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  1. #326
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by basboon View Post
    Ik denk dat je het verhaal over Mohammed nog maar eens goed begrijpend moet gaan lezen, hij leefde alles behalve als de fictieve Jezus. Mohammed volgens de Quaran was een warlord die eigenhandig 700 hoofden afhakte en alles afpakte van de joden inclusief grote stukken uit het joodse geloof ( Verhalen uit het Joodsegeloof: zoals Jonas de Walvis en Samson komt tot mijn gedachte: een geloof als Alice in Wonderland net als alle andere geloven).
    Als mensen het geloof gebruiken als geldelijk gewin ( Peace Tv bv) ben je het dus eens dat het beter is om het alleen toe te laten in eigen huis voor jezelf. Geen geschreeuw vanuit een moskee toren en het luiden van een kerk klok of een Paus die met zijn witte jas zieltje loopt te winnen, weg ermee.
    Alle gebedshuizen ombouwen voor de daklozen en verslaafden dan doen ze tenminste echt wat voor de mensen in nood, geen zieltjes winnen, conversies en mensen die al hun bezitting schenken aan een Moskee, Kerk of Synaogoog, weg ermee!

    Ik heb niemand valselijk beschuldigd want mijn mening staat er niet bij, ook is het helemaal niet gezegd dat de verklaring van de betroffen vechter echt is of gemanipuleerd werd daar moeten we de media's woord maar weer eens op nemen net zoals het bericht zelf.

    Islaam is 500 jaar jonger dan andere geloven en Moslims gebruiken zelf veel barbaarse en middeleeuwse praktijken uit hun zogenaamde heilige boek met regels, daar zou je deze mensen op aan moeten spreken.

    Lees hier over hoe de Media van alles manipuleert: Media’s Isis “Abu” the New Bin Laden. Where are the Dead Baby pictures from Iraq, Syria and Yemen? Tsunami of migrants! lees hier: http://basboon.com/?p=5775

    Who’s Bombing Who in Syria? Propaganda,Media’s ISIS and “Assad” The New Epiphany of Terror! lees hier: http://basboon.com/?p=5847

    The Media’s very obvious avoidance of the words, Islam, Muslim, Islamist and Terrorism in the Headlines. Rise of Fascism. Thalys Train Shooter lees meer hier: http://basboon.com/?p=4339
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  2. #327
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by basboon View Post
    Ik denk dat je het verhaal over Mohammed nog maar eens goed begrijpend moet gaan lezen, hij leefde alles behalve als de fictieve Jezus. Mohammed volgens de Quaran was een warlord die eigenhandig 700 hoofden afhakte en alles afpakte van de joden inclusief grote stukken uit het joodse geloof ( Verhalen uit het Joodsegeloof: zoals Jonas de Walvis en Samson komt tot mijn gedachte: een geloof als Alice in Wonderland net als alle andere geloven).
    Als mensen het geloof gebruiken als geldelijk gewin ( Peace Tv bv) ben je het dus eens dat het beter is om het alleen toe te laten in eigen huis voor jezelf. Geen geschreeuw vanuit een moskee toren en het luiden van een kerk klok of een Paus die met zijn witte jas zieltje loopt te winnen, weg ermee.
    Alle gebedshuizen ombouwen voor de daklozen en verslaafden dan doen ze tenminste echt wat voor de mensen in nood, geen zieltjes winnen, conversies en mensen die al hun bezitting schenken aan een Moskee, Kerk of Synaogoog, weg ermee!

    Ik heb niemand valselijk beschuldigd want mijn mening staat er niet bij, ook is het helemaal niet gezegd dat de verklaring van de betroffen vechter echt is of gemanipuleerd werd daar moeten we de media's woord maar weer eens op nemen net zoals het bericht zelf.

    Islaam is 500 jaar jonger dan andere geloven en Moslims gebruiken zelf veel barbaarse en middeleeuwse praktijken uit hun zogenaamde heilige boek met regels, daar zou je deze mensen op aan moeten spreken.

