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View Full Version : Top 10 Dana White quotes!

17-06-2008, 12:42
The outspoken president of the UFC is a quote machine, alot of it is f this and f that, but there are times when he can be funny, insightful and very passionate about our beloved sport.

10. Hell, forget about college. I barely finished high school.

9. I'm a guy that did exactly what he wanted to do. When you do that the money follows.

8. Boxing is a road map of what not to do. The greedy promoters basically killed the sport by taking it off free TV.

7. If you take four street corners, and on one they are playing baseball, on another they are playing basketball and on the other, street hockey. On the fourth corner, a fight breaks out. Where does the crowd go? They all go to the fight.

6. The deal-closers are the live events. If you come to a live event, you leave that place done, you're hooked, you're in. It is the greatest live sporting event you will ever see.

5. You show up at a [Los Angeles] Lakers game, you'll never meet Kobe Bryant. But when you show up to a UFC event, odds are pretty damn good that you're not only going to meet Liddell, but he's going to sign what you need signed and take a picture with you.

4. A lot of times, kids go to college and take a major because they do what they think they’re supposed to do. I told them I believe 90 percent of America gets up in the morning and drives to a job they hate. That could have happened to me in the hotel industry.

3. That's one of the things when you go to a UFC event live, the energy in the place is crazy. People are there because they're passionate about it.

2. It’s really the last nail in the coffin with the media not giving us the credibility and not looking at us as a real sport. The cover of Sports Illustrated, the talk shows – we’re there. We’ve finally arrived.

1. People don’t realise what gifted athletes these guys are. Think about how hard it is to become a professional boxer. These guys are without doubt the greatest athletes in the world.

http://www.themmapost.com/2008/06/to...te-quotes.html (http://www.themmapost.com/2008/06/top-10-dana-white-quotes.html)

17-06-2008, 14:53
normaal komt er niet zoveel zinnigs uit DW....maar er staan er toch een aantal bij waar hij de spreekwoordelijke spijker op de kop slaat...

17-06-2008, 15:16
dude not that stupid after all....

Pepe the Ice-Murderer
17-06-2008, 15:47
Stupid mag je hem niet noemen, hij is gewoon een briljant verkoper. Hij is een egocentrische zak, maar los van dat is hij wel bij uitstek het gezicht van de UFC. UFC nu tegenover het originele Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC 1) is toch wel een gigantisch verschil... The American Dream lives on in Dana White :-)

De man van 14K
17-06-2008, 15:47
ach binnenkort zegt die retard weer waardoor we beprijpen dat hij nog niet eens de Highschool afgerond heeft.

17-06-2008, 16:11

kan nooit lang duren met die gozer :p

17-06-2008, 16:15
Hell, forget about college. I barely finished high school.

Priceless :D

17-06-2008, 17:34
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

zijn ze ff vergeten..