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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Insider View Post
    Wat ik begrijp uit de post van Bas is dat Simon ook heeft afgesproken dat Badr een MMA partij zou vechten, is dit wel waar ?
    Quote Originally Posted by I_LOVE_KNOCKOUTS View Post
    Hier is allang een keer een reactie op gekomen vanuit It's Showtime. De strekking daarvan was dat die deal er nooit geweest is, noch mondeling noch schriftelijk.
    Dat was de reactie van It's Showtime, de reactie van Ron Nyqvist was dat die mondelinge afspraak er wel degelijk was.
    Wie gelijk heeft laat ik in het midden aangezien wij het toch nooit kunnen weten.
    Het is Simon's woord tegen dat van Ron Nyqvist

    Hoe dan ook, Alistair heeft Badr verslagen op zijn eigen regels en die MMA partij hoef ik niet te zien aangezien Badr dan echt kansloos is.
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  2. #52
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by I_LOVE_KNOCKOUTS View Post
    Volgens mij was de vertaling bijna letterlijk correct. Ik snap overigens niet wat het niet vechten van Alistair in Amerika te maken heeft met jouw uitspraak dat M-1 "crooks" zijn. De redenen die jij denkt te hebben (en die dus nu opeens heel anders blijken te zijn) staan toch compleet los van Alistair?

    Overigens, als er iemand is die altijd een grote mond heeft over aannames, is het Bas Boon. En wie is degene die in een interview aan een internationale site een joekel van een aanname doet (en het nog zelf toegeeft ook): Juistem, diezelfde Bas Boon.

    De vertaling van jouw tekst naar een ander forum is namelijk niet gedaan door iemand uit het kamp van Simon Rutz. Waarschijnlijk denk je dat ik het was, maar zoals al eerder gezegd: ik was het niet, en als ik het wel was geweest, had ik het zonder blikken of blozen toegegeven.
    Ik heb Simon hier net over gesproken en deze hele discussie is hij zich niet eens van bewust! Niemand uit zijn kamp heeft jouw woorden vertaald en ergens anders gepost.


    Weet je hoe ik bovenstaande noem: diefstal van vechters.
    Je krijgt al 15% Bas, waarom dan nog eens 15% willen ontvangen van de organisatie? Dat geld hoort toch voor jouw vechters te zijn? Die jongens die er keihard voor trainen en knokken!
    Dat verhaal over Semenov en Suloev is echt te schandalig voor woorden!
    x2 en toen het uitkwam met miro wou bas niks tegen fedor zeggen maar apy en vadim hebben dat wel meteen gedaan daarbij is de vechter bij m1 gewoon bij de onderhandelingen en conference calls aanwezig ,ik ben benieuwd of dat bij gg ook zo is of dat ze van bas gewoon horen je krijgt bv 10000$
    bas maak er een film van daar ben je veel beter in

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Bas is het zoooo voor zichzelf aan het opfokken in vechtsportminnend nederland... Of ligt het aan mij?

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    liever criminelen ,hellsangels ,yakuza ,en de russische mafia dan BAS BOON WAT KAN DIE MAN JANKEN

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    waarom kunnen we niet allemaal gewoon vriendjes zijn?

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ICON View Post
    waarom kunnen we niet allemaal gewoon vriendjes zijn?
    ze vinden elkaar stommerds omdat ze niet samen kunnen spelen en samen delen..


  7. #57
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    ik vind het een boeiend verhaal tot nu toe, ben benieuwd hoe bas reageerd.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    ik ben dat gezeik over Apy en M-1 zo beu beu beu he.
    Feit is dat ik zelf heel erg tevreden ben over het werk dat Apy en m-1 doen.
    Ik hoef maar een mailtje te sturen en ik kan trainen, eender wanneer!
    dat is ook geen goed werk ofzo... ik vind dat proffesioneel. Maar ik kan fout zijn...
    probeer wat minder zwart te spreken zou ek zo zeggen!

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by ICON View Post
    waarom kunnen we niet allemaal gewoon vriendjes zijn?
    omdat bas jaloers is en zichzelf zo slim vind en andere een lomschool leraar of vleesboer noemt maar zelf het liefst altijd op de voorgrond staat ik moet ook altijd lachen hoe hij zn vechters na de partij naar de foto stuurd maar ik heb me kostelijk vermaakt want hij heeft wel humor .
    en stiekum is het toch ook een FORUMWARRIOR

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by niels View Post
    ik vind het een boeiend verhaal tot nu toe, ben benieuwd hoe bas reageerd.

    dat duurt nog even het is denk ik nacht in thailand en dan is het niet lekker om aan je zwembad te zitten met je laptop .
    want ik heb nog wel een paar leuke viese spelletje verhalen klaarliggen ik kan haast niet wachten

  11. #61
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheelie View Post
    Vanuit Rusland ontving ik net deze officiele reactie van Vadim Finckelstein.
    De vet gedrukte stukken zijn de reacties op Bas Boon.

    Bas Boon is as always in his style. But every reasonable person that has read this letter understands that Bas Boon is a dishonorable man because he always makes a mess and stirs up trouble (For example, the situation with PRIDE), he tries to have business everywhere, wants to make money of everything.
    There is no single person in this world that would blame me for the dishonorableness towards my partners. If people try to cheat me I stop relations with these people because it means that they will do the same things in the future.
    I don’t like to walk in the mud but Bas Boon has forced me to answer those attacks concerning the situations that took place 5 or 6 years ago.
    Well, let’s start from the beginning.

