View Full Version : RAMPAGE IS IN DE HEER!!!!!

Reversal of Dan
31-08-2004, 16:01

In dit interview, nogal lang, vertelt Rampage over zijn openbaring.
hij is nu een born again christian...

ik dacht eerst dat het een grap was, maar dit interview is te lang en hij komt veel te serieus over...

Rampage... in de here Jezus

31-08-2004, 16:19

31-08-2004, 16:22
Ik hoop dat dit godverdomme een grap is... :evil:

31-08-2004, 17:05
Dat kun je godverdomme wel 2x zeggen, Rampage is 1 van de kleurrijkste vechters.

Wederom bedankt, religie.

31-08-2004, 17:09

31-08-2004, 17:22
En dasss dussss kut...het mooie aan rampage waren juist zijn grove opmerkingen en commentaar tijdens wedstrijden (naast bas) en over tegenstanders (wanderlei silva)

Bovendien mis ik nu alle japanse groupie verhalen...

31-08-2004, 17:55
Ik las het al op IRONLIFE ja... :(


I'm stunned, I don't really know what to say to this.....its like your favorite metal band all of a sudden becoming rappers and vice versa. A lot of his appeal for me is that he was such a character.....I really don't know, as long as he fights the same way still and doesn't pull a Vitor in his after fight interviews I'll still be a fan.

This guy is so correct!!

Misschien is ie bang voor Silva en bid hij nu maar alvast tot God... :wink:

Gulo gulo
31-08-2004, 18:37
Een schietgebedje misschien :D

Marco (scheids)
31-08-2004, 19:09
Haleluja !!!

31-08-2004, 19:25
:shock: Rampage die het geloof gevonden heeft is hetzelfde als ik die die die gek wordt van chocochips... :?

Naja hopelijk gaat hij op zijn eigen manier met het geloof om. :thumbs:

31-08-2004, 19:31
wat een gekko :!:

Gulo gulo
31-08-2004, 19:44
Ach ja, wie weet heeft hij er steun aan en wie weet is het een gimmick dat weet je nooit bij Rampage

01-09-2004, 14:17
nou en dan??? laat hem lekker. Hij blijft toch wel entetainen.

Silva slaat ook altijd een kruis als ie gewonnen heeft.

01-09-2004, 14:20
als het echt zo is, is het net zo´n domme sukkel als 90% van de rest van amerika

01-09-2004, 15:31
als het echt zo is, is het net zo´n domme sukkel als 90% van de rest van amerika

wat is dit nou voor een zin jongen , wie is nou een sukkel ?

hoeveel is in godsnaam 90% van de rest van amerika........

01-09-2004, 15:36
nou iedereen gelooft daar in de heer, maar ondertussen spelen ze in de wereld zelf de heer...

01-09-2004, 15:48
zielig man ...........................

01-09-2004, 15:50
ja ontzettend

02-09-2004, 11:33
Ron Waterman is ook een devoot Christen.. And he still kicks Ass!

02-09-2004, 12:28
geloven is 1, het belijden is 2. denk niet dat hij zijn grove taal gaat laten want dan daalt zijn marktwaarde en als iets belangrijker is dan god (ook voor de meeste christenen) is het wel geld.

02-09-2004, 12:54
Vond zijn commentaar toch niet leuk..hoor liever bas alleen..
Maar misschien is het wel goed dat hij wat vind in het geloof, misschien staat hij daardoor wat sterker in zijn schoenen en verbeterd dat zijn vechtprestaties.
Maar ik dacht altijd dat Born again... streng gelovigen waren..

Achjah zolang hij niet zoals kimo, met jezus op zijn pens getatoeerd ,opkomt maakt het me nix uit.

