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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default prachtartikel over krachttraining

    Ik wilde dit artikel een tijdje geleden posten, naar aanleiding van een discussie in een andere draad over de verschillende manieren van krachttraining. Ik kon het toen niet vinden, maar ik kom hem net tegen, dus hier post ik hem alsnog.

    In dit artikel wordt goed duidelijk gemaakt waarom het progressive gradual overload system, of wel het systeem waarbij je het trainingsseizoen opdeelt in meerdere blokken en tijdens elk blok een andere krachtverschijningsvorm traint -hypertrofie, max kracht, vermogen, snelkracht etc- NIET GOED WERKT. Toch wordt er vandaag de dag nog veel gebruikt gemaakt van dit systeem, oa in de atletiek en voor revalidatiedoeleinden.

    Het artikel is geschreven door een powerlifter en coach van een powerliftschool, waar ook atleten (track and field, american football, hurdles etc) trainen.
    Last edited by FOCUS; 02-10-2009 at 14:21.
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    "If you have to stop and think, it's too late"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    DON’T CHASE YOUR TAILAs told to Powerlifting USA
    by Louie Simmons
    I am fascinated whenever my pit bull, Jackie, chases his tail. Round and round he goes, going nowhere fast, until he finally realizes he’s right back where he started. But I will give him credit; at least he knows he’s going nowhere fast. My dog attended obedience school for 4 weeks, so maybe he has an ad­vantage over his human counter­parts, i.e., those Ph.D.s in exercise physiology in schools that are still teaching progressive gradual over­load.
    I recently read an article by a U.S. PhD. He described a yearly plan consisting of four phases. The first phase is designed to increase muscle rnass, i.e., hypertrophy, and to increase the training base.
    A point that must be made is that after the end of phase 1, in as little as 2 weeks, your muscle size will start to diminish, by 10-15%, causing in a sense, a detraining effect. The stronger the lifter, the faster this will happen. For example, work your lats or abs intensity for 2 or 3 weeks, Then stop completely. You will notice a great decrease in muscle mass. This does not make much sense to me, and I hope it doesn’t make sense to you either.
    Raising muscle mass, if that is the goal, or raising GPP is not only a yearly goal but a multi-year goal. It can be accomplished by incorporating a dynamic day, on which just one of a variety of special strengths is refined, and a maximal effort day that occurs 72 hours later rising several sets of well-thought-out ­exercises for that particular muscle groups that need strengthening. This can also be accomplished by doing extra workouts during ­the week.
    For max strength, weights from 30 to 100%+ of a 1 rep max are used, which causes a restricted blood supply, resulting in a hard muscle contraction, thus providing a strength gain. The extra workouts that use weight or resistance less than 30% will effect restoration by increasing circulation. Ten extra workouts a week is a normal load. Doing special exercises for the classical lifts will increase your strength and perfect form. Concentrate on only the muscle groups that aid in raising the lift or total. For example, don’t squat, but do special exercise for squatting, such as glute/ham raises, pull-throughs, Reverse Hyper, or belt squats, plus ab work, Also do exercises for flexibility.
    In place of benching, do triceps extensions with a bar, dumbbells, on bands, delt raises, lats, upper back, and external rotation work. With this method, one never stops building muscle mass. Switch exercises that work the same muscles (the conjugate method). This will allow one to constantly build muscle mass, GPP, and SPP.
    According to the article I was reading, phase 2 is the precompetitive phase normally lasting 6 weeks. The Ph.D. now states one must raise top strength or absolute strength. During this phase the lifter concerns himself with rais­ing his squat, deadlift, and bench press using all major exercises, rack work, good mornings, etc.
    Let’s look at an alternative method: the maximal effort method. This incor­porates the conju­gate method: using special exercises that closely resemble the classical lifts. Examples are squatting with special devices, such as the MantaRay or cam­bered
    "If you have to stop and think, it's too late"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    bar, concen­tric work, good mornings, or dead lifts using the con­trast or reactive method. The weights are always 100% plus, depending on your level of preparedness, i.e. how close one is to top lifting form, which incidentally should never drop below 90% of your all-time records.
    The maximal effort method is calculated much like the Bulgarian system, meaning always doing the most possible, even when far from contest time. As you can clearly see, this method allows you to lift your current max every week of the year, not just for a few weeks near one or two contests during the year.
    Well, so far the PhD’s from the US. advocate building muscle mass, then allowing it to disappear after ceasing the hypertrophy phase. This is not training, but detraining. The same happens after phase 2. The Westside method, however, allows one to become larger sad more muscular and stronger all year long.
    The PhD’s classes are now learning phase 3, for explosive strength. This phase again lasts about 6 weeks. For this phase the main goal is to increase bar speed. The weight here reaches 60-85% of a 1 rep max, and they add plyometrics. Then they move into the peaking or contest phase. Here they recommend going from high reps, light weights or high volume, low intensity to heavy weights, low reps, which results in lower volume, but high intensity.
    Controlling volume and intensity is very im­portant. When one does sets with 70, 75, 80, and then 85% for doubles, It is impossible for the lifter to understand what task is the goal. How do you determine if you are lifting with the same effec­tiveness at each percent­age? If the weights are moving at the same max rate of acceleration, all is well, But when the weights are raised that high, this is not possible. Rule of thumb train at intensities of 60%, 70%, 80%, or 90-100%+. Prilepin’s studies of more than l000 Olympic, National, and European champions showed that there is an optimal number of reps at certain percentage ranges(see table). If one uses one percent per work­out the task is easier to realize. Lighter weights are used for explosive and speed strength (6O-80%) and weights of 90% or more for strength speed. It is not advisable to train for two types of strength in one workout.
    Here’s how it’s done. For speed strength use a pendulum wave. During week 1, use 60% for multiple sets: l rep for pulls, 2 reps for the squat, and 3 reps in the bench. Week 2; 65%. Week 3:70%. Then drop back to 60% on week 4 and 65% on week 5. Use 70% on week 6. Then drop bath down again. This is a pendulum wave. This kind of wave is used because one cannot increase in speed or top strength after 3 weeks of increasing the weight. If one continues to increase the weight, the bar speed will suffer dramatically, which must not happen.
    What about absolute strength? Three days separate the dynamic workout and the max effort day. The is because the major muscle groups recuperate In 72 hairs. The max effort workout is performed with the conjugate method. This allows one to lift weights of 100%+ each week. This is possible by switching exercises each week.
    For example, for the squat and deadlift day, week 1, 10-inch low box with the MantaRay; week 2, bent-over good mornings; week 3, 12-inch low box with the Safety Squat bar. For the bench press, week 1, three-board press; week 2, floor press; week 3, Lightened bend press. There are many core exer­cises to choose from. For the Olympic lifter, week 1, snatch grip high pulls; week 2, straight leg power cleans; week 3. cleans from above the knee.
    This method of training allows one to work on weak areas often overlooked by doing the classical lifts. It will also perfect form and coordination. This type of training also allows one to perform extra workouts for strength restoration, and flexibility.
    With the progressive overload method, it is virtually impossible to control the volume.
    "If you have to stop and think, it's too late"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    But, if you train at one percent range, it is easily controlled. To squat 600, we. know that a total volume of 7200 pounds is needed. This is arrived at by using a top percent of 60% and a lower percent of 50%. For example, 50% of 600 = 300 x 12 sets of 2 reps=7200 pounds. On week 3 the weight is 60% of 600 = 360 x 10 sets of 2 reps = 7200. A volume of 9600 is used to squat 800. 50% of 800 = 400 x 12 sets of 2 reps = 9600 pounds. 10 sets of 2 reps with 480 (60%) = 9600 pounds. This works for any squat of any weight. This is called flat loading. During the 3-week wave you also rotate special exercises such as glute/ham raises, pull-throughs, and the Reverse Hyper. In week 1, you are unfamiliar with the exercise that will pro­mote a bigger squat, so the volume is understandably low. By week 3 you have grown familiar with the exercise and the volume grows.

