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  1. #251
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    Bes Boen is a little beetje koek-koek
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  2. #252
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  3. #253
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    Wat een vermaak dit topic! Zelfs ik heb DVD's met Bas Boon erop. Lekker doorgaan zo Bas! Hoe vaker en uitgebreider je verhaal doet, des te sneller gaan mensen in je geloven. Bas is de profeet van Mixfight

  4. #254
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    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Minotauro View Post
    Wat een vermaak dit topic! Zelfs ik heb DVD's met Bas Boon erop. Lekker doorgaan zo Bas! Hoe vaker en uitgebreider je verhaal doet, des te sneller gaan mensen in je geloven. Bas is de profeet van Mixfight
    Profeet maak jij ervan, ik hoef geen religeuze volgers, boek komt eraan, maak je borst maar nat!

    Top dat je het zo vermakelijk vind!

  5. #255
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Voor mij wel. Jij hebt me anders laten kijken naar de wereld

  6. #256
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Not All Lives Matter, Black Violence, Testosterone, Ego, Mentally Insane! Solution for Gun Control!

    Why did the white people not riot and black people did? This should be the question and the topic in the media but as always the politicians ( and the media they control) are pushing their gun control agenda and others will defend the right to have a gun, both with valid and good arguments. CNN invited a Sandy Hook mother Erica Lafferty talking about her loss and her opinion on guns. No word on how looting a supermarket and electronic stores could ease the emotional pain because a white police guy shot a well-known criminal like Brown. At the same time this incident happened a 9 year old black school kid was killed in a drive by shooting committed by a black gunman (not in the news). Very few would like to take responsibility for our self for our own actions and behavior, we like to point finger and blame others...

    The Ego of the Human male. Black Lives Matter movement is Biased! What can the media do?

    The recent African American shooter had a midlife identity crisis. A black gay man watching gay porn feeling rejected. Filing a law suit against his former boss and was drowning away in a pool of negativity. He tried to identify with other victims who are treated unfairly with the Charleston shooter ( delusional drug using white boy being brainwashed) and his final despicable act was to be famous and be known and heard of on TV. The parents and people in his surroundings could have pushed the alarm button, this failure of society was a born looser the moment he dropped out of his mother’s vagina. A freak of nature a mistake, you could see his freckled up face and picked eyebrows with no emotions in his eyes, just emptiness and sexual frustration and.................

    Read More Here: http://basboon.com/?p=5737

  7. #257
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Media’s Isis “Abu” the New Bin Laden. Where are the Dead Baby pictures from Iraq, Syria and Yemen? Tsunami of migrants!

    The picture of a three year old dead drawn Syrian refugee boy washed ashore on the Turkey coast has been printed on every FrontPage newspaper and magazine in the world. CNN, BBC every media group in the world will make sure you have that image imprinted in your head.

    The result of the madness policies of the US, Saudi Arabia and Turkey to bomb Syria, Yemen and Iraq has led to an exodus of refugees, fortune seekers and Isis members from these countries. The real reason is to deliberately destabilize Syria to get rid of Assad, regardless of how many refugees and dead babies this will cause. The Western and US media needs to get the mass public opinion on their sides, the dead baby picture which made headlines around the world does the trick ( perfect timing as well) it even makes European families take entire Syrian refugee families in their home. I cannot imagine the long term outcome to have a whole strange Muslim family in my Atheist home or how they would integrate in the house of my Christian neighbors?
    I cannot even stand my own family staying longer than a week and seeing my girlfriend during a holiday for 2 weeks seeing each other 24 hours a day without it leading to some serious tension and arguments. What about going to work and leaving your home with a Syrian refugee family? What about my love for heavy metal which I like to play really loud in my home, or my love for porn videos? I might be able to make the baby room available for functioning as a prayer room for the Muslim refugees. For some reason Allah is not listening again and is on the side of the war mongering psychopaths of the religious insane retards such as Isis and Al Qaeda. Allah loves the US and western bomber pilots and drone operators and is having orgasms by the images of dead baby pictures in the mass media. Let’s look at some recent historical events.

    What we should know about Syria and Iraq is........................

    Read More Here: http://basboon.com/?p=5775

  8. #258
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    Sep 2004

    Default Woman+child hit by Muslim immigrants in her car,other car drives in attackers,Germany

    Woman+child hit by Muslim immigrants in her car,other car drives over attackers,Germany War Zone ‪#‎religionofpeace‬: https://shariaunveiled.wordpress.com...-mob-of-musl…/ … …

  9. #259
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Nothing Found

    Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post.

    Linkje is dood.

  10. #260
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Je beoogde filmpje even bekeken. De link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=3&v=iVbLiAAkIag

    Kwam ook deze bron' tegenclaimed dat het om een ruzie tussen turken en koerden in zwitserland gaat.


    Geen idee wat het precies is, maar lijkt me dat je iets beter onderzoek naar die filmpjes kan doen bas.

  11. #261
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by basboon View Post
    Woman+child hit by Muslim immigrants in her car,other car drives over attackers,Germany War Zone ‪#‎religionofpeace‬: https://shariaunveiled.wordpress.com...f-musl…/ … …
    Acording debunkers the brutal attack took place in Switzerland:

    The implication of the title was that this was immigrants attacking a local in Germany. In fact it was a bunch of Kurds fighting a bunch of Turks in Switzerland. Again I ask you, why do you think that right wing websites are making up lies and posting bullshit stories attached to videos and photos that have nothing to do with the claimed event?

    Yeah Kurds and Turks are "no immigrants and Muslim" in Switzerland, I guess then it makes it OK then, morons. Germany will be getting far far worse then this! Yeah this is such a lie, immigrants don't fight and rape! The BBC broadcasting a crawling toddler on her knees (Irish red haired) in front of a police squadron looking for a tear gas grenade that's the news , I never claimed it was in Germany. My text Germany is going to be a war zone! Switzerland the language is German , I can understand the confusion, it does not really matter does it!

    OOOOHH spooky the event took place not in Germany according another source but in neighboring Switzerland were the population speak German. !Then the right scoop goes on rambling if we don't know it were legal or illegal immigrants. If they were legal it makes the crime and future much worse, who gave these psychopaths animals a legal status, should be hanged. I thought you would accuse the film-director of using Jewish crises actors?

    Part of my title said only: Germany War Zone and it will be. Sure the link comes from a website which claimed it happened to be in Germany, well they were close, German speaking neighbors, that makes the madness not less. Why do you think that left wing Mass Media show a dead drawn Syrian boy picture ( ooh wait the boy was moved by a photographer to shoot a more dramatic picture and moved the drowned boy to another place, so its bias?) on the worldwide front pages a few days many countries vote for bombing in Syria or not? You think if you show the 1400 % increase in rape cases in Sweden and all the riots and fights and rapes which comes with the "refugees" migrants in the mass media, the public opinion is still: welcome migrants/refugees with open arms?

    My previous blog was exactly about this, were are all the dead babies from Syria, Iraq etc, more then 500.000 death children in over a decade not one of these death children was on the front page of the worldwide media, finally we she a death drowned boy on the front pages worldwide a week for many countries have to vote to bomb Assad , Oepps pardon ik bedoel Isil.
    Last edited by anoniem gg; 22-09-2015 at 06:48.

  12. #262
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    Sep 2004


    Migrant Propaganda,Political Correct Psychopaths speeding up World War III between Muslims and the West!

    BBC is pushing the same agenda, every picture we see in the media is deliberately chosen and ,journalists are instructed to find woman and children, but children and especially little infants are targeted for the perfect shot to bring home the guilt to the West, live drama reality TV. It’s getting so bad that the Photoshop division from the BBC portrayed a crawling baby (looks Irish), the baby crawls on his knees in front of a huge squadron of riot police officers. Look mommy says the crawling toddler in baby mumble language, I am trying to find tear gas grenades, you want me to throw them back if I find the tear grass grenades mommy? Hollywood would not even come up with this as it’s so over the top it makes former Hitler’s propaganda minister Goebbels look like a saint. ( see picture in link below its hilarious).