05-09-2004, 10:51
gepost door rampage zelf op sherdog

I've been hearin a lot of things. But i just want all the fans to know a little bit about me. I remember before when i was comin up and i was fightin K-1 and Igor, and everybody else who you guys though i couldn't beat and saying bad things about me...I didn't care about what you said then. And when i won, a lot of you guys started jumpin on my bandwagon and sayin good things about me. And i didn't even care about what you guys were saying about me then either. And now that i'm changed, and i've found God...so what makes you think that i care about what you say abuot me now? If anybody's foolish enough to say their negative opinions about happiness, then go ahead and say all you want, until you are satisfied by putting all of your negative opinions over the internet....You are just showing people that know what i know how foolish you are....and making me more strong in what i believe. Everybody has their different beliefs. Who is to say that i am right and that Jews or whoever else are wrong? Wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry? Even if i am wrong for wanting to change my life and live for God, what harm am I doing trying to be righteous? What harm am i doing to anyone? Just trying to be a righteous person.

If you have such low self-esteem to think that you evolved from fish or monkeys, then that's your opinion about yourself...But I think of myself much higher and I know that i didn't come from those things. I know that I had to be planned, because to me, now everything makes sense. There's a lot of things that you people don't know about me, maybe you think you do, but i was raised up in a church. And i'm not morman. So get your facts straight before you talk about things that you know nothing about.

I didn't read the things you guys said about me and even when you guys said good things about me, i never did care to read....Because i know as soon as i start losing fights, the same people that was talkin bad things about me in the beginning, will change and once again say the bad things abuot me again. You guys think it's "cool" to be a fighter and train in martial arts and to be able to beat people up...I see and i've met some of you guys and you think all these things are cool. Even before i've "changed" i knew that that didn't make me better than anyone. My point is, sometimes we think the wrong things are cool. So you guys think it's cool to put your negative opinions about me all over the internet. But you're only harming yourselves, because nothing you guys say will ever make me change my mind. THANK YOU to the few fans that are supporting me and sayin good things.

I only read the good things (on my guestbook), i don't read the negative things. It's cool to have fans and things like that. But that never was the reason why i fought anyway. So don't think for one second, that i'm gonna lose any sleep over losing fans. You feel me?

05-09-2004, 15:35
gelijk heeft ie. die idioten heb je hier nu ook al met hun bekrompen opvattingen en opmerkingen.

05-09-2004, 17:28
het zal me een zorg zijn of Rampage nu opeens Christen is geworden. moet ie lekker zelf weten. het is alleen nogal een schok voor de hardcore Rampage fan.

Ik vond zijn verhaal over zijn droom enzo alleen nogal schrizofreen klinken. het klonk meer alof hij mentaal zwaar is doorgeslagen.

hoe dan ook, als hij maar zijn vreemde gevoel voor humor blijft gebruiken bij zijn pride commentaar vind ik alles best.

Reversal of Dan
05-09-2004, 17:29
dat was IK, bitches!!!

09-09-2004, 14:05
Recap by Jeff Cain at MMAWeekly.com

Quinton "Rampage" Jackson was the featured guest on MMAWeekly SoundOff Radio Tuesday. There was no F-bomb count. There were no comments made about how he likes his women. In fact, there wasn't a cuss word uttered in the entire interview. Quinton is a changed man. He spoke about his new found relationship with God, his upcoming match with Wanderlei Silva; as well, as their last fight.....

Early on in the interview Jackson sent out an apology to Wanderlei and his fans. He stated, "I ain't got nothing to say to the guy. He beat me the first time. Let him do all the talking. I just want to apologize for a statement that I made last time before I fought him. I said, at first I thought that God created Adam and Eve until I saw Wanderlei and then I knew we evolved from monkeys. I wanted to apologize for saying that. That was wrong for me to say that. I shouldn't have said it. God did create Adam and Eve. We did come from Adam and Eve. We didn't come from the monkeys. Even though Wanderlei looks the way he does, I shouldn't have said that. So, I apologize to Wanderlei and all his fans."

Something happened to Quinton recently that has changed his entire life. As he put it, "God touched me." He felt the change coming. Ever since his fight with Ricardo Arona, "Rampage" has had a new outlook on life. He said, "Overnight, He [God] took the lust out of my heart and the cussing out of my mouth." He added, "I fight for God now."

