View Full Version : waarom?

02-08-2005, 14:11
waarom staat er " Murphy wase here" boven aan deze bladzijde??

02-08-2005, 14:14
waarom staat er " Murphy wase here" boven aan deze bladzijde??

Murphy's law rings a bell?

02-08-2005, 14:17

1. Nothing is as easy as it looks.
2. Everything takes longer than you think.
3. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
4. If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong. Corollary: If there is a worse time for something to go wrong, it will happen then.
5. If anything simply cannot go wrong, it will anyway.
6. If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which a procedure can go wrong, and circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly develop.
7. Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.
8. If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
9. Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.
10. Mother nature is a bitch.
11. It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
12. Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first.
13. Every solution breeds new problems.

02-08-2005, 14:26
Hahah Raziel = Correct!

Een aantal van deze regels gingen dit weekend op toen PHP
er op de server uitvloog.

Hierdoor raakte de database flink van slag en moest ik het fixen.

Ik dacht een quick fix te hebben.. maar die ging niet op waardoor
ik uiteindelijk alles lekker vanaf neet afaan mocht gaan overzetten..

Oftewel: Murhpy was Here!

03-08-2005, 08:26
duidelijk :idea: