View Full Version : NASA Offering Free Zero Gravity Flights

31-01-2009, 14:17
NASA is offering free zero-g flight time (http://techfragments.com/news/347/Science/NASA_Offering_Zero_Gravity_For_Free.html) for anyone with a viable proposal for emerging space technologies. While NASA will provide the flight time, approved projects will be responsible for all other expenses.

"NASA's Facilitated Access to the Space Environment for Technology Development and Training, or FAST, program helps emerging technologies mature through testing in a reduced gravity environment. To prepare technologies for space applications, it is important to demonstrate they work in a zero-gravity environment. This unique testing environment can be provided in an aircraft flying repeated parabolic trajectories which create brief periods of zero gravity. The aircraft also can simulate reduced-gravity levels similar to those found on the surface of the moon or Mars."

31-01-2009, 16:17
die kerel van virgin volgend daar ook zag ik gister.. ff 200k ophoesten