    Lees hier over hoe de Media van alles manipuleert: Media’s Isis “Abu” the New Bin Laden. Where are the Dead Baby pictures from Iraq, Syria and Yemen? Tsunami of migrants! lees hier: http://basboon.com/?p=5775

    Who’s Bombing Who in Syria? Propaganda,Media’s ISIS and “Assad” The New Epiphany of Terror! lees hier: http://basboon.com/?p=5847

    The Media’s very obvious avoidance of the words, Islam, Muslim, Islamist and Terrorism in the Headlines. Rise of Fascism. Thalys Train Shooter lees meer hier: http://basboon.com/?p=4339
    Wat lul je nou toch dom. Je plaatst hier een bericht wat een hoax blijkt te zijn. En in plaats van je excuses aan te bieden roep je nu dat je het zonder waardeoordeel hebt geplaatst en maakt van de gelegenheid gebruik om nog even uitgebreid te vertellen dat alle moslims terorristen zijn. Wat ben je toch een misselijk ventje.

  3. #328
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Bromios View Post
    Wat lul je nou toch dom. Je plaatst hier een bericht wat een hoax blijkt te zijn. En in plaats van je excuses aan te bieden roep je nu dat je het zonder waardeoordeel hebt geplaatst en maakt van de gelegenheid gebruik om nog even uitgebreid te vertellen dat alle moslims terorristen zijn. Wat ben je toch een misselijk ventje.
    Je lijk CNN / BBC wel: waar vertel ik dat alle Moslims terroristen zijn? Waaruit blijkt dat het een hoax is? Doordat er later een brief verschijnt, is die authentiek? Ja ik heb een link geplaatst vanwege de titel en het niet helemaal gelezen omdat er een MMA vechter werd vermeld. En nee ik heb de verklaring helemaal niet gelezen, so? Excuus voor het plaatsten van een link? Misschien plaatste ik het wel om te laten zien dat het een hoax was? Who cares,het nieuws kwam niet van mij, don't shoot the messenger.

    Ik heb wel een hekel aan alle social justice warriors....

  4. #329
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Wat een gezellige thread is dit geworden..
    Be a Warrior, not a Worrier

  5. #330


    Quote Originally Posted by basboon View Post
    Je lijk CNN / BBC wel: waar vertel ik dat alle Moslims terroristen zijn? Waaruit blijkt dat het een hoax is? Doordat er later een brief verschijnt, is die authentiek? Ja ik heb een link geplaatst vanwege de titel en het niet helemaal gelezen omdat er een MMA vechter werd vermeld. En nee ik heb de verklaring helemaal niet gelezen, so? Excuus voor het plaatsten van een link? Misschien plaatste ik het wel om te laten zien dat het een hoax was? Who cares,het nieuws kwam niet van mij, don't shoot the messenger.

    Ik heb wel een hekel aan alle social justice warriors....


  6. #331
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    als je geen godsdienst meer hebt gaan mensen wel een afgehakt varkenshoofd met vliegen eromheen aanbidden

  7. #332
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Hidde View Post
    als je geen godsdienst meer hebt gaan mensen wel een afgehakt varkenshoofd met vliegen eromheen aanbidden
    Scandinavia had je vroeger heel veel goden zoals Thor, nu zijn al die Goden verdwenen, meer dan 82% van de bevolking is Atheist, geen aanbidding van varkenkoppen met vliegen....

  8. #333
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by basboon View Post
    Scandinavia had je vroeger heel veel goden zoals Thor, nu zijn al die Goden verdwenen, meer dan 82% van de bevolking is Atheist, geen aanbidding van varkenkoppen met vliegen....
    Okee dat kan wel maar in scaniavie zijn ook practisch alleen maar bomen

  9. #334
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    varkenskoppen met vliegen gedijen ook beter op een tropisch eiland

  10. #335
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    maar je kan ook gewoon kleurtjes zien, is misschien niet eens zo'n slechte optie : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0UOs9DpEJs

  11. #336
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    maar ik kan je aanraden om gewoon voor mij te buigen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4PqD6CF7nU

  12. #337
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Orlando Shooter = Islamic Muslim Gay Terrorist registered Democrat Omar, False Flag Debunked, Trump is right!