    What is wrong, in having business everywere? I did not force you in any atack, none of this was never reported back to Russia, because of a language problem, now with a new forum Valetudo.ru - Бои без правил, you feel attacked?

    Boon: “I never made an official statement about M-1, I did talk on the Dutch forum about my feelings towards M-1 and some forum guy made a translation (out of context) of a part of the post and put it on several foreign forums. Vadim, you know that I always have the best fighters for your shows, Darrel Gohlar, Fatih Kocamis, Chalid Arrab, Allistair Overeem, Paul Cahoon…”
    Bas Boon really helped me in the beginning, it was my first experience and I needed advice. But those famous fighters he named back ten were just students, their fees were around $1000. Back then they were nothing special to speak of and Bas Boon was happy to put them in any event.
    The fighters were paid by me so were the flights and I HELPED WITH PRODUCTION, YOU TALK ABOUT A LOT MORE MONEY THEN $1000.-

    Boon: “I tried to help the first M-1 promotions/events in Russia, I helped with the Cage and matchmaking and lightning.”
    But you forgot to mention that you didn’t do it free of charge. You got the broadcasting rights etc.
    Same as before I spend a lot of money and made a business deal, whats wrong in optaining the braodcast rights? You saved money if flights, were I heared later that in some occations Appy Echteld ask you money for flights to and you did not know that I also was paying this, nice partner you have!

    I did the first Cage Fight in Holland in Emmen in 1996.
    That’s true. And after that tournament the cage was banned in the whole Europe…

    Yes, politics, what can I say, wrong moment in time!

    I made a business deal regarding all M-1/Red Devil rights for bringing fighters and helping producing the shows.
    Yes, I had that agreement with you in order provide my athletes with fights. And you got 10% of their fees when you found the fights for them.

    Thats called a business deal

    I put Amar Suleov en Semenov in the UFC for a lot of money (at that time it was a lot of money).
    You made this fight indeed, got 10% or it, but you forgot to tell about how you deducted money from their fees and told us that it was an American additional tax deduction. Then I found out from the Americans that there should be no taxes, the fees were paid netto. You put your hands into the guys’ pocket although you already got your 10%. It was the first issue and then I was planning to stop any business relations with you.

    Bullshit and you know it, original every foreign fighters has to pay to the taxin USA (if this is not done by the promotor, its illegal by the promoter and when it is leggal the fighter have to pay a lot more tax in his won country, depending on the treatment of the country) , the fighters gets a check and they have to pay the money to you, there was no cash ivolved. I have ask Appy that I had a way with my company to get 20% of this back if we could have the money paid cash. I told him we could devide this, that I will fill in the papers with the tax as a loos. I have devided this money with Appy and nobody was heart becuase of this.
    In my understanding Appy told this to you Mr vadim as a partner and evt to the fighters (I do not speak Russian) they had to pay the money regardless.
    It so happens that I have a witness Mr Marc de Weerd and yourself came with this story with Appy to my office. Then I explained that I shared this money with your partner Appy. Appy then came with a strange story that he still had to pay a lot of cast like flight tickets and crap and that he used the money for that?
    Strangley enough you believed your partner and we kept working together. So again if you make an accusation , tell the whople story!

    I introduced you to my long time business partner where you went with fighters to Brazil for fight events.
    Perhaps you forgot at whose expense they would participate. The deal was that I provide the fighters and in return gain the television rights to broadcast those events in Russia.
    It does not matter what the deal was, I was not there, I just wrote that I introduced you to my bussiness partner!

    I brought Appy to Japan on the cost of Golden Glory (I paid for that trip to Japan, hotels flights, everything as we were business partners in promoting fight events).
    M-1 Global didn’t exist at that time and Apy didn’t work for it.

    Hahahaha, M-1 existed and Appy and you were partners, I have a written contract to prove that, your memeroy is getting blurry!

    The only thing Appy ever did, he gave a business card of yours/red devil to Fedor on that trip to Japan.
    He didn’t give any visit cards to Fedor. He just flew in the same airplane as Fedor and asked him if he wants to talk to me. Fedor said yes and gave his phone number. Anyway, at that time Fedor just started his career, world of MMA was very small in Russia, everybody knew each other and it wasn’t a big deal to find his phone number.

    Appy story is different, he told me he gave me that business card on that trip, I do not recall fedor being in the plane on our way back from Japan to Holland, I was in the same plane!

    I can send you all the emails I have from you regarding my help in signing Fedor, as Fedor did not want to leave Pogodin, his manager. Finally, I sent you an e-mail regarding Fedor's title fight bonus $50.000 for the Pride title and that all fighters (I had a lot of contracts with GG fighters with Pride at that time Semmy, Heath Herring, Alistair, Valentijn....) they all got the same term in their contract with Pride , if they would fight for a belt and win they would make an extra $50.000.-. I was very smart sending an email to Pride and asking them if this term was for all fighters who fought for a belt, they said yes and I forwarded you this mail. I told you: ask what Fedor got for his title fight and you told me $4000.
    Fedor understood that he was cheated. You just helped us expose deception of Pogodin, but you didn’t do it for free. You wanted to make money off Fedor. This deception would be disclosed sooner of later anyway.

    We were all partners, what do business partners do, they make money Vadim, do you sell your meat for free or give this to charrity?

