View Full Version : Prison Break Season 3

12-04-2007, 01:59
FOX has officially announced today that Prison Break would be back for a third season. But many sources say that the show will get a major overhaul, including a possible change in the show's title.

The FOX's press release announcing the renewal gives nothing about what Season 3 may hold. But series creator Paul T. Scheuring has been giving many hints (http://www.tvguide.com/News-Views/Interviews-Features/Article/default.aspx?posting={6777747F-5F75-4827-A0B8-63E69359E0D4}), including at least one that may have fans shake on their seat hoping that the creator changes his mind.

No matter what, Prison Break was never intended to be a long-running series. At first, people behind the show though it could last three seasons being laid out as follows: Season 1 = in prison, Season 2 = on the run, Season 3 = back in prison; but that the best plan was surely only two season. However good ratings have made FOX order a third season. With how they mapped the second season, which includes wrapping up most (if not all) of the storylines, Prison Break needs to reinvent itself and here is how they plan to do it.

(Warning! Spoilers about season 3 coming up!)
Variety reports that Season 3 will see the addition of at least four new cast members. These new faces will be two men and two women, none of which American. This could mean that Michael will be stuck in Panama for a while? Speaking of him, The Hollywood Reporter adds that one of the brothers (Michael or Lincoln) may leave the show during the Fall. It is unknown if they plan to kill one of them or have that person vanish in thin air. No matter, the brothers have been the core of the show since the pilot. Could the series survive without one of them? Considering that Sara will be back, does it mean that Lincoln would more than likely be the one heading out? Because how can Sara be in the show with Lincoln? They don't get along that much.

TV Guide's interview (http://www.tvguide.com/News-Views/Interviews-Features/Article/default.aspx?posting=%7B6777747F-5F75-4827-A0B8-63E69359E0D4%7D) with Paul T. Scheuring reveals that Sara will be missing for a few of the early episodes since the actress will be on maternity leave. However, Sara will not be pregnant on the show. The show will still be produced in Dallas but scenes will also be shot in Florida and Louisiana. Scheuring adds that more than half of the current cast will be back.

BuddyTV reports (http://www.buddytv.com/articles/prison-break/prison-break-reinvents-itself-5164.aspx) that a love interest for one of the current cast will be introduced next season. The article lists comments from Scheuring saying that "The only thing I will say at this stage is that it will be a much more stripped-down, brutal, violent version of the show than we've seen in the past."

Many rumors say that the show will come back with a new name since the "prison break" has occurred in Season 1. However, some reports say that Lincoln may be the one trying to break Michael out of a bad situation (maybe he'll be behind bars in Panama?) so could the title still work? Can the show survive a title change as it may have people think that Prison Break was cancelled or have writers forget what Prison Break was all about and change the format to go along with the new title?

No matter, I will still watch the show even if it has a new title as long as it doesn't forget about the show's central theme: the bond and story of two brothers.

12-04-2007, 02:02
Ik heb inmiddels het hele 2e seizoen gezien en ben benieuwd hoe het nu verder gaat.
Van mij had het mogen eindigen want nu moeten we waarschijnlijk weer wachten tot augustus :crying:

12-04-2007, 05:03
Ik verheug nu al weer op het 3e seizoen (A)

12-04-2007, 10:20
er komen iig 5 seizoenen dus we kunnen nog ff

12-04-2007, 16:03
ik vind t veels te lang duren. seizoen 1 vond ik een dikke 10 seizoen 2 vind ik al n stuk minder. vind t steeds minder geloofwaardig worden.

12-04-2007, 16:12
ik vind t veels te lang duren. seizoen 1 vond ik een dikke 10 seizoen 2 vind ik al n stuk minder. vind t steeds minder geloofwaardig worden.


12-04-2007, 16:51
Wat mij betreft is de koe uitgemolken. seizoen 2 al niet al te best.

12-04-2007, 18:37
Heb seizoen twee niet gezien, maar had idd het idee dat eigenlijk 1 seizoen al genoeg geweest zou zijn.

Ben net begonnen met Heroes. Best aardig.

Met smart wacht ik echter op de nieuwe Lost DVD.

12-04-2007, 18:41
Heroes is best cool

Lost DVD word aan gewerkt ;)

12-04-2007, 18:47
Heroes is best cool

Lost DVD word aan gewerkt ;)

Goede berichten uit Oss :) Mucho thanx!

18-04-2007, 20:29
welke episode was nou het laatste nummer van seisoen 2??


18-04-2007, 20:44
yep 22 is volgens mij de laatste, ik baalde als een stekker dat het niet afgelopen was .........................

ze hadden na 1 seizoen al moeten stoppen dan was het de coolste serie ooit geweest.

18-04-2007, 20:50
x2.. nnu word het te langdradig allemaal 8-)

18-04-2007, 20:59
Ik heb onlangs seizoen 1 gezien van de HBO gevangenisserie Oz (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oz_(TV_series). Deze serie loopt al 6 seizoenen en gaat over het Amerikaanse gevangenisleven. Vond het erg goed en ben van plan om in ieder geval serie 2 en 3 ook nog te bekijken. N.a.v. de serie deed ik wat internet research over het onderwerp. De realiteit van het Amerikaanse gevangenisleven is nog erger (prisonrape, onderlinge moord en doodslag, foute bewaarders en drugsgebruik) dan afgebeeld in de serie. Voor het eerst trouwens dat ik in een Amerikaanse serie zoveel mannelijk bloot tegen kwam. Hoewel niet expliciet in beeld zie je het hang- en sluitwerk regelmatig langskomen.