever zie.

Open informatie, de samenleving waarin we nu leven waarin we heel veel te weten komen van de hele wereld is mijns inziens geen goede ontwikekling, want wat kunnen wij hier nou aan doebn?

24-11-2007, 17:01
Is er een filmpje van?

* fwap fwap fwap *