    You wanted a better contract for Fedor and I made sure Fedor got almost 4 times more money than before fighting with Pride. Fedor went from $30.000 to $115000 - for four fights. And I got his brother a contract as well and Amar Suloev. You, Apy and myself agreed: that I would be on the management contract of Fedor, but I put Mijatovic as I could not be mentioned on this management agreement. At that time I would get serious problems with Pride. If they know I brought their champion to their enemy, you can imagine it would hurt my business relationship with them. You guys agreed with this and understood the situation. Mijatovic would act on my behalf and everybody agreed! Further more - I had the Japanese people to fly to St Petersburg including myself. I had problems with Stefan and Semmy with K-1 and could not afford more problems with Pride.
    At that time Fedor had already made his decision to work with me as his manager. He had two more fights for PRIDE. I looked through the contract signed by Fedor and found out that he was free to move to another organization as there was no exclusivity clause. And I sent you a copy of the contract. After that you came to Saint-Petersburg to sign a deal with Inoki Bom Baye, you took Miro and that Japanese guy representing Inoki Bom Baye. You were involved in co-promotion of this show as you wanted to make money of everything, that’s why you made Miro represent you and hid behind his back. In case of problems Miro would be left with problems, not you. We worked off that New Year’s Eve, we got out fee. The rest was your own problem with Japanese organizers that wasn’t our business.

    Vadim, you bring yourself in a whole lot of troubles, the contract of Fedor was valid till October or November 2004 from Pride (I have the original new contract and the mails were Pride goes off about this). I was the one who found a loopwhole in the contract as the fighter Fedor never signed the contract, but Pogodin did. Therefore the contract was invalid, later Pride would made an official statment (sure to find on the internet) waving for Tv and the internet they had a contract with Fedor. You yourself and Appy called them liars and I explained you this is the way these people work. I did not took nobody, Miro called me from Japan (who I knew briefly from as manager from Cro Cop) he knew I was having problems with K-1 (Semmy and Stefan were out of the GP becuase of contract problems) and that Pride was not honering my contracts with them as well as soon they found out I had beef with K-1.

    Now, you also know that Cro Cop was paid to not fight on NYE at the Bom Baye show (Pride arranged this, he was paid to get injured) and that this was the reason for me trying to save the show by getting Fedor to fight - even with an injured hand. I arranged a pro wrestler for him to fight for almost 4 times more money than he ever made with Pride! The contract was also for 4 fights
    You were one of the event organizers, it was your own risk.

    We were unlucky with the "war" in Japan as all three promotions/ companies K-1, Pride and Bom Baye were doing a New Years Eve show at the same time (this never happened before). Behind the scenes in Kobe that 2003 NYE fight night, I had many yakuza threats as well as Miro Mijatovic. Finally the yakuza was pressing Kawamata (the promoter) to pay 1 million for Fedor to Pride and another million to the Yakuza (I guess his Pride went up again). The result was that the promoter Kawamata left Japan and took whatever money he could get with him.
    Looks like a gang movie. I’ve never heard the names you mentioned. Probably you simply messed up since you wanted to get money everywhere from everyone. I was far from these cobwebs. I was Fedor’s manager and acted according to the contracts signed.

    There was some cash money and I told Miro to pay you guys with this cash money as I would wait for the wire transfer, which never came. Till today I lost more the $300.000 with this shit. I then made a deal with Miro that all money made from Fedor should be paid to me, as I needed my payment for my fighters which I
    advanced. In the beginning I wanted to share my money with him as he spoke Japanese and was a good lawyer, but I knew him as long as you guys did, I met him in St Petersburg!
    You were one of the organizers. So why would you blame the fighter? We got our money for the work and the rest was not our business.

  12. #62
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    [QUOTE=Wheelie;812101]Vanuit Rusland ontving ik net deze officiele reactie van Vadim Finckelstein.
    De vet gedrukte stukken zijn de reacties op Bas Boon.

    VADIM: Bas Boon is as always in his style. But every reasonable person that has read this letter understands that Bas Boon is a dishonorable man because he always makes a mess and stirs up trouble (For example, the situation with PRIDE), he tries to have business everywhere, wants to make money of everything.
    There is no single person in this world that would blame me for the dishonorableness towards my partners. If people try to cheat me I stop relations with these people because it means that they will do the same things in the future.
    I don’t like to walk in the mud but Bas Boon has forced me to answer those attacks concerning the situations that took place 5 or 6 years ago.
    Well, let’s start from the beginning.

    BAS BOON:What is wrong, in having businesses every where. I enjoy challenging myself in different areas of business, writing, movies ect. I have not attacked you I have only stated the truth, yes it was a few years ago but none the less the truth should be known. At that time there was not a forum like Valetudo.ru - Бои без правил or a way to inform the media in Russia of what was going on , now with this in the media in Russia you feel obliged to respond – Do you feel you are being attacked and why?
    Boon: “I never made an official statement about M-1, I did talk on the Dutch forum about my feelings towards M-1 and some forum guy made a translation (out of context) of a part of the post and put it on several foreign forums. Vadim, you know that I always have the best fighters for your shows, Darrel Gohlar, Fatih Kocamis, Chalid Arrab, Allistair Overeem, Paul Cahoon…”

    VADIM:Bas Boon really helped me in the beginning, it was my first experience and I needed advice. But those famous fighters he named back ten were just students, their fees were around $1000. Back then they were nothing special to speak of and Bas Boon was happy to put them in any event.

    BAS BOON: Some of the fighters were not so famous back then I could see their potential. ( Fatih Kocamis and Chalid Arrab became M1 European and world Champions, just to name a few) All of the fight purses, the production and flights were paid by me, so we are talking about a lot more money than a couple thousand dollars. Boon: “I tried to help the first M-1 promotions/events in Russia, I helped with the Cage and matchmaking and lightning.”

    VADIM: But you forgot to mention that you didn’t do it free of charge. You got the broadcasting rights etc.

    BAS BOON:I spend a lot of money per event and made a business deal, what’s wrong in getting the broadcast rights? You saved money on flights, fight purses and production (I made that deal with your partner Appy, that I also would cover the flights, they were charged on my credit card) and M1 did not have to pay for some fighters, production (or very little), later I found out Appy Echteld received money from you for flights) I did not know at the time of paying for the flights that later Appy would go and ask you for flight money that had been paid already.

    I did the first Cage Fight in Holland in Emmen in 1996.

    VADIM: That’s true. And after that tournament the cage was banned in the whole Europe…

    BAS BOON: Yes, politics, what can I say, wrong moment in time! In the beginning the UFC was only in two states, times change!

    I made a business deal regarding all M-1/Red Devil rights for bringing in fighters and helping producing the shows.

    VADIM: Yes, I had that agreement with you in order provide my athletes with fights. And you got 10% of their fees when you found the fights for them.

    BAS BOON:That’s called a business deal

    VADIM: I put Amar Suleov en Semenov in the UFC for a lot of money (at that time it was a lot of money).
    You made this fight indeed, got 10% or it, but you forgot to tell about how you deducted money from their fees and told us that it was an American additional tax deduction. Then I found out from the Americans that there should be no taxes, the fees were paid netto. You put your hands into the guys’ pocket although you already got your 10%. It was the first issue and then I was planning to stop any business relations with you.

    BAS BOON: So very not true. If you do your research you will know that every fighter has to pay tax in the USA or in his own country (if this is not done by the promoter, it is illegal by the promoter and when it is legal, the foreign fighter has to pay a lot more tax in their own country, depending on the treatment countries have, for example Japan they pay the promoter pays the withholding tax on top of the fight purse), the fighters get a check (not cash as the early pride days) and they have to pay the money to the manager, there normally was no cash involved. I have told Appy that I had a way with my company to get 20% of this tax back, if we could receive the money in cash (which was done as a favour). I told him we could divide this fifty fifty. This was completely legit and would be shown to all parties with the paperwork and the tax, Appy did nothing just received half. I have divided this money with Appy and nobody was hurt because of this.
    In my understanding Appy told this to you Mr Vadim and shared this to you as a partner and to the fighters (I do not speak Russian so I don’t know) the fighters had to pay the tax money regardless.
    It so happens that I have a witness Mr Marc de Weerd and yourself came with this story with Appy to my office. Then I explained that I shared this money with your partner Appy. He then came with a strange story that he still had to pay a lot of cost from the last show, like flight tickets and crap and that he used the money for that?
    Strangely enough you believed your partner and we kept working together. So again if you make an accusation, tell the whole story! My story makes a lot of sense even without the witness, why would you continue to work with me, if I am not speaking the truth? For me the biggest riddle is that you kept/keep working with Appy, after this shit came out! Appy has hidden travel expenses not mentioned to you? Then Appy is mentioned getting caught on tape (with threats where Russians are named), but you still work with him? Then Appy gets a strange UFC offer for Gerard Mushashi, which Joe Silva said never happened, but you still work with him?
    Does Appy have a secret tape of you with some important scandal hanging above your head, every time he makes a “mistake” you seem quite forgiving?

    I introduced you to my long time business partner where you went with fighters to Brazil for fight events.

    end of part 1

  13. #63
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    part 2

    Perhaps you forgot at whose expense they would participate. The deal was that I provide the fighters and in return gain the television rights to broadcast those events in Russia.
    It does not matter what the deal was, I was not there ( I was not part of that business deal. I introduced you to someone. The rest was up to you to work a deal to your liking/everybody’s liking), I just wrote that I introduced you to my business partner, which I did!

    I brought Appy to Japan on the cost of Golden Glory (golden Glory paid for that trip to Japan, hotels flights, everything as we were business partners in promoting fight events).
    M-1 Global didn’t exist at that time and Apy didn’t work for it.

    M-1 ,later the word Global was edited, I even have a contract where it is said we agreed we always would divide our earnings from the work of Golden Glory for Appy/Vadim. It is described like this: M-1, 2h2h, To cold To hold or whatever name not mentioned or will be invented, that’s what mentioned in the contract signed by Appy and Vadim. Check your paperwork (the name Global was added later ) and Appy and you were partners, I have a written contract to prove that, I already produced the official K-1 offer from FEG and I will produce this agreement as well, signed by the both of you!

    The only thing Appy ever did, he gave a business card of yours/red devil to Fedor on that trip to Japan.
    He didn’t give any visit cards to Fedor. He just flew in the same airplane as Fedor and asked him if he wants to talk to me. Fedor said yes and gave his phone number. Anyway, at that time Fedor just started his career, world of MMA was very small in Russia, everybody knew each other and it wasn’t a big deal to find his phone number.

    Appy’s story is different, he told me he gave your business card to Fedor in the locker room backstage of the event in Japan. I do not recall Fedor being in the plane on our way back from Japan to Holland, I was in the same plane! And I was the one who told Appy and you that Fedor was the best fighter on the planet, I already talked about how good Fedor was with Monty Cox (who told me how amazing Fedor was when he fought at Rings Japan) long before you ever heard of Fedor. I even talked with Pogodin about a movie and an instructional series with Fedor before all the problems started and before we took over his management. So, the champion of Pride was not known? Our deal was worldwide and Japan is a bigger market, I took the champion with the belt from Pride with an existing contract and put him in a rival show! I explained to you and Appy that there were obvious problems with this situation (do you think Sakakibara liked the fact that just after making sure Mirko Cro Cop would not fight the main event, that I took his champion away as a replacement) Now you say they were not your problems?

    I can send you all the emails I have from you regarding my help in signing Fedor, as Fedor did not want to leave Pogodin, his manager. Finally, I sent you an e-mail regarding Fedor's title fight bonus $50.000 for the Pride title and that all fighters (I had a lot of contracts with GG fighters with Pride at that time Semmy, Heath Herring, Alistair, Valentijn....) they all got the same term in their contract with Pride , if they would fight for a belt and win they would make an extra $50.000.-. I was very smart sending an email to Pride and asking them if this term was for all fighters who fought for a belt, they said yes and I forwarded you this mail. I told you: ask what Fedor got for his title fight and you told me $4000.

    Fedor understood that he was cheated. You just helped us expose deception of Pogodin, but you didn’t do it for free. You wanted to make money off Fedor. This deception would be disclosed sooner of later anyway.
    We had a contract over a period of 5 years plus, I know when I help people advance in the industry, this could come back at you in a bad way (I had those experiences in the past) people forget what you do for them especially when large amounts of money are involved. They forget they have to share when the money becomes serious, yes I wanted to get paid for my services, we signed a business deal. I just helped him to get exposure??? Like that is not a big deal?

    We were all partners, what do business partners do, they make money Vadim, do you sell your meat for free or give this to charity?

    You wanted a better contract for Fedor and I made sure Fedor got almost four times more money than before when fighting with Pride. Fedor went from $30.000 to $115000 - for four fights. And I got his brother a contract as well and Amar Suloev. You, Apy and myself agreed: that I would be on the management contract of Fedor, but I put Mijatovic as I could not be mentioned on this management agreement. At that time I would get serious problems with Pride. If they knew I brought their champion to their enemy, you can imagine it would hurt my business relationship with them. You guys agreed with this and understood the situation. Mijatovic would act on my behalf and everybody agreed! Further more - I had the Japanese people to fly to St Petersburg including myself. I had problems with Stefan and Semmy with K-1 and could not afford more problems with Pride.

    At that time Fedor had already made his decision to work with me as his manager. He had two more fights for PRIDE. I looked through the contract signed by Fedor and found out that he was free to move to another organization as there was no exclusivity clause. And I sent you a copy of the contract. After that you came to Saint-Petersburg to sign a deal with Inoki Bom Baye, you took Miro and that Japanese guy representing Inoki Bom Baye. You were involved in co-promotion of this show as you wanted to make money of everything, that’s why you made Miro represent you and hid behind his back. In case of problems Miro would be left with problems, not you. We worked off that New Year’s Eve, we got out fee. The rest was your own problem with Japanese organizers that wasn’t our business.
    You seem to forget that we had a business agreement that all your fighters Golden Glory would receive money and we would manage together that we were your business partners, I do not speak Russian, so I do not know what you told Fedor (you should have told him the truth, that we were all working together, Golden Glory was a huge name then and still is, it was also for Fedor an advantage to know that serious and experienced people would be doing his management). That’s what business partners do. You decided that when I finally did all the work and Fedor wanted to sign an agreement (which I also provided), it was you doing the business with Fedor, not us??

    First of all Miro did not represent me at that time, I made a written contract signed by you and Appy not Miro.
    I was not the promoter of Bombaye, Miro acted as a representative from Kawamata (the promoter) Miro was still managing Cro Cop. At that time he was not even mentioned as manager it was an idea we had. This was done later when all the yakuza shit happened in Kobe Japan. The man Miro who moved his family out of Japan because of serious yakuza problems, because I exposed Fedor whom was cheated and came with Miro with a proposal with almost 4 x more money)? The man who I ask: pay the Russians first as the relationship between Fedor and Red Devil is just three weeks old? The man who still has to pay me money, not to mention $300.000K from Kawamata? Try to find the tapes or broadcasting and see if I am mentioned as a co-producer? I wanted to be co-producer, but never got that title, I got a “nice” unpaid bill of $300.000.-. Business partners should also share losses and solve problems together, if something goes wrong, but then your mentality is that you do not have nothing to do with this?
    Miro (on behalf of the promoter Kawamata) paid me $50.000 the day after the fight and another $60.000 a few months later out of his own pocket!
    You and Appy were my partners, it was our business, but you were the one who did not get the headache and did not want the headache. Then you would say your Dutch language is no so good, or your English is not so good!

  14. #64
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    Sep 2004


    part 3 last part

    Vadim, you bring yourself in a whole lot of troubles, the contract of Fedor was valid till October or November 2004 from Pride (I have the original new contract and the mails were Pride goes off about this). I was the one who found a loophole in the contract as the fighter Fedor never signed the contract (the contract was many pages in English and your English is not that good, remember), but Pogodin signed the contract. Therefore the contract was invalid (Fedor did not sign himself directly with Pride), later Pride made an official statement (sure to find on the internet) waving a fake contract for TV and the internet stating they had a signed contract with Fedor (forging Fedor’s signature). You yourself and Appy called Pride liars (when Sakikibara was waving for TV his contract with Fedor where Sakakibara told the press Fedor signed this himself) and I explained to you this is the way some of these people work.

