Voor de liefhebbers van de Japanse MMA scene, op www.mma-japan.com (Bushido816 op twitter) vallen een hoop interessante dingen te lezen. Degene die de website runt vertaalt regelmatig artikelen/interviews uit Japanse magazines en andere vette dingen zoals stukken uit het boek 'Pride: The Secret Files'.

Een voorbeeld uit een vertaling van de biografie van Sakuraba:

One thing, in my column that appeared in a PURORESU (pro wrestling) magazine, I wrote one thing thinking about it, “Maybe I will go fishing to catch and eat a delicious Mirko.” The fight with Mirko Crocop was finalized just after the column was published. I had just written it as a joke, but now we were really going to fight. Huh? Is this what they call “paying for one’s mistakes?” I see, if it is that, what can I do. I just have to fight. It would have been better if I hadn’t written so much, though.”