View Full Version : Dronken Russische hoogspringer verbreekt laagterecord (+ video)

05-09-2008, 06:43

Russian High Jumper Accused of Jumping Under the Influence of Red Bull and Vodka

This is Russian high jumper Ivan Ukhov failing miserably on a jump at the Lausanne Grand Prix, going under the bar instead of over it:

So what was Ukhov's problem? It hasn't been reported in the English-language media, but in other countries the stories say that he was jumping under the influence of Red Bull and vodka. Here's a very rough translation of the first two paragraphs of this Norwegian news article:

The rest of us would drink Red Bull under competition, but a Swedish track official says one competitor drank the Red Bull with vodka. ...

Russian high jumper Ivan Ukhov is one of the top jumpers in the world , but he appeared drunk during the entire competition.

Ukhov, of course, finished last in the 12-man high jump competition.

Russian High Jumper Accused of Jumping Under the Influence of Red Bull and Vodka - FanHouse Back Porch (http://backporch.fanhouse.com/2008/09/03/russian-high-jumper-accused-of-jumping-under-the-influence-of-re/)

YouTube - Ivan Ukhov drunk in High Jump (Athletissima 2008) ? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7e-wUEJFeE)

Vóór de sprong:

YouTube - Ivan Ukhov drunk(?) before his last jump at Athletissima 08 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZq-6PL8L6A&feature=related)

05-09-2008, 16:47
Hmmmmm... weinig interesse voor dit!

Ik weet dat "dronken" en "Russisch" nu niet meteen de meest originele combinatie is ... maar op een atletiekmeeting?!

05-09-2008, 17:05