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  1. #1
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    Feb 2012

    Default Down The Rabbit Hole

    Wat hebben de voorvaderen van Conor Mcgregor, Berbers, Basken, Carthagenen, Egyptenaren, en Feniciërs met elkaar in gemeen? Van Wales tot de steppen tot Eurazie en de hoorn van Africa, Troy, Sparta, Babylon. De Thraciërs , Parthen, Babyloniërs, Hittieten, Cimmeriërs en Scythen. Brutus, koning Arthur, (Bijbelse) Koning David, Nebuchanezar en Darius. religie, historie, Wetenschap, complotten en data...

    Waarom houden de 'algemene bronnen' op bij de 'Kelten' wanneer men spreekt over de Welse, Ierse en Schotse historie? Zijn de Romeinse en Griekse beschavingen beïnvloed en (mede) gevormd door 'derde beschavingen'? Wie waren de Spartanen, Visigoten, Angel-Saksen en Basken? Wat hebben de Britten met de Levant te maken? Waarom is er een overeenkomst tussen het Amazigh (berbesse taal), Gaelic (Iers, Schots), Bretons, Egyptisch, Punisch, Arabisch en Hebreeuws? Wat staat er in de Thora, Bijbel, Koran, seculiere historische geschriften, in steen gegraveerde teksen, en verklaringen van koningen?

    Daar waar historie wordt verweven met religie, mythes, complotten, antropologie, archeologie, dna en wetenschap, schijnt de 'rabbit' hole over de verloren stammen van Israël, geen einde te kennen. Het is een overload aan informatie om het allemaal te debunken of verifiëren, maar voor de geïnteresseerden die een kijkje willen nemen, is dit for shure een oftopic topic. Ik zal een paar dingen posten om een beeld te geven.

    Uskera (Bask) de oudste taal van Europa:

    'All languages have their origin somewhere, sometimes we do not know where. But in the period we are referring to here, Euskera came from nowhere else; it was already there at the time other languages arrived. So considered, Euskera is the oldest language in Europe. The rest are foreign languages coming from the East along with powerful peoples that imposed their ways of speaking on native peoples. Euskera is the only survivor of a European language family.’

    Professor Theo Vennemann (taalkundige), Ludwig-Maximilian Universiteit in München.

    De Siluren

    De Siluren waren een Keltische stam in Groot-Brittannië. Hun territorium besloeg het huidige zuidoost-Wales en omringende gebieden. Het geologisch tijdperk Siluur is vernoemd naar de stam. De oorsprong van de naam "Siluren" is niet bekend. In zijn biografie van Agricola beschreef de Romeinse schrijver Tacitus de Siluren als een volk met donkere huid en krulhaar. Wegens hun uiterlijk dacht Tacitus dat ze afkomstig waren van het Iberische schiereiland.

    John Rhys, Celtic Britain, p.302; "lanmelin Wood", BBC South East Wales, 4 juni 2012

    De Celtische en de Hamitische-Semitishe connectie:

    “Insular Celtic languages.. the grammatical categories having many affinities with non-Indo-European languages, in particular Basque and Berber”.

    “Certain features [(of marginal influence only)] of Old Irish verb forms can be understood only in the light of Hittite, Vedic, Sanskrit, and Mycenean Greek”.


    “Certain features of Old Irish verb forms can be understood only in the light of Hittite, Vedic, Sanskrit, and Mycenean Greek”.

    “The pre-Aryan idioms which still live in Welsh and Irish were derived from a language allied to Egyptian tongues”.

    J.Morris Jones

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  2. #2
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    There is a second group, famous in the ancient world, which exhibited the traits of the tribe of Simeon and which acknowledged a tribal tie to the Israelites. That group was the Spartans of ancient Greece. The Spartans were known to be descended from a people non-native to Greece who arrived there in ancient times. The Spartans were famous as being the most martial of the Greek city-states. It was the Spartan King Leonidas with 300 elite bodyguards who held back the army of the Persian Empire at the battle of Thermopalyae. They had a rigorous, martial community which was very different from the rest of the Greek city-states.The tribe of Simeon would be expected to "live by the sword" and be a martial community wherever they settled. However, there is more evidence than that.

    The Book, Sparta, by A.H.M. Jones, a Professor of Ancient History at Cambridge University, noted several things about Sparta. He states the Spartans worshipped a "great law-giver" who had given them their laws in the "dim past" (page 5 of his book). This law-giver may have been Moses.