    Number of Reps for Percentage Training
    Percent reps per set optimal total range
    55-65 3-6 24 18-30
    70-75 3-6 18 12-24
    80-85 2-4 15 10-20
    above 90 1-2 7 4-10

    One cannot succeed by doing only the classical lifts. One will cease to make progress. The greater the lifter, the more tasks you need to stimulate progress.
    Progressive gradual overload accomplishes only one goal at a time, while actually detraining the phase you just completed in as fast as 2 or 3 weeks. In addition, after a contest you must start over exactly where you started. But the system Westside has adapted from the old Soviet system allows you to build muscle mass, speed, and absolute strength, perfect form, raise your GPP, increase your flexibility, and provides restoration all year long, year after year. We raise all qualities gradually, never neglecting one for another.
    I am in no way criticizing the Ph.D.s in the United Slates. It is the material in the text books that is terribly outdated and perpetuated to be the truth, when - in fact - it leads nowhere, just like my dog Jackie’s tail chasing. I suggest read­ing books such as Supertraining, which contains, the ideas of many well-respected foreign experts on strength qualities. This book can be purchased from Elite Fitness Sys­tems (888-854-8806). Westside Barbell 614-276-0923
    "If you have to stop and think, it's too late"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Thnx, altijd goed om wat leesvoer te hebben op vrijdagmiddag op het werk

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    ik ga ook nog ff proberen of ik Science and Practice of Strength Training online kan krijgen
    "If you have to stop and think, it's too late"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    top post weer reps...
    Exitus Acta Probat
    don`t cry about shit, take ownership!!!
    hard werken,hard trainen en genieten van het leven!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    is er ook wat over specifieke kracht training voor vechtsport zoals kickboksen en mma?
    Het recht van de sterkste heeft de plicht de zwakkere te helpen

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Thanks Focus!! Reps als het weer kan!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    volgens mij heb ik Science...compleet, ik ga hem van het weekend in het MultiMedia proberen te plaatsen.
    wbt krachttraining specifiek voor kickboksen enz. Daar zijn zeker wel artikelen en boeken over te vinden. Ik ga eens ff snuffelen, want dr zit ook veel bagger -oa van nederlandse bodem- tussen.
    "If you have to stop and think, it's too late"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    wow thx man

    slaap nog half

    zal em strax ff grondig dooremen

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