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View Full Version : De toekomst van Satoshi Ishii

Il Loco
15-02-2009, 23:03
Na eerst een UFC contract aangeboden te hebben gekregen, heeft Ishii toch zijn twijfels over welke keuze's hij zal moeten maken;

Former Olympic champion in Judo Satoshi Ishii has made a big splash on the MMA scene without even having his first professional fight under his belt. Yesterday there were reports that Ishii’s first choice the UFC have offered him a contract as of last Friday, a night before the big UFC 94 event in which Ishii was also in attendance. Now there is word that Ishii has stalled with his negotiations with the UFC and could also be looking for an offer from Affliction.

According to a report from Nightmare of Battle (http://nightmareofbattle.wordpress.com/2009/02/03/satoshi-ninja-ishii-interested-in-affliction-too/) Ishii has made it known that he wants to hear from other MMA promotions before making a potential career decision as he plans to move to the US and train all around the world in an attempt to have an effective all around MMA fighting game.
“Ishii is moving to the U.S. at the end of February to start training with American Top Team. He is also planning to train in Brazil with Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira as he was invited there by him at UFC 94. He also had some contact with LYOTO (or his father) while there, because of his Japanese origin or something.”

“And the most important news, Ishii is putting contract negotiations with the UFC on hold for now. As a professional he wants to hear the talk of various organizations. He especially mentioned Affliction and mentioned both Fedor and Sylvia. However, he said that right now the UFC is still the first candidate.” according to Nightmare of Battle.

After verbally accepting to fight for DREAM late last year, Ishii decided to bow out and not take that offer and has decided to fly out west to the United States of America where he has now aligned himself with the famed American Top Team camp down in Coconut Creek, Florida and is now possibly planning on talking to several other promotions before making a final decision, but going to talk to Affliction may lead to him getting the door shut on him by the UFC as we all know how Dana White feels about his rival MMA promotion.

However; Ishii is a young man only 22 years old and is trying to be really cautious in his choice decisions, but his best bet may just be to sign with the UFC as there is still no certainty as to what could happen to Affliction down the line later this year and hopefully beyond, but that is just my opinion.

Bron: http://urdirt.com/2009/02/04/ishii-looking-at-other-offers-possibly-from-affliction/

Overigens kan Tito zijn borst ook nat maken, want damn wat heeft deze gast een gigantisch hoofd, hij is sowieso een echte heavyweight;




Ik denk dat met wat goede training deze Ishii zeer ver zal komen, zijn Judo achtergrond geeft hem in elk geval al een zeer groot voordeel. En aan bovenstaande foto te zien heeft hij een bruine band BJJ. Ik denk dat dit over een jaar of twee een grote naam zal zijn.

Zijn road to UFC filmpje;

16-02-2009, 09:41
Hij is wel een black belt hoor(judo)
Hij is de winnaar van de olympische spelen 2008 100+ categorie

Ik denk met de juiste training voor standup en voor jiu jitsu dat deze Satoshi ishii een hele grote kan worden.

16-02-2009, 10:16
Hij is wel een black belt hoor(judo)
Hij is de winnaar van de olympische spelen 2008 100+ categorie

Zou ook een beetje gek zijn als een gele bander olympisch kampioen werd...:confused:

16-02-2009, 10:55
haha ja inderdaad

16-02-2009, 11:20
Ja hij is een blackbelt in judo, maar volgens mij is hij een bruine bander BJJ.... Dus er lijkt me niets vreemds verder aangezien die foto waarschijnlijk dan na een BJJ training gemaakt zal zijn?

16-02-2009, 11:36
Excuses ik las verkeerd, hij is idd een brown belt in bjj:fp: