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View Full Version : Tito Ortiz tekend voor het gevecht Vs Belfort

11-11-2004, 22:49
Tito Ortiz versus Vitor Belfort at UFC 51 in February is one step from completion. Ortiz signed the bout agreement, but as of today, Belfort has not signed. Ortiz talks about the potential fight and more.

UFC 50 was far from a walk in the park for the former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion. Coming off back-to-back losses for the first time in his well-publicized career, Ortiz was under intense pressure to win for the first time.

To make matters worse, his original opponent, Guy Mezger, had to withdraw due to medical reasons only days before the fight. So, Zuffa gave Ortiz a relatively unknown opponent that he knew absolutely nothing about with minimal time to prepare.

“Finally, the fight is over,� a relieved Ortiz told InsideFighting. “It’s the first time in my career that I’ve had that much pressure on me. I’m glad it’s over.�

The fight didn’t exactly start out as he planned, either. As Ortiz dropped his left hand to initiate a clinch early in the first round, Cote immediately threw an overhand right, briefly dropping Ortiz to a knee.

“I had an instant reaction to the punch,� he explained. “It was like ‘bing-bing’ - he hit me and I double-legged him.

"After that punch, I thought, ‘Alright, I’m not playing around anymore because I have to win this fight.’ So I did what I do best and that is taking people down and dominating them on the ground. I literally said to him once we went to the ground, ‘Now, it’s my turn.’"

And that is exactly what Ortiz did for the next three rounds. He took his opponent down early and kept him there. Cote simply had no answers for Ortiz’s ground-and-pound game, but the Canadian refused to quit.

“I took Cote down and started hitting him with some really good elbows and this kid is just smiling at me the whole time,� Ortiz said. “He came to fight! The kid had a lot of heart.�

In the end, it wasn’t the most action-packed fight of the night, but it was exactly what the doctor ordered -- a win. But more importantly, it was a win without sustaining any injuries.

“I did what I had to do to win; I completely dominated a tough kid,� he said. “Now, it’s Vitor Belfort’s turn.�

For the first time since UFCs 32 and 33, Ortiz will fight on back-to-back cards. He has already signed a bout agreement to face Vitor Belfort at UFC 51. The only hurdle to the fight remains Belfort’s signature.

“I’m really looking forward to fighting Belfort,� Ortiz said. “All I’m waiting for is the call from Zuffa saying Belfort signed the contract. I guess Belfort is taking his time to sign, which is really stupid. I thought it would already be done by now. Maybe Belfort is afraid to get a beat down.�

Ortiz-Belfort is a fight that fans have clamored over since the day the Brazilian superstar first signed with the Zuffa-owned UFC more than three years ago. After two separate pre-fight promotions back in 2001 and endless talk, Ortiz badly wants the fight to happen. And he realizes what’s at stake.

“This fight means everything to me,� he said. “It’s for all the marbles because it’s the last fight on my contract. I’ve got to go in there and beat Belfort before I can focus on getting my world title back.�

Accordingly, Tito wasted no time beginning his Belfort preparations. A mere seventeen days after defeating Cote at UFC 50 he began training with the assumption that Belfort will eventually sign the bout agreement.

“I started preparing this past Monday,� Ortiz said. “I started wrestling and working on my boxing. This time around I’m going back to one of my old trainers, Don House. He’s a boxing trainer in Las Vegas who really excels in training guys for southpaws.

“I’ll also be training with Randy Couture. I’m going up to Oregon to train with him for a month. Then, I’m going back to Big Bear to finish camp. I’m still trying to get Couture to come to Big Bear for the final month before the fight.�

The proposed fight will be examined ad nauseum as the February date approaches. But Ortiz expects a fan-friendly fight.

“This is going to be an exciting match,� he said. “It’s going to come down to wrestling, boxing and jiu-jitsu. Let’s see how tough Vitor Belfort really is.�

However, the biggest key to the fight, according to Tito Oritz, has nothing to do with either gladiator’s skill level or athleticism. Instead, he believes the fight will be won or lost between the ears.

“Mental strength is definitely the key to this fight,� he explained. “We’re going to find out who is the strongest mentally – in training, in the pre-fight interviews and in the fight itself. We’re both great athletes, so this will come down to a mental game.�

Ortiz believes that he has a decided mental advantage over Belfort, a fighter who has his mental state questioned on what seems to be a weekly basis.

“Belfort’s biggest weakness is his mind,� Tito said. “He is a mental midget. I’ve just got to step on him.

"He’s not fighting a nobody. He’s fighting the former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion. I’ve got my confidence back. We’ll see how tough his mind really is once the pressure is on him. Let’s see if he can handle it.�

Fresh off a win at UFC 50, Tito Ortiz is already focused on his next challenge. If that challenge is not Vitor Belfort at UFC 51, then the most likely alternative appears to be a rematch with Ken Shamrock on that same card.

Whoever Ortiz fights next, his ultimate goal remains unchanged - regaining the 205-lb. championship in 2005.

“Maybe my last fight wasn’t exciting, but I did what I had to do,� he said in closing. “Now, the next step is Vitor Belfort, and then getting my world title back. All of our hands will be raised high once again when we’re wearing the UFC title! Thank you to all my fans for supporting myself and Punishment Athletics.

“February 5th, Vitor Belfort, let the beatings begin!�


Much has been said in the days and weeks following UFC 51 regarding Tito Ortiz and the choice of Patrick Cote as Guy Mezger’s replacement. Many are claiming that Ortiz refused Tra Telligman and others as potential replacements, and that he hand-picked Cote. According to Tito, none of that is accurate.

“Tra was never presented to me as an option, never,� he said. “I didn’t even know that he could get to 205 pounds. Belfort was never an option because we were signed for UFC 51. Dan Henderson was an option, but that ended up not happening. Why? I don’t know. So, they came to me with Patrick Cote. And that’s who I had to fight.�

11-11-2004, 22:53
GOD DAYEEM! datwil ik graag zien. Ik zou graag zien dat vitor een flurry loslaat op tito. Go vitor, kick his ass! als hij tenminste geen lauwe preformance neerzet

12-11-2004, 13:43
Geweldige partij gaat dat worden!

12-11-2004, 19:05
GOD DAYEEM! datwil ik graag zien. Ik zou graag zien dat vitor een flurry loslaat op tito. Go vitor, kick his ass! als hij tenminste geen lauwe preformance neerzet

Weinig aan toe te voegen, ik hoop dat ie pak gaat krijgen...

12-11-2004, 20:52
moet vitor wel wat gemotiveerder zijn dan de laatste keer toen had hij niets te vertellen ......................... nu is randy ook wel erg natuurlijk maar toch