    Professor Jones also noted the Spartans celebrated "the new moons" and the "seventh day" of the month" (page 13). Observing new moons was an Israelite calendar custom, and their observance of "a seventh day" could originate with the Sabbath celebration. Prof. Jones also notes, as do other authorities, that the Spartans were known for being "ruthless" in war and times of crisis. This sounds exactly like the Simeonite nature, which was given to impulsive cruelty, as the Bible confirms.

    Interestingly, Prof. Jones writes that the Spartans were themselves divided into several "tribes" which constituted distinct military formations within the Spartan army (pages 31-32). If the Spartans were descended from Simeonites and several other Israelite tribes who left the rest of their tribesmen just prior to the census of Numbers 26, it would make sense that they would be allied together as distinct tribes even in a new homeland like Sparta. The Spartans also founded a colony in Italy called "Tara" (pages 11 and 33). The name "Terah" is a Semitic/Israelite name as Terah was the father of Abraham (Genesis 11).


    Een brief van de Spartaanse koning naar de hoogste priester in Jeruzalem:

    "Areus, king of the Spartans, to Onias, the high priest, greetings. It has been discovered in a document concerning the Spartans and Jews that they are brothers, and are of the race of Abraham"

    I Maccabees 12:20-21

    Historicus Flavius Josephus die in de 1e eeuw leefde heeft dit ook in zijn verslagen opgenomen.

    Last edited by hypergiant; 31-03-2016 at 02:23.

  3. #3
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    Feb 2012



    According to the ancient Greek "story" the Iliad by Homer, the founder of Troy was named Dardanus. Dardanus had a son named Erichthonius, who had a son named Tros, who was the namesake of the ancient Trojans and of their capital city of Troy.

    Tros has three sons, Ilus, Ganymede, and Assaracus. Priam. the reigning kink of the Trojans, was of the line of Ilus. Aeneas, founder of the Roman Empire, was a prince of the royal house of Assaracus. Ganymede was the great-grandson of Dardanus.

    The legends claim that the oldest town in the land of Troy (the Troad) was founded by Teucer, who was a son of the Scamander (a stream of Crete, according to John Tzetzes, the 12th century Byzantine poet and grammarian) and the nymph Idaea. During the reign of Teucer, DARDANUS -- son of Zeus and the nymph Electra -- drifted from the island of Samothrace in the Aegean to the Troad, following a great deluge in the Mediterranean area. After he arrived in the Troad, Dardanus received a grant of land from Teucer and married his daughter Batea, shortly thereafter founding the city of DARDANIA at the foot of MOUNT IDA. On the death of Teucer, Dardanus succeeded him as king, and called the whole land DARDANIA.

    He sired Erichthonius, who begat TROS by Astyoche, daughter of Simois. Tros named the country TROY (after himself) and the people TROES (TROJANS). By Callirrhoe, daughter of Scamander, Tros had three sons -- Ilus, Assaracus and Ganymede. From two of Tros' sons -- Ilus and Assaracus -- sprang TWO SEPARATE LINES; Ilus, Laomedon, Priam, Hector; and Assaracus, Capys, Anchises, Aeneas.

    Volgens Encyclopedia Britannica:

    Ilus went to Phrygia, where he received, as a wrestling prize from the king of Phrygia, a spotted cow, with an injunction to found a city where she lay down. The cow lay down on the hill of the Phrygian Ate; here Ilus founded Ilion; and Dardania, Troy and Ilion became one city. Desiring a sign from Zeus, Ilus prayed and found lying before his tent the Palladium, a wooden statue of Pallas, for which he built a temple. By Eurydice, daughter of Adrastus, he had a son, Laomedon, who married Strymo, a daughter of Scamander (or Placia, daughter of ATREUS or of Leucippus). In his reign, Poseidon and Apollo (or Poseidon alone), built the walls of Troy, but Laomedon withheld their reward. In his reign also, HERACLES besieged and took the city, slaying Laomedon and his children, except one daughter, Hesione, and one son, Podarces. -- 1943 edition. Vol. 22, p. 503.

  4. #4
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    Feb 2012


    De Scythen & Cimmeriërs

    Verschillende theorieën beweren dat de Scythen en/of Cimmeriërs geheel of gedeeltelijk de Verloren Stammen van Israël kunnen zijn. De theorieën zijn over het algemeen gebaseerd op de overtuiging dat de Noordelijke Koninkrijk van Israël, die waren gedeporteerd door de Assyriërs, bekend werden in de geschiedenis als de Scythen en/of Cimmeriërs. Verschillende standpunten bestaan over de vraag welke tegenwoordige naties deze mensen uitmaken.

