View Full Version : Schokkend: moonlandings fake??

28-11-2005, 12:17
Paper: Houston Chronicle
Date: SUN 11/17/02
Section: A
Page: 1
Edition: 2 STAR

Apollo shrugged / Hoax theories about moonlandings persist

By PATTY REINERT, Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON - If there's no breeze on the moon, how come the U.S. flag astronauts allegedly planted there was waving? Where are all the stars in the photos NASA supposedly snapped from the lunar surface? How did Neil Armstrong make that first footprint when the moon dust would have been blown away as the lander descended?

More than three decades since Americans landed on the moon, these questions still trouble Ralph Rene. The answer, he says, is simple: It never happened.

"They're liars - L-I-A-R-S," insisted Rene, 69. "We did not, could not and cannot put a man on the moon."

Rene, a retired New Jersey carpenter and self-published author of NASA Mooned America, is among a handful of vocal moon landing nonbelievers demanding more Apollo proof from NASA, pestering aging astronauts and confusing millions of TV viewers and Internet surfers.

Independent scientists have tried to debunk the conspiracy theorists. Moonwalker Buzz Aldrin, 72, finally punched one in the face. But NASA has mostly ignored them - until recently.

This fall, the space agency agreed to pay Texas aerospace engineer and author James Oberg $15,000 to write a book to set the record straight. But when news of that mission resulted in ridicule for NASA, the book launch was scrubbed.

"This is a tough position to be in," said NASA spokesman Bob Jacobs. "Conspiracy theories have been around for a long while, but how does NASA engage in debunking something that shouldn't have to be debunked? Every time people come across something on the Internet or see something on TV, we start getting calls."

The phone traffic spiked early last year when Fox television aired a program called Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? Moon hoax proponents on the show argued that NASA's 1960s technology was inadequate to accomplish a moon landing and that the U.S. government, determined to beat Russia in the space race, faked the whole thing.

"These were bad conclusions based on bad science, but they were presented in a form that was recognizable as a documentary," Jacobs said. "There was never any attempt to show a fair examination of the facts, and that just kind of created a new swell of interest in the conspiracy theories."

NASA responded on the Web.

But not everyone has access to a computer, Jacobs said, and increasingly, people seem to be more skeptical, especially younger people who grew up in an era when government was less likely to be trusted.


de rest van dit doc: http://www.moonhoax.com/site/Apollo%20shrugged%20-%20Hoax%20theories%20about%20moonlandings%20persis t.htm

Deze is interessant

28-11-2005, 12:18
Deze is interessant

Damn... zijn we dan even goed bezig genomen..

Was bij mij nog niet bekend, zag het net op dicsovery..

Beste grap OOIT :lol: :(

28-11-2005, 12:41
Ze hebben er zelfs al een keer een film over gemaakt Silat :wink: .

Het is al een heel oud wantrouwen van mensen die eenvoudigweg niet kunnen geloven dat de mensheid tot zulke dingen in staat is. En tja... zo hebben we allemaal wat :lol: .

28-11-2005, 12:43
ach, zit hier vast met buikgriep, lag op de bank te slapen, deed m'n ogen open en zag: moonlanding fake! :shock:

28-11-2005, 13:24
Kijk nou zelf, dit kan nooit fake zijn...


28-11-2005, 14:18
Ronald jij vuile cultuurvandaal :lol:

Ja rik, dat denk ik elk uur 5 x in een kwartier :(

28-11-2005, 18:29
echt interessant.