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03-06-2005, 16:24
[/B][COLOR=Black]Source: www. portaldovt.com.br

Wandy talks about his teamate Mauricio Shogun:

What can u tell us about Shogun as a person?

He is a super calm guy, still a big kid, he is only 23. He is a very decent guy, brother of Ninja, they are always togheter. Ninja is another very decent guy. If Shogun mantains the conduct he had till now, he will be a great champion without any doubt.

In training u always beat him ?

No, it depends on the training. We have ground trainings, boxing trainings and Vale-tudo trainings. The sparrings with him always start in a cool mode and than we heat it up. In Chute Boxe everybody knocks everybody down. I already knocked him out and he already knocked me out. In Chute Boxe the training gets very close to the real thing. It's like I tell the Boss, heavy training it's what keeps a guy sharp, without real sparring the guy is dead. The guy that doesn't get used to be punished will never be a winner. I use to say that I'm always good when it's time to fight because in training many people peppers me.

What makes Shogun different from the other fighters in Chute Boxe?

In thruth, his biotype is very good. He is a big guy who trains a lot. He has discipline and character, just like his brother Ninja. He has a lot of gas, he is good on his feet and good on the ground. He is a very complete fighter, and he is still being polished, since he is still going to go through a lot of things that will make him even tougher.

If u have to fight Shogun, will u stop training and sparring with him?

No. It will be normal. I always fight with him. It would be normal. I'm professional, it's my job. In that, there are no friends. like we always say "friends are friends, business apart" (laughs).

What are your technical differences?

I think he is better on the ground. He has a very well polished ground. He also has that gas which is astonishing. Besides that, he is very strong. Before Pride his weight was 105 kg and he was the only one who could not make the weight in the first weight in. He is very strong and sharp.

If u fight with him will u push forward for the KO like u do with others?

Logicaly. It would be normal. Work is work. We would make a spectacular fight, a great fight. The show is all that matters. U cannot disapoint the fans becuase they are the ones whopay our salary.

What do u expect of next Pride ?

We hope for the best - "to score the goal". I hope I can present myself better than last time. I will intensify my training, I will train harder and try not to get hurt. Me and Shogun reaching the final will show the potential of our academy and also that we are among the best MMA schools in the world. That's what we want to show in this event.

Bron: sherdog.com

Muay Thai Elite
03-06-2005, 16:36
Ik vind het allebei coole vechters.

The Bulldog
03-06-2005, 17:10
denk dat het Siva`s ideale beeld is om door shogun te worden opgevolgd over een paar jaar.....

denk dat shogun niet van plan is een paar jaar te wachten :lol:

03-06-2005, 17:12
Mooi verhaal,

Ik denk serieus dat de kracht van chutebox het teamgevoel is......die jongens leven voor elkaar, met elkaar en gaan voor elkaar door het vuur...