    Welcome to the Jungle a recipe for disaster in Syria!
    Ten nations are bombing Syria for peace! Bombing for Peace, soon we can watch live WW3 on our TV’s, EUROPE, US, UK, vs other side IRAN, RUSSIA, ASSAD all to protect Syria, fighting Assad I mean Isis. Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Kurds also involved to make the circus complete! US demands Russians to stay out of the conflict it’s only the US and allies who determine who gets bombed and removed from power! For us a TV audience I suggest to the war mongering psychopath nations and fighting religious groups in Syria to create a different color Mohawk for every group who is doing some slaughtering for peace in Syria , so we can gamble on which group will win, while eating popcorn and drinking cola watching the spectacle unfold on a 84 inch TV live satellite feed! The ten “mature’ nations can then blame Assad and Isis for the coming world war, they only wanted peace by bombing! The Japanese are no longer pacifist and announced and voted they will join the allied forces for overseas military operations (great timing, just what the world needs). North Korea respond that the Japanese announcement is a great threat and it justifies their military buildup. All on top of all the warmongering other nations who are creating a recipe for disaster, war is coming and it’s going to be more ugly than ever before and better documented than ever before, welcome to the freak show and...

    Read Here: http://basboon.com/?p=5799

  13. #263
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Wat je nog even had kunnen vermelden bij de asielzoeker die door de camera vrouw werd getackeld is dat er aanwijzingen zijn dat ie lid van de terreurorganisatie al-Nusra is.

  14. #264
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    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by blackadder View Post
    Wat je nog even had kunnen vermelden bij de asielzoeker die door de camera vrouw werd getackeld is dat er aanwijzingen zijn dat ie lid van de terreurorganisatie al-Nusra is.
    Lees hele blog, staat veel meer in als dat alleen!

  15. #265
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    dan dat alleen. Kom op, je bent toch geen Martin Vrijland?

  16. #266
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    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Minotauro View Post
    dan dat alleen. Kom op, je bent toch geen Martin Vrijland?
    Martin Vrijland? Die heeft toch bij lange na niet dezelfde levenservaring als Bas Boon? Laat staan Sarcasme en humor!

  17. #267
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    Sep 2004


    Who’s Bombing Who in Syria? Propaganda,Media’s ISIS and “Assad” The New Epiphany of Terror!

    Here comes Putin; he actually starts bombing these bunch of savages Rebels former Al Qaeda/ ISIS scum and within one week reports start emerging regarding Isis having heavy losses and feeling that the country is being deserted, like cockroaches. Immediately the propaganda starts, images emerge in Mass Media after first Russian bombarded, that civilians and rebels were targeted. The images were propaganda and it was easy to prove by the Russians that it was propaganda and fake, as the footage was already broadcast-ed before the first Russian bombardment even started, they ( Media Manipulators) just could not wait! Surely the problem with bombing countries will cause many innocent victims. How embarrassing that a few days after the U.S and the West blamed Russia for not targeting ISIS, the U.S. bombs an Afghan hospital into oblivion. The hospital located in Afghanistan’s Kanduz stood no chance and innocent victims literally burned to death in their hospital beds. so far 22 deaths have been reported and many more wounded, Oeeeepsss.

    Mass Media In Control, Look At Their Sources!!
    Let’s see were CNN and BBC and other MASS Media get their news from, the source.
    Amanpour is regularly on CNN bombarding other state officials with what they think that Assad should stay in power after killing 100.000 people (always a round figure, miracle tally devices used). In the 13 months that America is bombarding now Amanpour claim Assad killed 250.000 people, her sources have always great round figures, like my blog about Amanpour’s CNN documentary the King of Bulgaria who saved 50.000 Jews ( Jew saving round figure, just a coincidence). In that blog I expose the Jewish writer ,publisher, author and royalty maker for not being quite accurate with his information, to say it mildly, you are very sleepy , sleepyyy , sleepyyyyyy and...