    Nothing to worry about- Islam is The Religion Of Peace
    The horrific shooting in the Pulse Gay establishment is announced as the worst mass shooting in US history. However Not one word was mentioned of Islamic terrorism in the Mass media, but as usual we are bombarded everywhere we look with the statements (Obama) that it was a home grown terrorist, lone wolf, An Isis inspired individual, extremist, militants, an act of hate or terrorism, mentally ill individual, everything was said except Islam – as Islam is the religion of peace.

    Father of the Shooter, it has nothing to do with religion.

    The father of Omar Mateen “the shooter” claimed immediately that his son’s act had nothing to do with religion. His son committed the biggest mass shooting in history on US soil because of his encounter with two gay male men kissing each other in front of his sons eyes a few months ago. I myself do not believe in any invisible man in the sky called God, Allah, Zeus or whatever, I remember visiting a cirque du soleil show in Las Vegas where suddenly two male man kissed each other in a bowl of water. I found that weird, as I loved the amazing show they were performing, I never understood why they needed to include the kissing part in their act. Some kind of gay promotion like the gay pride parades, I guess. However it never crosses my mind to grab a machine gun and start shooting gay people, neither did my Christian friend who sat next to me. The father of the Orlando Islamic Muslim terrorist must be pleased it has nothing to do with religion, the first thing what came out of his mouth.

    According the father Omar saw two man kissing, I guess Omar would have detonated a Nuclear Bomb encountering these individuals in the male toilet picture by Marek Szanduski Shutterstock
    The father looks like a total inbreed and he could have easily raped his own son while he was young, you can see from a mile away that Omar was gay, that came as no surprise to me. His father has Afghan presidential aspirations and the way the father said that it was God who would judge these gay people trying to be politically correct and seem he had no hate in him is vomit worthy! So transparent.
    He could barely get the words politically correct out of his mouth and surely we heard that Omar grew up with an abusive father. He beat the crap out of his mom and surely Omar got his weekly portion of Islam violence.
    The father....

    Read More Here: http://basboon.com/?p=6010

  13. #338
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by basboon View Post
    Orlando Shooter = Islamic Muslim Gay Terrorist registered Democrat Omar, False Flag Debunked, Trump is right! Nothing to worry about- Islam is The Religion Of PeaceThe horrific shooting in the Pulse Gay establishment is announced as the worst mass shooting in US history. However Not one word was mentioned of Islamic terrorism in the Mass media, but as usual we are bombarded everywhere we look with the statements (Obama) that it was a home grown terrorist, lone wolf, An Isis inspired individual, extremist, militants, an act of hate or terrorism, mentally ill individual, everything was said except Islam – as Islam is the religion of peace.Father of the Shooter, it has nothing to do with religion.The father of Omar Mateen “the shooter” claimed immediately that his son’s act had nothing to do with religion. His son committed the biggest mass shooting in history on US soil because of his encounter with two gay male men kissing each other in front of his sons eyes a few months ago. I myself do not believe in any invisible man in the sky called God, Allah, Zeus or whatever, I remember visiting a cirque du soleil show in Las Vegas where suddenly two male man kissed each other in a bowl of water. I found that weird, as I loved the amazing show they were performing, I never understood why they needed to include the kissing part in their act. Some kind of gay promotion like the gay pride parades, I guess. However it never crosses my mind to grab a machine gun and start shooting gay people, neither did my Christian friend who sat next to me. The father of the Orlando Islamic Muslim terrorist must be pleased it has nothing to do with religion, the first thing what came out of his mouth.According the father Omar saw two man kissing, I guess Omar would have detonated a Nuclear Bomb encountering these individuals in the male toilet picture by Marek Szanduski ShutterstockThe father looks like a total inbreed and he could have easily raped his own son while he was young, you can see from a mile away that Omar was gay, that came as no surprise to me. His father has Afghan presidential aspirations and the way the father said that it was God who would judge these gay people trying to be politically correct and seem he had no hate in him is vomit worthy! So transparent.He could barely get the words politically correct out of his mouth and surely we heard that Omar grew up with an abusive father. He beat the crap out of his mom and surely Omar got his weekly portion of Islam violence.The father....Read More Here: http://basboon.com/?p=6010
    a religion of peace is very close to a religion of pieces

  14. #339
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    Sep 2004


    Munich Shooter was Iranian Muslim, Mass Media forgets Ali, Epidemic of “mental Illness” spreading in Europe

    The witnesses

    A witness heard Ali the Munich Islamic Terrorist shouting Allahu Akbar this would point to a religious motive like the previous Islamic Muslim Axe attack in Germany a few days ago in a train by a 17 year old Afghanistan boy. But then many witnesses claimed there are multiple shooters but there was only one. The most weird “proof” = a videotape ( broadcasted in Mass Media) where a German citizen communicates with the so called shooter. A guy on a balcony can be heard communicating with another person on a roof. He is angry and screams you fucking Turks. Guy on the roof replies I am German? I mean common; I am German?? Well maybe this guy is actually a real German and is not the shooter at all, in the middle of being on the run in a parking garage he starts having a conversation with a guy on a balcony who insults him? Why not immediately shoot at the guy who insults you from his balcony ( he was the bullied boy)? He shoots at children and anything that moves and is on the run but the guy who insults him: he is having a dialogue with him about nationality?

    The reason I bring this up is that I have the feeling reading the news the reporters are trying to implement it has nothing to do with Islam, just a random nutcase who decided to do some mass murdering for no good reason. That’s a much better motive then a Muslim terrorist inspired by Islamic ideology. Before any motive was established the Mass Media reports: well Iranian are Shia Muslims and committing suicide is a sin and he would not get 72 virgins therefore Islam cannot be the motive. Btw how do we know he was not shot by the police? Or shot himself by accident, why would the attacker run in the first place and then have a conversation with a guy on a balcony before continuing in a shootout with the police, WTF? I actually tweeted just after the attack I am waiting for the news that the shooter is gay and an alcoholic drug abuser and that it has nothing to do with Islam. This is comforting for fellow Muslims who can then point out that the terrorist was not a real Muslim and that Islam is peaceful.

    This is what is wrong with Europe left wing scum like German Sigmar Gabriel, I would like to ask her if she has any comments on the suicide bombing in Ansbach where a bomb was used or what about the 17 year old Afghan boy going on a rampage with an axe? Maybe some comment from German Vive Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel on the mass stabbing by the German Iranian man holding a shield “all Germans are dogs”? Maybe we misread the sign the Muslim Iranian German was holding where its said ”all Germans are dogs” and we are all Islamophobic, it should read “Germans love their dogs”. How do you feel now................

    Read More Here: http://basboon.com/?p=6044

  15. #340
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    Sep 2004


    Mass Media: Why You Must Hate Russia, MH17, Sickening Propaganda Putin – Trump

    This month the American and European propaganda machine is running on full force to make sure you hate Russia. The intensity of bullshit through CNN the BBC and other Mass Media is sickening.

    The avalanche and bombardment of negative propaganda towards Russia is taking apocalyptic proportions surly before the US with their Western Allies prolonged a six month boycott on Russia after 2 years, their bogus and fabricated news that Russia was behind the downing of the MH-17 flight. Just imagine no proof for two years and only accusations but in the meantime only allegations towards the new Evil Empire Russia with its leader Darth Vader Putin. I wrote before a detailed blog about the agreement which was made between the Netherlands, the Ukraine and the US where it was determined the public would never be informed about the cause of the downing of flight MH-17. Surely as all parties have interest in the Ukraine themselves and just milk the terrible incident with the MH-17 plane to their own benefit.

    Whitehall fears Russian football hooligans had Kremlin links


    Yes! The special trained forces were in a special state sponsored hooligan program to show how strong and dangerous the Russians are, so they send hooligans who were specially trained, Kremlin and Putin involved. This explains why the most feared Hooligans in the world the British got their ass whopped in France. Surely the media forgets to mention that thousands of British hard core Hooligans had their passports taken away from them during these European Championships to avoid them to travel to France and the known British hooligans had to report themselves at a local police station in England during the matches. Ooh my god the Russians are so bad and so strong we all should panic, give me a god damn break! I almost wish 3000 English hard core Hooligans would be there after drinking a few liters of beer and sniffing some coke how the so called spetznaz trained hooligans from Russia would have done in that confrontation, sounds like PPV material for me. I would love to be the producer of that and put it on PPV!

