Cristiane Santos considering offer to show her Cyborgs in Playboy magazine

Strikeforce property Gina Carano may have stuck with her "Convictions" when Playboy magazine came calling, but that doesn't mean another female fight-monger is completely opposed to baring her balloons for the adult publishing empire.
If Carano is the face of women's MMA, then perhaps Santos wants to become its bosom?
From Cyborg, courtesy of
"Actually we are still talking, and I’m thinking about that possibility. After all, only one man saw me naked in my entire life and I have to think deeply about that."
Personally, I'm all for it.
Since I can't get within ten feet of her at any of these events thanks to some ridiculous security protocol that frowns on stalkers and gawkers, this could be my only chance to ogle her goods without getting my ass kicked by that menacing husband of hers.
Anyone besides me want to see what she's offering? I know some of you scaredy-cats won't answer honestly so I've attached a poll for you to retain your precious anonymity.