View Full Version : Verveling: Reply to spam!

25-08-2008, 20:09
kreeg dit mailtje in mijn mailbox:

Dear Friend,
I am Ms.Nora Fouad the accountant general of shell
petroleum Inc. one of the largest oil companies with over
1.2trillion capital investment fund,nevertheless as the
accountant general I handle all staff welfare accounts and
i extracted 1.2% excess maximum return capital
profits(EMRCP)per annum on each of the staffs capital
fund.As an expert i have made over $12.4m from the staffs
EMRCP and hereby looking For someone to trust who will
stand as an investor to receive the fund as annual
investment proceed from shell capital fund of 2007 for the
co-operation in building a Tourist Hotel or Real Estate in
your country.

I am sorry if this is not in line with your business,i need an experienced
person like you to assist me to set up and develop the project assumed
responsibility of ownership as chairman but will be bringing in profit
distribute profit monthly or annually,your immediate reply will be highly
appreciated and i shall give you more information on this project,all
confirmable documents to back up the claims will be made available to you
for payment Prior to your acceptance.I am looking forward for your reply
urgently because we have just 14 days Left which is 12th Aug 2008 before
our team of auditors arrived for the year general auditing.Meanwhile i
have worked out the strategies and technicalities whereby the fund can be
claimed by you in a Bank nearest to you without any stress.I will offer
you 35% of the total money at the end of the transaction while i take
65%,please kindly note that we have few days left to round up this

Please kindly declare your interest in this matter as soon as you receive
this mail.

Note: your reply is urgently needed.

Yours Sincerely,
Ms.Nora Fouad


ik was moe en verveelde me, dus heb maar even een mail terug gestuurd:

Hello Ms. Spam from Hell Company,

Due to my full time schedule (which contains reading American Psycho, a book by American author Bret Easton Ellis that beautifully describes most of my daily thoughts about corporate employers like yourself and what sould be done to them, doing nothing, contemplating over dinner, and starting a drawing of a monster, checking out porn on the internet and more delicate, time-consuming matters), I cannot go into detail about my thoughts concerning your mail right now, because, like you will propably know, time is money.

Considering this matter, if you would like to hear my thoughts on your written mail, and on a following mail with the details about your problem at hand, you must pay me 501,- USD, so i can plan the reading into my agenda. An additional 150,74 USD will be charged for every word written in my e-mails. You can send me the money by post, because of the simple fact that I do not trust you and you would most likely abuse my bank account, had i given you the information. Furthermore, considering the fact that you are female, the well known 'n00dz/GTFO' policy is applied as well.

Note, since you have not paid my as of now, i have not read your mail yet. This is in fact an automated message set up to reply to very annoying spam-emails, like, appearantly, the one you wrote to me. Allthough it is most likely that your e-mail was automated as well.

By the way, would you please be so kind to remind me how close of a friend of mine you are? Are we close enough so I can, as a prank, take a dump on your head and pee in your mouth? I am a real prankster.

I hope to hear from you soon,

Willem Jansen

Post hier al je shit die met spam te maken heeft!

25-08-2008, 20:31
LMAO! Leuke reactie ouwe!
Je hebt hele websites vol met van die gasten die 411 scammers aanpakken op deze manier!

25-08-2008, 22:20
Hahaha.. vette shit man

25-08-2008, 22:27