    Miro called me from Japan (who I knew briefly as Cro Cop’s manager) he knew I was having problems with K-1 at the end of 2003 (Semmy and Stefan were out of the GP because of contract problems) Miro also knew that Pride did not respect my contracts with them as soon Pride found out I had beef with K-1. Miro came with the proposal for Bombaye and we all benefited from this, when later the problems came it was agreed he would do the business in Japan as a manager (not a producer) between you and Miro. Yes Miro paid me the money he received for those services to me, to pay me back for the lost of the Bombaye show, it was all done by bank transfer and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

    What you did was the other way around, you tried to use Miro to break free from a valid signed contract you had with me. Reading the above you would never of had Fedor, if it was not for my work. Instead of feeling sorry for Miro, you accused him and me (people loosing a big amount of money to get you where you are today). Miro spoke perfect Japanese and English and was a good lawyer, he was the best contact you could of have. He got screwed with Mirko Cro Cop himself by Pride and I am sure he used Fedor as leverage to get his payments they still owed him (like you guys did “because of your huge loss in the Ahoy promotion” when Fedor fought for $150.000 less in a Pride show , when there was a much bigger offer from K-1 on the table, I produced proof of this). I don’t blame Miro for leaving the country with his family or turning his back to the fight industry, the guy went through hell!

    When on Nye 2004 Sakakibara start telling lies because we did not want to sign a long term deal, you and Appy accusing everybody of betrayal without investigating/ researching the situation. You used the person Sakakibara from Pride (who you and Appy both called lairs, when Sakakibara was waving with his so called signed contract were he forged the signature of fedor) to break away from Miro, but the person who did everything for you and had a written agreement with you, you put in the same category?

    The only reason why you are “forced” to come with a reply, is that the truth is coming out, because other Russian translators are translating exactly what is written and how thing went.
    A good example is the mail I sent you explaining my side of the story. I sent this mail privately, but instead of answering me privately. This didn’t have to be made public – this was your choice!! You put a small translation on your M-1 site, with the head lines, that I made excuses to you???
    This is why you have to urge to reply.
    Let’s see how Fedor feels if he knows that he played Santa Claus and fought for $150.000 less (because you guys used Fedor as a leverage to have Pride pay your bills for the losses of the disaster show in Ahoy Rotterdam Holland)

  15. #65
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by jesselaar View Post
    omdat bas jaloers is en zichzelf zo slim vind en andere een lomschool leraar of vleesboer noemt maar zelf het liefst altijd op de voorgrond staat ik moet ook altijd lachen hoe hij zn vechters na de partij naar de foto stuurd maar ik heb me kostelijk vermaakt want hij heeft wel humor .
    en stiekum is het toch ook een FORUMWARRIOR

    Quote by: ALEISTER CROWLEY (was een mason "vrijmetselaar")

  16. #66
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by iconian View Post
    poeh. Dat over semenov bas 10% in eigen zak stak en zei dat het belastingen waren is ernstig.

    verder beschuldigingen:

    Bas kreeg nog eens 15% extra van pride naast zijn contractuele fee

    De 50/50 deal voor de uitzendrechten waar vadim nooit iets van zag.
    Iconian, waar lees je dat ik 15% extra kreeg?
    Verder hebben alle GG vechters netjes een contract met de promoter en staat daarin hoeveel ze aan het management afdragen.
    Dus niet net als Pogodin een contract met een organisatie en dan als mangement een contract met de promoter.
    Ik verdien ook goed aan TV contracten die ik afsluit en andere deals (aanbrengen van promoters, films etc), de vechters hebben direct een contract met de organisatie!
    Waarom denk je dat vechters als Kharitonov en Karaev naar Golden Glory zijn gekomen?

  17. #67
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Dus Fedor draait op voor de kosten van een mislukt gala in Rotterdam? Damn ik hoop dat hij dit nou weet.....

  18. #68
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    liverpool & leeuwarden


    Iconian, waar lees je dat ik 15% extra kreeg?

    Ene Vadim Finkelstein zei dat?

    "And if you are so honest and decent person could you please explain the following:
    After Inoki Bom Baye we signed a contract with PRIDE for 3 fights. We worked off those fights and paid you and Miro your fees. But after that Sakikabara told me that you got additional 15% from PRIDE. How come? And thereafter when I found out that you cheated me one more time, I broke up any relations with you."
    Blaas die vuur en doe mij branden , whoop whoop!!

  19. #69
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Omg, ik zou me echt kapot schamen als ik zo'n manager had als BaBoon.
    Hou je lekker bezig met je werk en hang niet die hele vuile was buiten want je hebt jezelf er mee.

  20. #70
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    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by basboon View Post
    Iconian, waar lees je dat ik 15% extra kreeg?

    Ene Vadim Finkelstein zei dat?

