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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default McGregor verdacht van brute verkrachting

    Dit artikel schijnt om hem te gaan:


    Blijkbaar heeft hij de vrouw van de beste vriend van het broertje van zijn vriendin bruut (anaal) met geweld verkracht nadat hij al 2 dagen wakker was Vd coke.

    Mocht dit waar zijn - iets wat ik zeker niet uitsluit - dan denk en hoop ik dat zijn ufc carrière klaar is en dat hij voor lange tijd de bak in gaat.

    Hier een verhaal van iemand die claimt een insider te zijn:

    I felt compelled to register and provide some clarity on the issue.

    I am from Dolphins Barn and know Ward and the rest of the goons McGregor hangs around with. Most of them are from the Kinahan Cartel which formed from 'ghettos' of South Dublin around Dolphins Barn, Crumlin and Driminagh. The Kinahan Cartel control the supply of cocaine into most of western Europe and the organization is said to be worth close to a billion euros.

    For the last few years McGregor has been hanging out with the Cartel, riding in convoys with them, partying with them and generally acting like a gangster.

    The victim was absolutely terrified to go to the police and to make an official statement because of the people McGregor associated with. I know a lot of these guys from growing up and I definitely can't blame her. They are vicious, ruthless and violent thugs who wouldn't think twice about shooting anyone who crossed them.

    Now I understand this is a MMA forum so there are going to be people who flat out wont believe that McGregor did this however it is utterly deplorable to even suggest that the victim is making this up for a payday as I have seen alluded to here. In the words of a Gardai (police officer) talking to the press 'she had suffered a severe hiding and specialist tests indicate that this woman suffered something even far worse' So honestly if you don't want to believe your favorite MMA fighter did this then that's fine (although you are wrong) but do not for one second claim the victim is anything but a victim. She suffered a severe beating, was anally raped and arrived in hospital in bloodstained clothing and in a hysterical state.

    McGregor has been off the deep end in Dublin ever since Mendes. Anyone in Dublin will tell you this. It's a small city and word travels fast. The guy has been off his head on cocaine for years now. I have been at house parties on three occasions where he was snorting into 10am the next day. Even 2-3 years ago you could tell the guy was manic. Literally snorting line after line and talking manically. Cheating on his missus all the time in Dublin, literally at parties full of people without a care in the world. Back then everyone liked him though and had respect for him.

    That slowly started to change. It started with the incident at the Black Forge Pub, a popular pub in Crumlin. McGregor comes in with some Kinahan associated tool and gets a drink or two before violently attacking another group who his friend had an issue with from awhile back. A regular at the bar, mid 50s tried to pull them apart and McGregor clattered him and would have kept going if he wasn't dragged away. Well that older gentleman was the father of a known hit for hire in Dublin. The son was absolutely livid. He wanted McGregor's head and even the Kinahan's were struggling to calm him down. I don't actually know if the 900k payment is true or not but I'll tell you something, that hit for hire is a renowned lunatic and he was absolutely fuming. I am not sure how McGregor got out of that one but a payment wouldn't surprise me.

    At this stage McGregor is doing cocaine all the fucking time. John Kavanagh is struggling to even train him and is drifting, he's going out to nightclubs with about 20 of his goons and then going to afterparties going into the next day. His goons are acting up all the time and actually ended up robbing from a lot of the after parties that Conor went to. Conor is belligerent on the cocaine and just doesn't stop talking, he switches from fun and jovial to aggressive in a snap.

    This is all antagonized by the people he is now hanging around with 24/7. Some of the most violent and dangerous thugs to come out of Dublin's south inner city. Why the fuck was McGregor hanging out with them? As a local from that area I can tell you that McGregor didn't know them before and in fact didnt even live in Crumlin for his teenage years. He actively sought out the friendship of a gang that has literally killed dozens upon dozens of people in the last few years. Funnily enough a lot of the guys he hangs around with have charges for violence against women. Some of those same guys were in the Beacon Hotel on the night of the 'alleged' incident. But lets get to that later.

    McGregor starts getting increasingly volatile around Dublin. He jumps a cage and assaults a referee while off his head on cocaine at a local MMA event, he starts going on 3 day benders around the city. At this stage McGregor's cocaine habit is well known around Dublin. He is literally riding anything and everything, including Dee's friends. Again this is widely known around Dublin.

    People from Crumlin and Dolphin's Barn actually start to say that he's a bit of a dope. That he is so mad out of it on the bag all the time that hes a pain in the ass. He will go for days and will call at random times in the morning off his head looking to continue the party. People from my area that once thought that McGregor was a god start to snigger a little. 'He's tapped' they would say with a chuckle.

