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    Default Kharitonov interview over Fedor: sparringpartners, geloof... [translated]

    Did Fedor's loss surprise you ?
    Kharitonov: The result of the fight shocked me. Honestly speaking, I thought that Fedor would easily beat Henderson. Fedor was heavier of the two by 7kg and I was sure that this factor would be decisive. I was hoping to see how the russian slowly breaks down the american, but my expectations did not pan out. Henderson, without a doubt, is a strong figher, but only in his weight class. Taking a fight against a heavier opponent, Hendo was taking a risk similarly to how Fedor took a risk in fighitng Silva.

    Did you watch the fight directly or later ?
    Kharitonov: I watched the fight on the internet (a repeat of the fight).

    Many experts are saying that Fedor needs to change his model of preparation and team, and only then he can win again. What do you think about this ?
    Kharitonov: Changing things in a big way is unnecesssary. But it is necessary to invite good sparring partners and spend more time in training. In Fedor's case, he needs to choose: either fully go into religion or fully commit to the training process. I don't judge Fedor, because I am also a religious person. I also go to church, pray, light candles, but this does not distract me from my main work --- training.

    According to you, religion is consuming a lot of Fedor's time and strength ?
    Kharitonov: I am not saying this, but I am saying my opinion as an observer. Judge for yourself, how a person, who follows fasting (note: by fasting what is meant here is depriving yourself of certain foods according to the religion), can approach a fight in an ideal shape ? At this point, you need to retire from the sport. Some time ago, I also tried to follow fasting and in parallel to keep training. It was very hard for me, I put a lot of effort, and lost more than I gained.

    What is the way for Fedor to get out of this difficult situation ? At the end, 3 losses in a row --- a heavy burden for an athlete.
    Kharitonov: Fedor needs to return to the time he was 20-24, in htis period, he was hungry, trained and was focused...Then, he also had family, and despite that, he used to go for long training camps, like 2-3 months each. In those time, nothing distracted him from training, even though the situation was very difficult. If today, he stays with the same approach, and leaves things at the same level, there will be a 4th, 5th and 20th loss. Either he needs to return to his previous condition or call it a career.

    Do you think Fedor should continue or stop?
    Kharitonov: I don't know, I don't talk to Fedor, so I can't tell what are his goals now.
    Who, according to you would win in the rematch Fedor -- Henderson ? Kharitonov: As Fedor said, he has many rematches waiting: with Werdum, Silva and Henderson. I don't know, it is hard to tell now, who would win. If Fedor rethinks everything and returns I think his chances to win are not bad.

    You talk about lack of quality training partners for Fedor, why don't you offer your services and exchange experience with your countryman, like it was earlier ?
    Kharitonov: I would be happy to have a training camp with Fedor, but there, there is a person --- Alex Emelianenko, who I cannot stand. I stand for a healthy way of life, and not for training with alchoholics, to whom Alexander belongs. I repeat, with Fedor I would gladly train, but here, only my own wish is not enough, it is necessary that both sides are interested and so far I have not seen interest from Fedor.

    Last edited by JeIIe; 06-09-2011 at 11:08.
    Shinya Aoki: "Real Martial Arts Means A Knockout Or A Submission"

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