"At first, I thought I was going crazy, but now I know I wasn't going crazy," said Jackson. Quinton said it isn't his job to preach to people. He continued, "I'm just going to be myself and be happy man. I'm so happy. I don't need all these worldly things and stuff." When he was "saved," Jackson said he "cried like a little girl" from happiness.

Quinton was asked if his beliefs would have an impact on his fighting style or even contradict fighting itself. He responded, "I'm not worried at all because what I'm doing, it's not a sin. As long as I'm doing it for God, it's OK." Having said that, he added, "I'm not going to have mercy, that's God's job."

Jackson said he has always been a nice guy but had a "split personality" when he fought. He said that he has never really tried to hurt his opponents, like stomping on their head, and doesn't train to do so. He regretted that his temper got to him against Arona. "That's why I slammed him the way I did," stated Jackson. He went on to say, "I don't want to lose my temper again, ever in a fight." He feels that getting mad in a fight situation just plays against you by way of tiring yourself out.

"Rampage" was asked what if he starts losing? The critics will quickly say it is due to his change in lifestyle. Quinton replied, "If I start losing it's because it's God's will....If I lose it's because he wanted me to. You know what I'm saying? I won't be upset at his will. Either I did something wrong or I didn't do something right or something like that. It's his will but if he wants me to win, I'm going to win. But I can tell you one thing, I'm not going to be afraid. I'm not going to be afraid of anything. It's his will. It's hard to explain. If he wants me to lose then so bit it, I lost. I'll go back to the gym, train harder and come back and try to win again."

Right now, Quinton is getting in shape and getting his cardio up for his fight with Wanderlei on Halloween. He trains year round, only taking a week or two off after bouts and then gets right back to training. Jackson runs two miles a day six days a week. The way he sees it, "You've got to run to win," even though he hates running.

About his last fight with Silva, Jackson said, "The first time, I didn't know that I had to fight the referees and his corner man at the same time. I didn't know I had to fight all those people. I thought I was just fighting Wanderlei." He elaborated, "I watched the fight. I know what was going on in the fight. I know I had him on the ground and I did pass his guard and was kneeing him in the face."

That is the moment in the fight that things began to change. Quinton said he wasn't charged for the yellow card and, "I'd bet any kind of money that he didn't get charged for that yellow card either." After watching the fight on tape, Jackson said he sees Wanderlei's cornerman telling the referee to stand them up. In addition, Quinton didn't train at all for Silva. He spent the vast majority of his training for Chuck Liddell.

This time will be different, according to Jackson. "This time I know I've only got to fight Wanderlei so I'm only going to train for him," he stated. He didn't want to talk bad about Silva but questioned who Wanderlei has been beating in his career; "A bunch of Japanese guys." Looking at the rematch, Jackson said, "I see it going my way because I've got a good feeling that God is on my side."

09-09-2004, 14:08
Thanks Wheelie! :maskills:

09-09-2004, 14:16
Vet interview!
The touch of God, Halleluja!
Okee sorry, ik liet me even gaan hahaha!

09-09-2004, 14:19
tering wat is die rampage een domme mofo zeg... maar het is wel bruut om hem te zien vechten!

09-09-2004, 14:28
If I start losing it's because it's God's will....If I lose it's because he wanted me to. You know what I'm saying? I won't be upset at his will. Either I did something wrong or I didn't do something right or something like that. It's his will but if he wants me to win, I'm going to win.
Tuurlijk... :?

Honger, oorlog, aids en nog veel meer ellende op deze wereld en dan zou GOD zich druk gaan maken over een gevecht tussen Wanderlei en Jackson?

:? Wat een bullshit!

Weet je, niet voor het 1 of ander, maar ik denk dat de kans erin zit dat Quinton Silva gaat verslaan op punten!

09-09-2004, 14:41
For Fucks Sake.. :shock:
Has he lost it?

Ik bedoel.. alle theologische en wetenschappelijke argumenten negerend waarom hij klinkt als een ontspoorde fantast..

Dit is het bewijs waarom dekking belangrijk is, jongens en meisjes..