    De zogenoemde Behistun inscriptie wordt vaak aangehaald als een schakel tussen de gedeporteerde Israëlieten, de Cimmeriërs en de Scythen (Saka).Op deze zwarte obelisk knielt koning Jehu, de zoon van Omri, of zijn ambassadeur aan de voeten van Salmanasser III.

    We hebben een redelijke reden om d Gimirri, of Cimmeriërs, die voor het eerst verschenen op de grenzen van Assyrië en Media in de zevende eeuw voor Christus, én de Sacae van de Behistun Rots, bijna twee eeuwen later, als identiek te beschouwen met de Beth-Khumree van Samaria, of een va de Tien Stammen van het Huis van Israël.

    George Rawlinson

    "The Scythians dwellin in Asia, being hard pressed by in war by the Massagetae, migrated from their homeland. Based on cros-reference comparisons, the Scythians were a monotheistic tribe."


  5. #5
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    Feb 2012


    Europese Routes

  6. #6
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    Feb 2012


    Youtube ligt er op dit moment uit, maar als de probleem wordt verholpen zou je deze fimpjes moeten kunnen zien.

  7. #7
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Snap zelf niet waarom ik dit allemaal post, maar geschiedenis is boeiend.

  9. #9
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    Feb 2012


    Nederlanders & Friesen

    The belief that the Dutch people, or people of the Netherlands, particularly the Frisians of the province Friesland, are descend from the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Adriaan van der Schrieck (1560–1621) a Flemish language researcher in 1614 first made this identification:
    "...the Netherlanders with the Gauls and Germans together in the earliest times were called: Celts, who are come out of the Hebrews."

    Dutch Israelism can also be traced back to the 17th century historian Matthew Smallegange (1624–1710) who wrote the Frisians descended from the ancient Hebrews in his Cronyk van Zeeland ("Chronicle of Zeeland").

    The only key work on Dutch Israelism to date is Strange Parallel: Zubulun -The Netherlands A Tribe of Israel (1984) by Helene Koppejan, In her book Strange Parallel, she notes that the early proponent John Wilson in 1837 had identified the Israelite Tribe of Zebulun with the Dutch people

    Those who write about the Lost Tribes are quite unanimous about the identity of the Dutch as Zebulunites. Zebulun's prophecies (Ge 49 & Dt 33) have such a strong focus on a tribe living off the sea. The Bible is supported in this by the apocryphal Testament of Zebulun (from The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs) in which the very first sailing-boat is ascribed to Zebulun and in which Zebulun encourages his tribe to be compassionate. Love for water, for the sea, and compassion for fellowmen are strong national characteristics in Holland. In Deuteronomy 33, Issachar shares Zebulun's prophecy concerning maritime and naval blessings. In the Testament of Issachar, the patriarch Issachar calls his tribe to simplicity and goodness (eenvoud, recht-door zee!) and encourages his descendants to breed cattle! With Zebulun around, Issachar cannot be far away.

    The North Sea Germanic classification problem reveals a flaw in the nineteenth century heritage of Germanic linguistics, widely felt to be one of the most solid and thoroughly researched areas of the whole human sciences. This has to do with the relationship of Anglo-Saxon and Dutch. Thus, in Krahe’s standard university textbook of the Germanic languages, (originally 1942?), AS and Frisian are placed together in one branch of West Germanic, with Dutch in a separate branch. However, a quite different classification is defended in works by Klaas Heeroma and Thomas L Markey, where Dutch is shown as closer to English than Frisian. This affinity of English and Frisian is represented as the product of marginal archaic retention, as waves of innovation give an appearance of unity to spatially central dialects, and spatially marginal dialects miss out on the innovations and thus appear closer to each other only by what they omit.

    New research dissolves the Old Saxon/ Anglo-Saxon bond, so that again Old English is closer to Dutch than to Saxon as spoken in Saxony. The change owes much to a revolutionary 1955 paper by Hans Kuhn. The linguistic gap between Old Saxon and Anglo-Saxon suggests that the first English did not set out from Denmark and Saxony, but from the South Netherlands and the Pas de Calais - the ‘litus saxonicum’. They probably lived in Angeln and Saxony at an earlier date, but migrated to the Flanders area as a staging-post and sailed to England from there.

    This result provides an explanation of the finding in topic 11 that the Anglo-Saxons came from the south Netherlands and not the North (or from the region between Frisia and Denmark). Heeroma gives powerful reasons for thinking that the whole Netherlands spoke a dialect resembling Frisian in early times, say the 5th and 6th centuries AD; that France, and the Frankish of France, were mighty sources of cultural authority already then (or soon after), and that waves of linguistic influence spread out from there and gradually southernised the Frankish speakers of the regions north of the Meuse; and that this was the origin of the Dutch:Frisian linguistic boundary. Heeroma gives excellent reasons for identifying quasi-Frisian (better: Ingvaeonic) relict features far to the south of what is now Frisia. England, for reasons not hard to identify, was relatively immune to these waves, and so acquired a peripheral and archaic character in relation to the Frankish speech area, which in time left it in the same category as Frisian - although at an earlier stage they were not the most closely related dialects.




  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Te veel drugs gebruikt.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Ik weet het niet, als je puur naar de bronnen kijkt dan is het op zijn minst toch merkwaardig.

    Heb denk wel genoeg 'spam' geplaatst, er zijn nog veel meer voorbeelden zoals de oorsprong van Odin/Wōden, niet één maar twee Koning Arthur(s) en de ronde tafe en contacten met de Americas door de Feniciërs en stammen van Israel. Dat is nog zo'n 'alternatieve' geschiedenis onderwerp. De mysterie van de Olmecs en de contacten vanuit China, oude Egyptenaren en Moslims. Dit is, vanuit de perceptie van 'alternatieve' geschiedenis, niet zo heel gek als je bedenkt dat de Feniciërs mogelijk 2000 jaar eerder, daar voorbij de Zuilen van Hercules (Gibraltar), de reis hebben gemaakt. Had ook nog iets over inheemse Amerikaanse paarden gevonden die, voor de komst van de Spanjaarden, daar leefden.

    Het heeft niet zoveel met dit onderwerp te maken, maar ik vond het vroeger al vreemd dat ze in de schoolboeken weinig konden vertellen over de oorsprong van hunebedden in Nederland en Stonehedge, ook niet over de 1e wereldoorlog. There is more than meets the eye zo blijkt, ook in geschiedenis.

    USA: discovery of 9th century quranic manuscripts predate Columbus travels by five centuries:


    The Survival of Horses in Pre-Columbian America:


    In ieder geval, als anderen topics openen over Congolese road rage, dan kan ik dit ook uit mijn systeem gooien.

    Last edited by hypergiant; 01-04-2016 at 00:11.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    eh dit is echt veels te intelligent voor zover ik kan beoordelen voor een mma forum, maar ja je moet maar denken er zijn veel culturen alleen is de griekse de enige die is gebaseerd op reden. Zo is het moderne mma dan ook erg vergelijkbaar met pancration, zeg maar basje rutten zijn pancrasse maar dat wisten jullie wel. De rest is gewoon net goed genoeg om als toiletpapier te gebruiken, het heeft stevigheid, flexibiliteit, kan absorberen maar daar is dan ook alles mee gezegd.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    trouwens ik bedenk nu net een manier om heel snel te promoveren tot een bruine band in die zogenaamde budo kunsten, ik zal het niet verklappen.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Ben jij het haastige konijn of de caterpillar?
    Last edited by hypergiant; 01-04-2016 at 00:19.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Heeft trouwens niets met intelligentie te maken, meer met interesse.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by hypergiant View Post
    Ben jij de haastige konijn of de caterpillar?
    ik zelf beschouw me wel als een nerveus haastig type, maar dat heeft voor een groot deel dan ook een oorzaak in het feit dat veel mensen het tegenovergestelde beweren.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    It's all in the mind. Je komt hier in ieder geval wel over als 'bezig'.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by hypergiant View Post
    It's all in the mind. Je komt hier in ieder geval wel over als 'bezig'.
    haha nou bedankt hoor ik vat het op als een compliment, goedenacht

