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  1. #1
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    Mar 2011

    Default Yoga voor Mma/grappling/BJJ

    Na al die heftige discussies over Badr goes boxing, Overeem leaves GG, enzovoort, enzovoort, leek het mij weer eens tijd voor een luchtig onderwerp. In deze topic heb ik het over yoga, of ook wel "de kunst van het ontspannen". Niet dat dat het doel is, maar Toch..

    Misschien vragen forumleden zich af wat yoga en Mma met elkaar van doen hebben. En dan is misschien de volgende omschrijving van yoga wel het meest treffende: yoga is de kunst van het ontspannen. Er is iets van een zoektocht naar "schemergebied" tussen wat je nog net wel kunt en eigenlijk net niet méér. De kunst is met aandacht dat gebied te verkennen, te ontdekken waar bij jou die grens ligt. Als je dan eenmaal die houding te pakken hebt, ga je met je aandacht naar de plek die je zojuist hebt verkend, en laat je de adem daar zijn werk doen.

    Het zoeken van lichamelijke grenzen, het verkennen en het oprekken daarvan. Daar ligt wel een parallel met Mma. Maar nog mooier is dat yoga zich prima leent voor Mma/grappling/BJJ. Leuk om eens te proberen?!

    Enjoy deze topic!

    En.... Ervaringen met yoga&mma natuurlijk meer dan welkom!
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    "When I am fighting I am keeping my mind empty for any expectations. I am waiting for something unique, completely new.” - Rickson Gracie

  2. #2
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    Mar 2011


    Yoga for the Martial Arts

    Many people assume that yoga and the martial arts have nothing in common. In fact, researchers consider the ancient practice of yoga to be the foundation of these fighting techniques. The modern martial artists are now rediscovering the benefits of this philosophical discipline.

    Yoga develops the strength of the body as it provides for the efficient exercising of all muscle groups. You might not look like a fitness champ, but if you perform a number of Yoga breathing techniques and asanas you will develop stronger tendons and even joints. The functional strength you gain will allow you to train more effectively and for longer periods of time.

    Nothing is more important in the martial arts than flexibility. By practicing yoga you will be able to jump, kick and slip from grabs much more easily and quickly. The ancient techniques will improve the flexibility of your back as well as the arms and legs. The reflexes are also excellently trained – you will be reacting better to all the surprises that may come up during the fight. Your balance will also be improved allowing you to defend yourself more firmly and to make more precise punches.

    Overall, yoga will also efficiently protect you from the common everyday injuries as well as more serious ones by developing your body to the fullest, reducing the impact of a hit. The physical endurance that you gain with constant practicing of the ancient discipline is invaluable.

    As long as you are serious about practicing yoga, you will be able to improve not only your physical strength, but your stamina as well. It is essential to consider the higher mental awareness that is created through performing the special exercises regularly. All your senses will be sharper and you will be able to focus more effectively. Yoga is also renowned for curing stress, which is quite beneficial for those participating in the mixed martial arts.
    "When I am fighting I am keeping my mind empty for any expectations. I am waiting for something unique, completely new.” - Rickson Gracie

  3. #3
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    Why is Yoga Becoming More Popular for MMA Fighters?

    For mixed martial artists, it is incredibly important to fully develop all the muscles within the body. This will allow them to reach their full potential for strength as well as flexibility. Regular gym exercises and strength training have traditionally made up the majority of a mixed martial artist’s exercise routine, but today that is starting to change. More and more MMA fighters are realizing the benefits of yoga and implementing it into their daily routines. This is due to the fact that yoga does more for athletes than many people originally thought. In fact, yoga and MMA are actually pretty closely related. Not only does yoga help to increase flexibility, it also allows one to strengthen their core and learn methods of controlled breathing, all of which can greatly benefit the MMA fighter.

    Yoga routines can be designed to include all the poses and positions that are ideal for MMA fighters. There are several different poses that are perfect for increasing flexibility in the most important areas for fighters. Improved flexibility in the legs and hips can help MMA fighters to have an increased ability to perform various moves and submission holds. Flexibility in these areas can also help fighters break free from holds as well. There are numerous yoga poses known as asanas. These asanas have been developed to help improve both physical and mental endurance. This is achieved through a combination of stretching exercises and careful, controlled breathing. Learning the correct way to use essential muscles while keeping others relaxed and breathing in a controlled manner can work to help fighters drastically improve their performance. Black Belt Jiu-Jitsu and master yoga instructor Phil Migliarese offers a complete instructional DVD regarding the best yoga for fighters.

