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View Full Version : Interview Marloes Coenen in Rogue Magazine

Shooto Holland
09-08-2008, 15:33
Klik HIER (http://www.roguemag.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=374&Itemid=86) om het interview te lezen..



09-08-2008, 15:37
Leuk interview!

The Bulldog
09-08-2008, 16:24
top...mag lijen dat ze die carano even oprolt...

09-08-2008, 16:43
"Q. Is Gina over-rated? Is she really that good—what are your thoughts?
A. I will not talk trash about girls who step into the ring. For two reasons, I think it will say something about me and second we women have to team up. There are still enough people out there who think women can't fight. As for Gina. I can say one thing and that is that if I face her the audience will win. Because I will make it a hell of a fight and I think she has to prove that she can also fight spectacular when she has got a woman facing her with a different record than the women she has faced before."

Super antwoord. Maar toch gaat Marloes haar aanpakken!

09-08-2008, 16:49
leuk interview.

Let wel op haar (Gina) gewicht als je een gevecht tegen haar aanneemt :D

10-08-2008, 09:27
thanks martijn