    "And if you are so honest and decent person could you please explain the following:
    After Inoki Bom Baye we signed a contract with PRIDE for 3 fights. We worked off those fights and paid you and Miro your fees. But after that Sakikabara told me that you got additional 15% from PRIDE. How come? And thereafter when I found out that you cheated me one more time, I broke up any relations with you."
    Dit gaat over die Sakakaibara die door Vadim en Appy en mijzelf met Fedor, wuivend met een nagemaakt contract als leugenaar werdt ontmaskert, je bedoeld die Sakakibara?
    Die yakuza gebruikte die eerlijke man?
    Diezelfde die een mail stuurt naar Miro met een voorstel hoe hij zelf de verdeling kan maken van het nieuwe bedrag wat wat werdt geboden voor Fedor(gewoon poging tot omkoping in zwart en wit) een contract van twee jaar voor 4 gevechten per jaar, wij wilden per gevecht (dat overleg ging per telefoon in woon niet in japan, ik briefde dat door naar Appy en Vadim).
    En we hebben het nu over Mijatovic niet Bas Boon, dat is nogal een groot verschil. Mijatovic ontving geld in Japan niet ik.
    Nergens stond op die overschrijvingen overigens waarvoor die bedragen waren (Miro heeft ze mij laten zien, want ik wou ook weten wat er aan de hand was) het kon goed het percentage nog zijn wat hij van Cro Cop tegoed had, die op elke show vocht waar Fedor ook vocht of iets wat hij had afgesproken nadat Mirko van hem door toedoen van Sakakibara was afgepakt, hij zal fedor wel als leverage hebben gebruikt en weet je wat: ik neem hem dat niet eens kwalijk als hij dit zou hebben gedaan!. Het is het woord van Sakakibara (die nu ineens wel de waarheid spreekt omdat het de heren uitkwam) die nu ineens (omdat Miro niet wou ingaan op zijn omkopingspoging) met modder ging gooien. Die modder werdt door Appy en Vadim ontvangen om die gelijk in het gezicht van Miro te smeren en naderhand kreeg ik ook nog een portie!
    Bedankt voor de beste vechter ter wereld, nee jij krijgt niks!
    Overigens was er geen eerste keer van bedrog, het was Appy die gewoon niet had gedeelt met zijn partner. Luister in America is alles publiekenlijk, die vechters kunnen gewoon zien wat ze krijgen , op die contracten stond gewoon ook hoeveel er moest worden afgedragen. Als je dan komt en je zegt iedereen verdient 10% meer als we het zus en zo doen en Appy gaat akkoord. Hij is erbij als het geld wordt ontvangen en hij krijgt gewoon waar we mee akkoord zijn gegaan. Als je dan achteraf een verhaal moet horen dat hij dat heeft verekend met nog openstaande kosten van een gala en niks tegen zijn partner heeft gezegd, wie is er dan een bedrieger!
    Last edited by anoniem gg; 04-10-2009 at 10:59.

  21. #71
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    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Insider View Post
    Bas noemt ook de poging tot liquidatie van Riny, toch een van de zakelijke partners van Simon en bovendien een hells angel.
    Ahum, ik heb nooit over Riny gesproken in geen enkele post, ook niet over zakenlijke partners van Simon die hells angels zouden zijn?
    Ik heb gezegd dat ik het Rutz kamp ervan verdenk dat ze dat stuk vertaald hebben, omdat ze beef hebben met Appy (dat was te beluisteren op die tapes), ik noemde een forum warrior van het Rutz camp een clown die ik ervan verdacjt (dus niet zeker weet).
    Ik denk niet dat Rini die jij noemt en hells angels het jouw in dank afnemen dat jij een vergelijking maakt met een clown?
    Maar goed jij heb Insider als naam, dus je zult wel meer weten van de zaak, vertel?

    Love Peace

  22. #72
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Bas, je zal vast gelijk hebben over bepaalde zaken, van mijn part over alle zaken, maar hoe je je presenteert, is echt een zielige vertoning.

  23. #73
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    Aug 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by basboon View Post

    Quote by: ALEISTER CROWLEY (was een mason "vrijmetselaar")
    Ah... Crowley, occult, alchemist, bergbeklimmer en satanist. Hij noemde zichzelf graag het Apocalyptische Beest of Baphomet.

    Nu werd Baphomet vereerd door de Tempeliers, de grondleggers van de moderne vrijmetselarij, met de gedachte dat Baphomet zich volgens een bepaalde versleutelcode laat vertalen tot Sophia, de Griekse godin van de wijsheid. De Tempeliers bedoelden zeer zeker niet het Apocalyptische Beest (Boek der Openbaringen) met Baphomet en de vraag is dus of het occultisme van Crowley valt onder de noemer vrijmetselarij.

    Wat zeker is dat hij al tijdens zijn leven, zelfs door zijn moeder, werd omschreven als het vleesgeworden kwaad, ik vind je keuze om juist hem te quoten dan ook zeer interessant Bas.

    luistertip: Mr. Crowley van Ozzy Ozbourne, kijktip: Chemical Wedding en kijk eens wat er gebeurd als je zijn voornaam intypt in google
    Is that a guardjumper in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

  24. #74
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    ps: weer anderen denken dat Baphomet een verbastering is van Mahomet, oftewel de Franse naam voor Mohammed de Profeet...
    Is that a guardjumper in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

  25. #75
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by simtekf1 View Post
    Omg, ik zou me echt kapot schamen als ik zo'n manager had als BaBoon.
    Hou je lekker bezig met je werk en hang niet die hele vuile was buiten want je hebt jezelf er mee.
    Beste Simtekf1

    Ik ben aan het werk.

