View Full Version : Alweer een goede reden om vooral géén hotmeel te gebruiken ...

05-10-2009, 19:16
Neowin has received information regarding a possible Windows Live Hotmail "hack" or phishing scheme where password details of thousands of Hotmail accounts have been posted online.

An anonymous user posted details of the accounts on October 1 at pastebin.com (http://www.pastebin.com/), a site commonly used by developers to share code snippets. The details have since been removed but Neowin has seen part of the list posted and can confirm the accounts are genuine and most appear to be based in Europe. The list details over 10,000 accounts starting from A through to B, suggesting there could be additional lists. Currently it appears only accounts used to access Microsoft's Windows Live Hotmail have been posted, this includes @hotmail.com, @msn.com and @live.com accounts.

If you are a Windows Live Hotmail user Neowin recommends that you change your password and security question immediately.

Bron: http://www.neowin.net/news/main/09/10/05/thousands-of-hotmail-passwords-leaked-online

05-10-2009, 21:12
Ik had hier zo'n doorstuurmail van gekregen.

Vitor Belfort
05-10-2009, 21:17
Tja wel triest dat er zoveel mensen in die phishing-sites trappen.....
Dit heeft weinig te maken met het lekker door een fout van Microsoft als ik het goed lees, maar door een fout van de gebruikers.

Maar goed, ik gebruik lekker gmail en mijn eigen mail!:)

05-10-2009, 21:58

Muay Thai Elite
05-10-2009, 22:48
Ik ga even male checken..

Muay Thai Elite
05-10-2009, 23:00
Oops busted

07-10-2009, 19:23
thx, fixed. En een geheime vraag is echt lame.