    Read More Here: http://basboon.com/?p=5847

  18. #268
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    Sep 2004


    My Existence Purpose Is To Live This Treasures Life To The Fullest, Humor, Laugh, Explore, Fun, Health, Sport, Being Productive,Inventive And Adventures, Science. I Do Not Care Or Want To Put Energy Or Be Busy Where I Came From ( My Mothers Womb Last Time I Checked) Or What Is The Purpose Of Life, Mine Is Perfect, With Beach-walks, Yoga, Kickboxing, Health Food, Sauna, Swim. If I came From Apes, Bacteria, Aliens Or Even If God Made My GRAND GRAN GRAND GRAND Father It Would Not Change A Thing For Me, Still Would Do What I Do Today. What I Would Not Do I Spend Minimum Of 3 Hours A Day Talking To The Invincible Man In The Sky, Not Productive And Waste Of Time, Form Of Mentally Illness If You Ask Me. We Know What Is Wrong Or Right, How Your Been raised By Your Parents Your Environment. ( Try To Be raised By Ted Bundy Or Charles Manson)You Think It Is Good For Moral And Law To Brainwash A Child/Person That The Afterlife Is Better And You Get Rewards Like 72 Virgins As Long As You Do Some Self Exploding And Kill Innocent Humans In The Process? Do You Think It Is Moral That Religion Like Christianity Let You Do A Confession To Be Forgiven By God/Priest As Long As You Are A Member Of Christianity? Hello Priest I just Raped 5 Woman And A Child. That's Not Nice Son, Don't Do It Again, Jesus Forgives You. Day Later Hello Priest Same Man I Raped Your Sister And Murdered You Mother, Don't Do That Again Son Say 3 x Sorry And Jesus Forgive You. I Must Do Nothing, I Choose Freely To Help My Fellow Human Beings: In Line, My Children First Then Family, Then Friends And Sometimes Strangers Or Victims Of A Disasters. I Do This Because Of Empathy, But Not Because I Must, It Gives A Good feeling To My Ego. You Think It is OK To Teach Children They Burn Forever In Hell, Death Punishments On Leaving A Faith? Death Cult Bulshit, Not For Me, I Live My Paradise Life Right Now Here On Earth. If You Are Wrestling With The Question Of Life And Purpose And Others Tell You: You Can Find This In Religion, Whatever Works For You, It Does Not Make It True!

  19. #269
    Join Date
    May 2011


    It's okay to be white

  20. #270
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    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by e-type View Post
    Ik Had Kunnen Verwachten Dat Muslims Caps Locks Ook Vervelend Vinden, zal het niet meer doen..

  21. #271
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by basboon View Post
    Who’s Bombing Who in Syria? Propaganda,Media’s ISIS and “Assad” The New Epiphany of Terror!

    Here comes Putin; he actually starts bombing these bunch of savages Rebels former Al Qaeda/ ISIS scum and within one week reports start emerging regarding Isis having heavy losses and feeling that the country is being deserted, like cockroaches. Immediately the propaganda starts, images emerge in Mass Media after first Russian bombarded, that civilians and rebels were targeted. The images were propaganda and it was easy to prove by the Russians that it was propaganda and fake, as the footage was already broadcast-ed before the first Russian bombardment even started, they ( Media Manipulators) just could not wait! Surely the problem with bombing countries will cause many innocent victims. How embarrassing that a few days after the U.S and the West blamed Russia for not targeting ISIS, the U.S. bombs an Afghan hospital into oblivion. The hospital located in Afghanistan’s Kanduz stood no chance and innocent victims literally burned to death in their hospital beds. so far 22 deaths have been reported and many more wounded, Oeeeepsss.
    Ja dat was zo klaar als een klontje. Opeens hadden we een zogenaamd Syrisch vrij leger waar we ons zorgen om moesten maken.

    Wat een poppenkast!
    Last edited by cornelus; 22-10-2015 at 21:03.

  22. #272
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    Sep 2004


    James Bond 007 And The Paris Terrorist Attack, "NWO" Makes Moves Towards WWIII. Turkey IS Buying Oil From Isis, Russia Bombing Oil Tankers,

    In the new James Bond 007 Movie Spectre our beloved secret agent is fighting against a criminal organization who is on the verge of controlling the world with the introduction and membership of a global surveillance and security system (today’s New World Order/Globalist). Our beloved 007 actor Daniel Craig is fighting the ultimate bad guy Christoph Walz who also played the sadistic Nazi SS commander in Quinton Tarrantino’s movie “Inglorious Bastards” and “Django Unchained”. The story of the new Bond Movie is actually interesting as it portrays a perfect scenario which paints a portrait of reality on the world’s so called war on terror today.

    SPECTRE – Special Executive For Counter-Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion
    Quote George Bush: Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorist

    No other option available, actually Bush in a Morbid way could have played the villain in a perfect psychopath way, George’s diabolic smile reminds me of that from Christoph Walz ( in some movie scene’s they look like each other) the scene in the movie Inglorious Bastards where Walz points out hidden Jews in an underground cellar comes to mind ( just picture Bush with that Nazi SS Outfit long black coat with Nazi Officer SS hat).
    The reason I am making a comparison between the recent Paris Islamic Terror Attack and the new Bond Movie Spectre is the following. In the Spectre movie all countries have to unanimously decide to agree with the new policies and hand over all their sources and agree with the new delusional power-seeking new leader of the world. The Nation South African does not agree to become a member of Spectre, so the deal is off. Two days later an unprecedented horrific terror attack causes death and fear in the Capital of South Africa, which leads to the South African Government to join the Spectre Organization.