    Viereneenhalf jaar hoor ik niks er wordt gedaan alsof ik niet besta. Ik heb een aantal pogingen ondernomen omdat van hun kant werdt geprobeert de zaak goed te maken (bezoek van Appy aan mijn partner). Een ene J. zou twee stukken grond geven in het buitenland als compensatie, diezelfde J had ook tonnen verlies in het Ahoy verhaal. Maar uiteindelijk ging het allemaal niet door want de connectie van J was ervandoor en hijzelf kwam in detentie te zitten.
    Maar hij loopt er nu wel bij M-1 en krijgt zijn geinvesteerde geld terug, terwijl hij toch echt later in de rij stond. En als het verhaal niet klopte waarom dan dit gebaar? Misschien wou J iedereen wel tevreden houden of dacht hij dat samenwerking beter was of wilde gewoon dat de zaak werdt opgelost, wat ook beter was geweest.
    Ik heb in Monaco vorig jaar Vadim ontmoet en probeerde een gesprek aan te gaan over die onafgewerkte zaken. Ik hoorde alleen, nu andere situatie en ik niet begrijp?

    Uiteindelijk kom ik op het idee door het vertaalde stuk van mix fight op het UFC forum(bedankt nog daarvoor)om het forum te gebruiken.
    Maar eerst bel ik na aanleiding van een telefoontje Vadim op, ik had Appy toen nog gezegd nadat hij mij belde: ja, ik had dat beter misschien niet zo moeten formuleren op het forum, maar ja onafgewerkte zaken en frustraties, afijn ik beloofde Appy, Vadim te bellen er gebeurde in ieder geval weer iets.
    Ik belde Vadim, vertelde hem wat er aan de hand was en wat het Golden Glory management dwars zat en hij vroeg de hele tijd of ik hem een mail wilde sturen met excuses. Ik heb toen gezegd dat ik een mail zou sturen met informatie zoals het Golden Glory management het zag.
    Die kant was best een lange mail en ik dacht oprecht dat we hieruit konden komen en dat er eindelijk eens wat ging gebeuren.
    Helaas kom ik door "jawel" mixfight notabene er achter dat er een beknopte eigen vertaling van die persoonlijke mail aan Vadim op het Russische M-1 forum staat, waar ik het excuus zou hebben aangeboden aan Vadim?

    Toen heb ik netjes een mail gestuurd naar Vadim dat het niet zo een goeie vertaling vondt en dat ik de brief wel op een aantal forums zou plaatsen, zodat mensen daar zelf een vertaling op los konden laten (ik begon die forum waarde te zien) en de waarheid konden lezen over wat er echt was gemailt.
    Uiteindelijk lijdt dit tot een response van Vadim, niet in mijn mailbox maar publiekenlijk op een forum. En dat is goed want nu kan iedereen zien dat het wel allemaal mijn werk is geweest.
    De enigste reden dat Vadim (zoals hijzelf schrijft hij voelt zich aangevallen?) een antwoord geeft is dat hij bang is voor zijn imago en dat Fedor dingen leest in het Russisch, die zijn relatie met hem kunnen verstoren. En dat is precies de reden waarom ik het hele verhaal post op een publiekenlijk forum, er komt antwoord en ik heb daar jaren op moeten wachten!

    Verder ben ik samen met hele management van Golden Glory teleurgesteld over dat de zaken niet zijn afgehandeld en hoop dat dat eerdaags gewoon netjes gebeurt.

    Over dat verhaal met Alistair en Badr, er is door mij in Japan om misverstanden te voorkomen vooraf een persconferentie gegeven waarom en op welke voorwaarden wij de partij hadden geaccepteerd (er was gigantisch veel press). Toen alle vechters op een rij zaten en er werden vragen gesteld, kwam Alistair aan de beurt en die herhaalde hetzelfde, een deal van twee gevechten, eerst op K-1 regels en dan op MMA regels. Er is niks maar dan ook niks van gezegd door Badr die drie stoelen verderop zat en daarna aan de beurt was dat die deal niet zo was afgesproken. Ook vertelde Badr zelf aan Alistair na de partij dat ze dit alleen hadden gedaan om ons uit de tent te lokken. Ook in het interview (de pers vroeg Badr zelfs naar dat tweede gevecht op MMA regels, dat wisten ze immers uit de mond van Alistair voor de partij en mijn persconferentie) na het gevecht onkende Badr het niet maar zei hij alleen dat hij een K-1 vechter en dat die MMA partij er niet kwam hij vocht alleen K-1, ze zullen ongetwijfeld ergens te vinden zijn op het net!

    Jesseseseselaar, I Love Ko's, Insider, Appy, Vadim, J, Simon........ ik hou van jullie allemaal het is niks persoonlijks! We worden allemaal een dagje ouder en zijn mischien daardoor wat meer prikkelbaar. We reageren soms met emoties en niet met verstand!
    Iemand poste al dat het even duurde voordat ik reageerde omdat ik in Thailand was en hij had gelijk, ik lag heerlijk te slapen om daarna een sprintje te trekken over een wit strand.
    Ik moet nu weer een paar dagen gaan reizen (ja, ik werk ook in Thailand) en ik wil de moderatoren ook geen overuren laten maken of de server van mixfight weer overbeslasten en vele forumwarriors slapenloze nachten bezorgen.

    Het zijn maar woorden!

    Love Peace
    Last edited by anoniem gg; 04-10-2009 at 11:50.

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