View Full Version : tai chi power

10-12-2005, 21:01
check deze tai chi negert eens uit en hoe de smereis erop af gaat


De dikke nudist
11-12-2005, 00:29
Voor degenen die het nog niet wisten: dat is sensei Sean Henderson van de Dumbass Dojo.
Ken Shamrock zei ooit over deze vechtmachine :
"Sean is one of the most educated fighters on the scene, to cut to the chase:
he is one of the most dangerous men on the planet".

Ik kan nog wel meer vertellen over hem maar ik weet dat Sean liever in de anonimiteit blijft.
Hij omschrijft het zelf als volgt:
"I dont want to expose my deadly techniques to the world, it wouldn't be a good thing if people
would start using my
All_Round Fighting system on eachother,
the world isn't ready for it yet.

Je kunt de volgende instructie video's bestellen:

Real Hard All Round Deadly Fighting System vol.1 $49.95
Real Hard All Round Deadly Fighting System vol.2 $49.95
Real Hard All Round Deadly Fighting System vol.3 $49.95
Real Hard All Round Deadly Fighting System vol.5 $49.95
Extra Super Deadly Techniques vol.1 $39.95
Extra Super Deadly Techniques vol.2 $39.95
Secret Moves: The Finish moves $39.95
Secret Moves: Knife Atack defense $39.95
Secret Moves: How To Handle Pepperspray $39.95
Secret Moves: How to Rumble with 15 Cops in A Bar Toilet $39.95

You also can order the Deluxe package for $799.95 only.
The Deluxe package consists off:
All the basic Fighting System tapes
All the Extra Super Deadly Techniques tapes
All the Secret Moves tapes
A Gi (colors: Red/Black decals or Black/Red decals.
A 4th degree Black Belt.
A Cool Red or Black Bandana.
A Dumbass Dojo Bumpersticker.
The video: Sean Henderson: the true story (only available in this package)
The video: Sean Hendersons Ab Workout routine.(only available in this package)

And if you order before Christmas You will recieve the movie:
Killer Cop on The Edge, starring Sean Henderson,
co-starring: Snoop Dogg, Hillary Duff and Steven Seagal as The Captain.

Order NOW
Call 1800-DUMBASS

Zo, en nu Saturday Night Fever kijken.


En, nee ik heb geen leven. :D