    But what about this: Read More Here: http://basboon.com/?p=6057

  16. #341
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    Sep 2004


    Amri Anis a Tunisian Muslim Terrorist , Tunisian Nobel Peace Prize? “Adept” to Islam…

    Then there are YOU TUBE jokers like Adam Saleh who makes money making tasteless “jokes/pranks” over his fellow Muslims and others. Just Imagine: 3 Skinheads in Nazi Uniforms started shouting in German aboard a Tunisian aircraft a day after a German Citizen bombed Tunisian bus? Then screaming bloody murder when they are forced to get off the plane. Not long after Adam pulled his bullshit scam on Delta Airlines – Afriqiyah Airways plane gets hijacked, it would be ironic if Adam Saleh would have been on that flight ending up with a grenade up his butt, a prank to far…


    Twitter from: Mohammed Ansar @AnsarMo
    Followers of the Christian Faith, please show consideration for other faiths by removing all decorations from your properties tomorrow.

    I replied to a tweet from Mohammed Ansar:
    Quote from my blog:
    Islam Condones Pedophilia, Political Correctness for Muslims is Equal to Insanity.

    Bas Boon: Thanks for the tip Ansar, I would not go so far as to throw out my fake Christmas tree and other home decorations. I did buy some plastic model dolls which I decorated with black ninja suite’s, some grenades and Kalashnikov machine guns. I bought an Isis video with violence and be-headings of the infidel , just to balance the religious festivities in my living room after I watch a Christmas movie. I have been searching for some Hindu decorations as well. I only believe in myself, but I do not want to disappoint other religious groups. Imagine if a Muslim, Christian or Hindu would visit me in my home during the last two weeks of the year? During the last week I would only have the usual 20 naked virgins running around in high heels. I stopped all that now because of your tip, I hate to disappoint other humans, I will do anything to be a friend of religion, so they can pray for me as I only believe in myself. I have been advised by a great Muslim leader to convert to Islam. In my will I write that I will convert in the afterlife, if I know for sure the 72 Virgins are in heaven as promised. I can understand that the thought that someone would have a Christmas tree or other decorations and the atrocity to practice some kind of religion in his own home can be quite disturbing, my deepest apologies Allahu Akbar Peace-Happy New Year

    Read More Here: http://basboon.com/?p=6084

  17. #342
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Hey Bas, welkom terug, dat was een tijdje geleden
    Be a Warrior, not a Worrier

  18. #343
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Kemal View Post
    Hey Bas, welkom terug, dat was een tijdje geleden
    En nog net zo kierewiet als voorheen. Thaise zonnesteek blijft je goed doen. Welkom terug.

  19. #344
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    Sep 2004


    Twitter# @basboon007

    Hello i am a Russian Hacker and left a trail to my government and had Putin leave a digital signature it says Happy New Year

    Why= @CNN not reporting Obama has been blackmailed by Muslim Brotherhood, the Saudi's have tape of Obama's threesome with a donkey and a penguin

    According to a British retired secret agent from Mi5: His Obama report which was obtained from an anonymous source said it was recorded in a Russian zoo...


  20. #345
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    The Court Stops President Trump’s Travel Ban, Climate Hoax Religion, Muslim Propaganda, CNN Lies..

    Does anyone wonder why Obama never picked up the phone and created some safe zones in the conflict area like Trump did? – with one phone call It saved refugees from a dangerous long journey and keeps them out of the hands of human traffickers. It avoids all the diseases they carry to spread to other Europeans. There is no civilization, culture, religious clash with other inhabitants from Europe and they speak the same language and practice the same religion. You avoid importing heroine junkies from for example Afghanistan. Sounds like a real winning plan to me and with the same amount of money you can help 10 refugee families in a safe zone, no-brainer.