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    Bedankt voor de punten, haha, ja ik was "bezig", maar ik had al lang(maanden) een account aangemaakt maar het lukte nu pas om in te loggen ik werd er steeds uitgekick als ik iets intypte eerder. Het is iets van de laatste der dagen dat ik kan inloggen, en toen begon het met onze lieve Koen, en toen dat hoofd van die arme marokkaan en daarnas begon dat met Brussel, er zat letterlijk geen dag tussen geloof ik. Sorry nogmaals voor alle woordenkots.
    Last edited by Hidde; 01-04-2016 at 01:04.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Gewoon blijven posten Hypergiant. 'k vind het meestal wel interessant.
    Wordt gewaardeerd, veel beter dan die ongefundeerde basboon shit die nu gelukkig weer rustig is.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Ik vind het ook interessant! Ga dit binnenkort even op mijn gemak lezen.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Zeer interessant!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Thnx, goed om te lezen dat het niet helemaal misplaatst is om dit op een vechtsport forum te posten. Zal hier en daar de topic proberen aan te vullen.

  24. #24
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    Feb 2012


    De 12 stammen

    Jacob had 12 sons. Each of these sons who each formed a tribe in Israel. These were: Reuben, Shimon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Joseph, and Benjamin. Known to history as the 12 Tribes of Israel, these tribes settled on both sides of the Jordan River.

    After the death of King Solomon, the Hebrew nation split into two kingdoms. Two tribes, including the tribe of Judah and the tribe of the Jacob's youngest son (Benjamin) formed the Southern Kingdom, and the other 10 tribes, centered around Samaria made up the Northern Kingdom of Israel.

    When the whole nation of Israel, which includes the
    Judah, split soon after Solomon's death, Judah and Benjamin formed Judah in the south, while the other ten tribes tribes in the north remaind Israel.

  25. #25
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    Feb 2012


    Koningen, Religie en Mythes

    Koning Kekrops

    Koning Kekrops was in de Griekse mythologie een autochthonos van het landschap Attica. Hij zou de stichter van Athene zijn, waarvan de burcht ook de naam droeg van Kekropia. Poseidon en Athena zouden hem vanwege zijn rechtvaardigheid tot scheidsrechter in hun strijd om Attica hebben gekozen.


    King Cecrops (Calcol/Calchol) had begun the Irish dynasty of Kings at Ulster around 1700BC. He also founded Athens and was at the head of all the kingly lines in Europe, owing to him being one of the sons of Zarah, who was the son of Judah, the patriarch of the same tribe from which King David and Jesus the Christ were descended.

    He was almost as wise as Solomon according to the biblical record, and had a brother called Darda (also known as Dardanus and Dara) who founded Troy and whose descendants ruled there until the destruction of it, when the last son of the Kingly line and grandfather of King Brutus. King Aeneas, married the daughter of Latinus and started off the Roman empire.

    Koning Aeneas

    Aeneas was the son of
    Anchises and Venus. He was a cousin of King Priam of Troy, and was the leader of Troy's Dardanian allies during the Trojan War. After the fall of Troy, he led a band of Trojan refugees to Italy and became the founder of Roman culture (although not of the city of Rome itself).


    Koning Brutus

    The great grandson of the Trojan Aeneas who, according to a jumbled Welsh legend in the Historia Brittonum. Brutus led a group of wandering Trojans to Britain, then called Albion, in the 12th century BCE. Geoffrey of Monmouth greatly expands the story saying that the island was renamed Britain and the people Britons after Brutus. Several works based upon Geoffrey use Brutus in their titles, namely Wace's Roman de Brut and Layamon's Brut along with several Welsh chronicles, since Brutus is credited with starting Britain's legendary monarchy that goes all the way through Arthur.

    Britain gets it’s name from King Brutus, the grandson of King Aeneas, who was the founder of the Roman Empire. Prince Brutus arrived on ‘the great white island’ with a large group of his fellow Trojans escaping the devastation of Troy, and was recognised and welcomed by three tribes of his Aryan Shemitic brethren that were already here, and who proceeded to proclaim him King of the entire island. Brutus founded the city of Caer Troia (New Troy) on the Thames, which later became known as ‘Londinium’ (London) by the Romans. Welsh Bruts give the date as being when the Philistines of the Old Testament held the ark of the Covenant in captivity and when Beli was the high priest of Judah, both of which are mentioned in the Book of 1 Samuel. A commemorative stone of where he first set foot on the island has stoot at Totnes in Devon since 1100BC. These people became known as the Ancient Britons and would later be absorbed into the Celts, Gauls and Saxons who also have their origins in the tribes of Jacob.

    Last edited by hypergiant; 02-04-2016 at 02:42.


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