View Full Version : Unanswered Butt Questions, a Toilet Crisis for Humanity?

anoniem gg
09-07-2022, 14:27
Unanswered Butt Questions, a Toilet Crisis for Humanity?

Read Lees here: https://basboon.com/a-toilet-butt-crisis-for-humanity-unanswered-butt-questions/

Too many serious posts of mine and with all the bad news we need some laughs.
Humanity is looking for answers, the big bang, where we came from, and who made us. All thoughts and questions about trying to understand the meaning of life: when we look closer to earth, a billion-old riddle occupies the minds of many humans. The unanswered butt-wipe and toilet mystery.

Toilet facts.
Did you know that, for example, over 12000 people get stuck in toilets over three years in Uk alone? Before I get into weird toilet statistics of people dying on toilets, I want to start with what led me to write this blog. Toilet paper gets stuck in my hairy ass cheeks.

Most toilet paper is of a shitty quality when you use toilet paper. In the worst-case scenario, you’re using the toilet paper by folding it up a few times before using it. Still, the result would be after the first wipe that your butt hole is not clean. So, it needs several wipes, which is weird because it’s like peanut butter smearing out on a sandwich.

Ass wipe disaster.
They say the Asians do better by using water spray and water. More on that later. No, after a few wipes, things get weird. Sometimes, your fingers prick right through the toilet paper while wiping your behind. Now you have to get up to wash your hands while you clamp together your dirty ass cheeks in the fear shit might fall on the ground.
Once you sit down again, you start the ritual again. This time you use more toilet paper. Most paper is of poor quality, so the next disaster is that tiny pieces of paper get trapped in your butt hair section. Because you keep wiping the same area.
The stuck toilet paper turns into little tiny paper balls. The little small paper balls of white toilet paper change into the color brown in no time. Now you finally think you cleaned your butt, and you are finished.

Here come the horror...