    McGregor goes to NY, he throws a dolly through a bus window, gets arrested the next day, Stays in America for awhile to try straighten out a bit but soon returns to Ireland where he falls back into old habits.

    The Khabib fight happens, McGregor loses. He goes on a fucking a bender for weeks. Cocaine and partying nearly every night of the week in Dublin. He's drinking, hes doing cocaine, hes started to become psychotic, aggressive and manic from the prolonged cocaine use. I heard many people that saw him over the course of December describe him as bug eyed or looking wild.

    His second child is born. McGregor is the Dolphin Barn's flats on a bender with a bird, hes getting coke delivered throughout the day. He gets news Dee is in labor and what does he do? Continues to do coke and try to bust his nut with this girl. Eventually he leaves and turns up at the hospital off his head. Not long after hes back partying again.

    McGregor has been lost for a long time now and anyone in Dublin will tell you that. He absolutely abuses cocaine and he is absolutely capable of brutally assaulting someone. The company he keeps are some of the most violent people in Dublin city.

    The night in question that is the subject of this topic. Yes it was Conor. The girl was sexually assaulted and physically assaulted, at one stage Conor was even choking her. She was bloodied and according to a friend who knows the family she was sodimized. She had turned down Conor's advances and embarrassed him in front of gangland goons and when she slapped him he exploded in a rage.

    This is coming from someone who loved McGregor, who came from an area around the corner from where McGregor once lived, who has met McGregor and knows many of his current friends personally. I could write so so much more on what McGregor has done in Dublin but its best just to stick to whats in the public domain.

    Last edited by my2cents; 25-01-2019 at 09:16.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    oeps. als dat waar is? maar misschien fake nieuws van zijn tegenstanders.

    dit nieuws is ook al een paar weken oud dan zou het nu wel bevestigd zijn toch?
    Last edited by micha; 25-01-2019 at 10:17.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by micha View Post
    oeps. als dat waar is? maar misschien fake nieuws van zijn tegenstanders.

    dit nieuws is ook al een paar weken oud dan zou het nu wel bevestigd zijn toch?
    De kranten zijn blijkbaar heel voorzichtig om dit naar buiten te brengen, maar ik verwacht dat het een dezer dagen wel groot in het nieuws komt. Het is al inderdaad een tijdje geleden gebeurd (begin Dec), maar ik geloof dat ze eerst misschien geen aangifte wilde doen (wat ze inmiddels wel heeft gedaan). Ook heeft Conor al DNA afgestaan las ik.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Verbaasd me niet als zelfs hij hier mee weg komt,weet niet wat die gast moet doen om eindelijk eens een keer aangepakt te worden.volgens mij al pleegt hij een terroristische aanslag in Dublin en hij eist het op komt hij er nog mee weg ongelooflijk wat hij allemaal al geflikt heb.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Mocht dit waar zijn en groot in het nieuws komt dat hij dit bij een meisje van 20 heeft gedaan, dan denk ik toch echt dat het voorbij is voor hem. Maar goed, we gaan het zien inderdaad.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Wachten maar gewoon af.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Even afwachten inderdaad. Als dit echt waar is en het komt groot in het nieuws. Dan is zijn MMA carrière in Amerika direct klaar.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Eindbaas View Post
    Even afwachten inderdaad. Als dit echt waar is en het komt groot in het nieuws. Dan is zijn MMA carrière in Amerika direct klaar.
    Zeg dat niet te hard.
    Tyson heeft zijn grootste fortuin binnengeharkt nadat hij zijn celstraf voor verkrachting had uitgezeten.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Het zou me niets verbazen, zeker niet na het "dolly" incident. Maar dit verhaal is en levert natuurlijk geen enkel bewijs. Het gaat alleen maar over coke snuiven en andere dingen die "well known" zijn in Dublin(om het verkrachtingsverhaal maar even aan te dikken), maar ook dat is natuurlijk geen bewijs. Niet voor de verkrachting, en niet voor het coke snuiven enz..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by YoMarK View Post
    Het zou me niets verbazen, zeker niet na het "dolly" incident. Maar dit verhaal is en levert natuurlijk geen enkel bewijs. Het gaat alleen maar over coke snuiven en andere dingen die "well known" zijn in Dublin(om het verkrachtingsverhaal maar even aan te dikken), maar ook dat is natuurlijk geen bewijs. Niet voor de verkrachting, en niet voor het coke snuiven enz..


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Wat een verhaal. DNA afgenomen en ik neem aan de ze bij de dame in het ziekenhuis ook wel dna hebben gevonden dus dan zal het snel over zijn.


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