    Jake The Sleaze tapper from Fake News King CNN It’s not that you did not report it you morons you under-report, it’s the way and how: it has nothing to do with religion, Islam is peace, lets pray, hug a victim, ooh the attacker was a lone wolf mentally ill radical militant, the father claimed he is not religious, the mother said he was home radicalized, showing perfectly integrated Muslims compared with white trailer trash illiterate white racists. The headlines are the Truck caused the death toll, the gun, the knife. Repeating holocaust stories, BLM sympathizers other site 70 year old KKK footage. Antifa propaganda all who do not agree are racist bigots, your list of left wing propaganda crap is so obvious that your ratings are in free fall. Yet CNN Anchors filth keeps reading the scripted propaganda from a teleprompter, by now we all should have drowned by the melted ice caps and see the extinction of the polar bears...
    “Peaceful Refugee” Sees Swedish Girl, Rapes Her to Death

    It is..... Read More here: http://basboon.com/?p=6113

  21. #346
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    Trump & Hacksaw Ridge, Starbucks CEO: We will hire 10.000 refugees? Voter Fraud, Tax heaven for..

    Hilarious comment from Starbucks Quote: By making this move (going to the UK), our senior leaders will be better able to oversee the UK market in which over half of our European stores — with more than 7,500 employees (we call them partners) — are located.

    Hilarious as when Starbucks came with their headquarters to the Netherlands they only had one Starbucks in Amsterdam and now they have a total of 6 in the Netherlands, what were they thinking (could it have something to do with Tax)?

    Don’t be fooled by CEO Howard Schultz who is almost worth 3 billion dollars as he is screaming in the press he would hire 10.000 refugees hiding behind charity and humanity. If he paid his corporate taxes in the US and hired Americans those Americans could be paid a higher salary and the taxes could be used to actually help the people in real need.

    Facebook Marc Zuckerberg is mentioned in the joint draft letter opposing Trump travel ban. Zukerberg would be hiring his employees in a very racist selective way, he would make competitions between small groups of job applicants and then the best would be hired. For me this makes sense (I am not a hypocrite and would want the same for my company) but the refugees we are talking about (Starbucks hiring 10.000) are from countries where over half of the population is illiterate and have been growing up in extreme poverty under the constant threat of violence and wars. They would not survive the selections to be hired for work even if it is only serving at Starbucks. Those 10.000 refugees which Starbucks claims to hire will bankrupt Starbucks and the refugees will drink themselves to a slow diabetic death from consuming all the sugary Frappuccino calorie bomb, cinnamon rolls that they will consume on a daily basis.

    Donald Trump and Hacksaw Ridge

    Read now here: http://basboon.com/?p=6134

  22. #347
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    Welkom terug weer Bas.

  23. #348
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    US and International Press applauds President Trump nearly breaking the internet

    President Trump makes a Political Move before the liberal’s can Handcuffs and Blindly Veto….Results: International Press applauds , praises ‘The Donald’! Masterfully executed strategy? Maybe Trump became a Neocon overnight? Perhaps the Mass Media had it all wrong and ‘the Donald’ isn’t the Antichrist? Whether he’s warmly received or forced to fight through the hate and constant antagonist he’s determined to get the job done…
    For the last two years Donald Trump has been bombarded by the Mass Media as the Antichrist. Donald Trump, the enemy of misguided ‘liberals’ simply because he stands and/or acts differently then they do. Not very inclusive is it…? So the media has only been reporting about their perceived ‘evil Donald’ with an avalanche of negativity on a daily base for well over a year. Above all the Democrats can’t seem to accept they lost the election, because of (none proven) so called Russian Collusion with the Trump Administration (hacking by the DNC) so Donald and Putin together have been portrayed as the real enemy by the press over and over again.

    Trump is attacked time and time again by the World Wide Media, even a simple joke, complete sarcasm by Spicer about Russian Salad Dressing is fact checked by CNN and considered false as Russian Salad Dressing is made in Michigan (this was reported way for April 1 st, no joke — not an April fools joke???).

    the chemical attack smells.....Read More Here http://basboon.com/?p=6218

  24. #349
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Hoeveel kokosnoten krijg jij per week op je hoofd?
    When life gets tough...
    Put on your boxing gloves


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