View Full Version : Real Street Fights - Fighting Mad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-09-2004, 11:43 51 MB 59 MB

02-09-2004, 11:47
Dees zijn echt sick en cool!

02-09-2004, 11:52
damn.... vette shit :mrgreen:

02-09-2004, 11:55
hahah echt vet man!!!

02-09-2004, 11:56

Two mid-teen whiteboys fighting. Decent blows landed each wway. The one whiteboy loses his balance/falls after a slight punch and nails his forehead on a nearby car bumper! (00:24) He gets up and is dazed. Fight Ends.

Hardcore cat fight! About 100 guys watching this one and cheering. The contenders both look to be white girls in mid to late teens. One is slightly taller. The small one is a tenacious bitch, though! The taller one utilizes a sweet kick-over neck flip to get off the ground at one point (00:50). These girls are obviouslly broken up only be told "Let's Get It On!" again by their audience. Fight doesnt really seem to "end," just fades out.

Two more white boys. Bot about the same age I'd say. Lots of good body blows and knee to the face. Someones been watching UFC. The one dude tries and I think does BITE the one kids wrist! (03:09). Sweet follow up with a kick to the chin, which finishes the one lad off. He gets up and rubs his face. Fight ends.

Starts with an edited in quote which cues the opening blow nicely. It's a stiff un-announced right to the jaw. The other guy doesnt go down though, in fact he takes some wallops (03:30) and hands out some good blows too (03:45). This fight ends kind of abruptly though.

Bitch Fight! Short and sweet. "Hey lady! Put down yer big purse if yer gonna fight!" Fight ends as surely as it started.

Street fight that turns into a big all out melay between nearly everyone! This fight starts awesome with a white boy landing an haymaker to the other dude's jaw. The guy doesnt go down, but comes flaling back with a beer bottle and this thing progresses into some people get jumped and landing suckerpuches and suckerkicks. The camerman gets bitched at at the end by some little hot slut!! ROFL!

White trash fight! Yeehaw! Age group is now 24-30. Both start with their dukes up. And then.. Whats this!? No he didnt!!? Dude grabs the other guys Nuts.. Hard! Ouch!!! Next scene.. whats this? He fucking has something to halfway protect his sack from this lunatic! What is that a wallet? The guy is just not the same after that big nad twister -- he finally calls it quits. Phew!

Two teen white boys scrapping relatively hard. This one isnt very long and ends with a half-body slam.

Also short. 18-22 year old guys. Blonde dude gets caught like 3 times with solid punches to start. He kinda fights back, but its over.

Two younger guys about 16 going at it. This one starts off all grapling and defense. But soon the kid on top remembers this isnt the UFC and stands up, prompty deciding to start stomping on the kid that insists on start on his back. I thought this one was over but -- Bonus fight!! A kid steps in to break it up. OK. But then he gets all crazy and starts fighting some other kid that was just wacthing too. Well, then the other kidsjump in and beat the one kids ass that initially broke the first fight up! Things taper off as grown ups and their cars seem to be approaching.

Black and White. Not the fighters the video This fight is kind of your ordinary, run of the mill, 3am after hours at a street/frat party type deal. One dude is all about the blows and the other dude finally understands that hes getting whooped, so he quits.

Now we got it! A fight, A fight, a Nigger and a White! Well, it's true. This is no contest though and sorry, the brother totally wracks this kid with first a wild haymaker that nails the witeboys jaw, and then a barrage of headslams into the parkbench. The other brothers have a heart so they break it up. Notice a theme Ogrish fight viewers? LOL.

Another cat fight. This one is kid of typical though. You know, start fighting, pulls hair, glancing punches, roll on ground, pull more hair -- Restart! But then.. they the same... but hey, still a cat fight!

02-09-2004, 11:57

02-09-2004, 12:01
damn, soms dacht ik echt van "fuck, thats gotta hurt"

02-09-2004, 12:02
in fight 6 kreeg die gast klappen he damn.!

02-09-2004, 12:31
ik heb daarvaan een tape van een uur... echt geinig, maar ze kunnen geen van allen vechten!

02-09-2004, 13:41
Dam zo ruig

02-09-2004, 16:06
aan het downloaden :maskills:

02-09-2004, 16:51
part 1 was wel cool. zitten ecth wel een paar pijnlijke momenten in! ben benieuwd hoe part 2 is :maskills:

02-09-2004, 19:04
Laat weer eens zien hoe DOM de mensheid is.

Gulo gulo
02-09-2004, 19:06
Ach ja ze doen het zelf, liever dat ze elkaar zo aftuigen dan dat ze een onschuldige voorbijganger te grazen nemen

max mulder shihan
02-09-2004, 19:08
Guest was ik lag er weer eens uit :evil:

03-09-2004, 15:45

03-09-2004, 16:09
het blijft geinig om te zien...

03-09-2004, 16:44
ik heb daarvaan een tape van een uur... echt geinig, maar ze kunnen geen van allen vechten!
Viel me ook op ja...

Grondwerk was echt bedroevend slecht zeg!

Wel cool om zo eens te zien... :maskills:

O ja, wat een kut muziek zeg en op die wijven-gevechten knap ik behoorlijk af! :?