    Paris Terrorist Attack False Flag?......

    Read More Here: http://basboon.com/?p=5893

  23. #273
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    Sep 2004


    Christmas Sheep, Kardashian Ass Spell, Turkey Vagina….

    Ahum you want a what? An acquaintance of mine was telling me the other day that his new girlfriend wanted labia surgery. I had to look that up, it turns out some girls/woman’s vagina change over time, they want a designer vagina. Some use stitches and make the vagina smaller, in the case of my friends gf she wanted to have an overflow of skin removed. My friend showed me a photo of her vagina that looked like a rooster’s/turkeys neck. In Holland we have a name for such vagina’s we call them a kukelekuu ( kukelekuu it’s a sound that a rooster makes in the morning, referring to the red thing vibrating on the roosters throat). It is mind boggling to me how those vagina’s turned in to those strange hanging pile of over sized “rooster” lips. It makes you wonder how the hell they got their vagina’s like that? Did they put a hoover on their genitals for getting an orgasm, did their former boyfriend did some very strange things, those are some spooky thoughts. I mean I do not know any babies who are born with a “rooster’ vagina, so it must have happened over time. My friend told me they got so big he could not even find her opening anymore. That’s is some creepy shit I told him and I felt for him. I live in Pattaya and in the Bangkok hospital people come from all over the world, transsexuals who want their penises removed, make penises bigger, bigger breast it’s all possible against a tenth of the price of Hollywood. So girls if you created this big pile of wild flesh hanging in between you’r legs, it’s easy to be removed and it’s called Labia Surgery. Guys if you are irritated by this deformation of your female companion’s vagina, give her a hospital cunt gift certificate for Christmas. You will always think about this comparison ( Turkey/Rooster neck with vagina) while eating a Turkey for the rest of your lives).

    You thought that was crazy read more here: http://basboon.com/?p=1976

  24. #274
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    Sep 2004


    Je Suis un Leftard, CNN’s “Front-Line Belgium” Exposed, Islamic Muslim Terrorist Censorship in Mass Media

    Quote: Geraldin was sick of masturbating, my former husband left me when I reached 122Kg. Then I met Mohammed at least Mohammed was honest he said he had multiple wives, but that was ok according his religion. He had 12 other kids with 4 woman who were all overweight and had an attention disorder. Mohammed was unemployed and had no money so he would please the Belgium woman fat pig community who loved any little attention they could get. In the next two years Mohammed became really violent towards these woman as he could not stand all the crying babies. So he left Molenbeek and Brussels to seek some fat Western woman in Hamburg Germany to spread some social love there, but ending up in prison on rape charges. The Muslim babies grew up on welfare without a father and then developed a split personality overtime being educated by the Molenbeek Islamic Death Cult and listening to Imams at local Mosques. The Muslim grown-ups now started to commit armed robbery and travel to Syria, recently the media would picture some of the terrorist as Alcoholic party animals who smoked dope and visited whores, like the Mohammed Atta gang in the 9/11 event. This is important for the press because then other Muslims can say well they are not real Muslims because they drink alcohol and use drugs.

    The perfect Moroccan Victim is interviewed next in the Front Line Belgium Documentary,

    The “Moroccan Victim” speaks perfect English and clearly has had an education. He got arrested by a special terrorist squad and he explains he does not understand why he was arrested? Read More Here: http://basboon.com/?p=5928

  25. #275
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    Kyk apartheid was so sleg nie, jy leef geskei maar met respekt, net so als jy respekt hebt voor het dier in de wei so heb jy respekt voor die ander. Maar dan hoef jy nog nie vrienden te sein. Je bedoel dieselfde maar jy snapt mekaar gewoon nie he. My voorvaders kom gedeeltelik uit Suid Afrika, sei kom daar ook oorspronklik vandaan, nou apartheid is afgeskaf die is puinzooi.
    Last edited by Hidde; 10-04-2016 at 02:23.


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