View Full Version : Miljoen Irakezen gedood sinds invasie

31-01-2008, 08:13
Uitgegeven: 30 januari 2008 22:59
Laatst gewijzigd: 30 januari 2008 23:26

LONDEN - De oorlog in Irak heeft al meer dan een miljoen Irakezen het leven gekost. Een vijfde van de Iraakse huishoudens verloor minstens een familielid in de periode tussen de invasie in maart 2003 en augustus 2007.

Dat blijkt uit berekeningen die woensdag in Londen zijn bekendgemaakt door twee onderzoeksbureau's, Opinion Research Business en het Independent Institute for Administration and Civil Society Studies.

De cijfers zijn gebaseerd op de ondervraging van ruim 2000 Iraki's. In de Iraakse hoofdstad Bagdad verloor 40 procent van de huishoudens een familielid.


Eerder deze maand bleek uit een uitgebreide studie van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie WHO dat van maart 2003 tot juni 2006 in Irak per dag gemiddeld 120 mensen zijn omgekomen door geweld.

Meer dan de helft van de naar schatting 151.000 doden in die periode viel in de hoofdstad Bagdad.


De WHO verrichtte het onderzoek in samenwerking met de Iraakse autoriteiten. Ruim 9000 huishoudens verspreid over heel Irak werden ondervraagd.

Daarmee is het WHO-rapport veel uitgebreider dan eerdere studies naar het dodental in Irak. Volgens de onderzoekers is 151.000 echter een schatting en geen exact getal. Het werkelijke dodental kan volgens hen variëren van 104.000 tot 223.000.


Een wetenschappelijke studie, gepubliceerd in het gezaghebbende Britse medisch vakblad The Lancet, sprak in oktober 2006 van wel 650.000 Iraakse doden sinds de val van Saddam Hussein.

De particuliere organisatie Iraq Body Count daarentegen gaat uit van minder dan 50.000 doden tot juni 2006, gebaseerd op alleen doden die door media zijn gemeld en door andere bronnen zijn bevestigd, zoals Iraakse statistieken.

Analisten hebben kritiek op de officiële Iraakse cijfers omdat sterfgevallen buiten de hoofdstad Bagdad vaak niet worden geregistreerd.

Saddam heeft minder Irakezen gedood.

31-01-2008, 08:41
Saddam heeft minder Irakezen gedood.

hieronder een artikel uit 2006
toen was het aantal al het dubbele van wat Saddam in ruim 20 jaar bij elkaar had gemoord...

blijkbaar gaan die cijfers nu dus nog een keer over de kop

denk dat ze nu toch wel vrijheid en democratie volgens de westerse regels zullen gaan waarderen......

Iraq war death toll may be more than in 25 years of Saddam brutality
Astonishing new on-the-ground research published in todayís edition of The Lancet by a US university team suggests that an estimated 655,000 Iraqis may have died since the 2003 US-led invasion ñ people who would otherwise be alive today.
The survey compares mortality rates before and after the war from 47 randomly chosen areas in Iraq. The overall fatality figure is far higher than estimates by official sources or the number of deaths reported in the media and by other lobby or academic groups.
Even at the extremes of statistical variability, the death figure extrapolated from the verified data ñ interviews in which claims and causes of death were matched against death certificates and confirmed reports ñ would be some 300,000 people
The research findings were immediately dismissed by supporters of the war in Iraq, including US President George W Bush. They have also begun to cause outrage in the Muslim world.
Church opponents of the war are saying that it highlights the extraordinary catastrophe of a conflict which was supposed to be about eliminating a dictatorship, backing human rights, promoting democracy and ensuring regional and global security.
John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHBSPH) estimate that the mortality rates have more than doubled since the invasion to overthrow Saddam Hussein, causing an average of 500 deaths a day.
It sis being suggested that more people may have died in three years than in 25 years of the brutal Saddam Hussein dictatorship. Tonight anti-war activists described the findings as ìdisgracefulî.
In the recent past, President Bush has put the civilian death toll in Iraq at 30,000. Only hours after details of the latest research were published he dismissed the methodology as ìpretty well discreditedî.
But John Hopkins researchers argue their statistical approach is more reliable than counting dead bodies, given the obstacles preventing more comprehensive fieldwork in the violent and insecure conditions of Iraq, reports the BBC.
Researchers spoke to almost 1,850 families, comprising more than 12,800 people in dozens of 40-household clusters around the country. Of the 629 deaths they recorded among these families since early 2002, 13% took place in the 14 months before the invasion and 87% in the 40 months afterwards.
A trend like this repeated nationwide would indicate a rise in annual death rates from 5.5 per 1,000 to 13.3 per 1,000 - meaning the deaths of some 2.5% of Iraq's 25 million citizens in the last three-and-a-half years. It is the extrapolation that will occasion interpretatative disputes about assumptions and margins of error.
The survey updates earlier research using the same "cluster" technique which indicated that 100,000 Iraqis had died between the invasion and April 2004 - a figure also published in the respected medical journal The Lancet. This was also dismissed by many supporters of the US-led coalition.
Critics point to the discrepancy between this and other independent surveys (such as Iraq Body Count's figure of 44-49,000 civilian deaths, based on media reports), but the Bloomberg School team says its method may actually underestimate the true figure.
The survey claims that most of the extra deaths - 601,000 - would have been the result of violence, mostly gunfire, and suggests that 31% could be attributable to action by US-led coalition forces.

source: Iraq war death toll may be more than in 25 years of Saddam brutality | Ekklesia (http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/content/news_syndication/article_061012wardead.shtml)

31-01-2008, 13:38
"Well at least those people died as free people, that's better them being opressed by a cruel dicatator."

Is het meest waarschijnlijke antwoord van Bush.

31-01-2008, 13:54
