View Full Version : Training in the daytime-Hague

28-08-2009, 11:02

Probably because of my very poor Dutch, I haven't been able to find a gym that has lessons during the mornings/daytime.

I've just moved to den Haag and I'm open to all ideas about a dojo with morning training...

The "style" doesn't really matter as long as the teacher is good.

Dank U vriendelijk!

28-08-2009, 11:42
amsterdam is just 30 minutes away, you will find what you are looking for..

28-08-2009, 11:54
It's easier if you say what MA you practise? BJJ, Muay Thai, Karate, ...? And what belt or grade you have at the moment could also help to answer your question.

If it's BJJ you could get in contact with Remco Van Baardewijk. He's a brown belt and teacher from Team Agua (http://team-agua.blogspot.com/), and lives in Den Haag. :)

28-08-2009, 13:37
Thank You very much for the answers.

I have a history of kicking and punching (karate and a bit muaythai), but I'd like to train BJJ etc. As I said, I'm not too picky about the "style" as long as I find a nice place to train...

I'm already old and I'm not gonna win any medals/ attend competitions =)

I only train to feel alive and have fun.


28-08-2009, 13:53
When you like training in a good atmosphere BJJ is an ideal sport for you (offcourse this depends on the team youre in.. but i cant think of BJJ teams with bad atmosphere)

28-08-2009, 17:53
Hmmm I'm not too sure that there are many (or any) BJJ-clubs that have training in the morning. Maybe on Saturdays or Sundays...

29-08-2009, 14:01
Thanks anyway (once again).

I'll just keep on looking and training. I'm sure there are some groups that are training during the day, I just need to find the local evening- and night-workers...


29-08-2009, 15:56
kamakura in de geijnstraat.... is karate kickboks school van gordeau waar je ook overdag kan trainen en op woensdag ook grappling

30-08-2009, 00:01
Team Agua (BJJ/MMA) traint alleen 's avonds (zaterdagmiddag in rotterdam).
Ik geloof dat er bij Dragon Gym overdag getraind wordt in den haag..