    Adding yoga to one’s workout routine has also proven effective in helping fighters learn to remain calm and control their emotions. This is because yoga is designed to train the body as well as the mind. Learning this kind of self control can help train fighters to remain calm rather than becoming upset or overly emotional during a fight. This can be highly beneficial because when a fighter becomes frustrated and emotional, he is prone to making mistakes that could cost him the match. Many fighters who practice yoga are also able to remain calm even when put into a submission hold that puts them in a compromising position. By keeping a relaxed demeanor, they can prevent themselves from hyperventilating. When the mood remains calm and the fighter does not panic, often he is able to free himself from the submission hold.

    Many fighters are learning that yoga is not just for those who are looking for an easy workout. On the contrary, yoga is a complete training regime for body and mind. When implemented into the fitness routine of an MMA fighter, it can help improve flexibility, endurance, and overall performance. In his “Yoga for Fighters” fitness video, Phil Migliarese says, “To be a champion, you need to be fast, you need to have flexibility, you need to have strength…all these attributes”. Yoga is one way that fighters can easily develop all of these skills and attributes.
    "When I am fighting I am keeping my mind empty for any expectations. I am waiting for something unique, completely new.” - Rickson Gracie

  4. #4
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    Mar 2011


    Yoga for Grappling: Introduction

    Yoga probably is not the first thing that comes to mind when most people think about training for grappling or mixed martial not. Believe it or not, though, it should be an essential part of the training process for these practices. Yoga is much more than just breathing and stretching exercises. It actually is a valuable tool for training both the body and the mind. In addition, the added flexibility that will develop as a result of practicing yoga will definitely improve one’s grappling abilities. Many of the poses performed during a yoga session resemble the movements in various forms of martial arts. These poses can help the athlete to strengthen all the muscles that will be frequently used in the sport.

    The mental aspects of yoga can be very beneficial for grapplers as well. One of the primary focuses of yoga is teaching practitioners to relax by controlling the breathing. Precise, controlled breathing is required even when one is strained and in complicated positions. In grappling, athletes frequently find themselves in difficult poses while feeling extremely fatigued. Knowing how to breathe calmly even in these situations is one of the key components to excelling at the sport. Developing the ability to remain calm and to not panic even when your body is strained is important because panicking can lead athletes to make costly mistakes.

    Yoga Flexibility for Grappling

    One of the things that most everyone knows about yoga is that it is an excellent method for developing greater flexibility. In grappling, increased flexibility obviously has numerous advantages. Being flexible in the hips, legs, and torso can be very beneficial during aggressive grappling matches. This type of flexibility can make it easier to athletes to reach their legs higher on their opponent, making it possible to do many different submissions in the closed guard. In the open guard, being flexible makes it possible to pass the guard. When trying to escape pins, increased flexibility can also be very beneficial. While not everyone is capable of developing the extreme flexibility of “The Human Pretzel” Nino Schembri, nearly everyone is able to develop enough flexibility to be able to benefit greatly during a match.

    For those who are trying to increase their flexibility, the process can be very challenging. Regular stretches simply cannot provide the same flexibility that rigorous yoga study can provide. Learning how to breath while stretching is the key component that makes yoga different. Breathing correctly can help one actually stretch further, and this can lead to increased overall flexibility overtime. In fact, according to martial arts and grappling professional Stephen Kesting, he was able to gain more flexibility in just a few months of yoga training than he was able to develop doing 20 years of regular stretches. The most important areas to stretch for grappling are the legs and the hips. The legs can be stretched easily, but the hips can be much more difficult because they make up such a large area. The “Hip Opener” yoga pose is a stretch that increases flexibility in the hip while protecting the knee’s ligaments. There are also several other poses in yoga that can help to increase overall hip flexibility as well as many stretches designed to increase flexibility in the legs.
    "When I am fighting I am keeping my mind empty for any expectations. I am waiting for something unique, completely new.” - Rickson Gracie

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Dr was hier laatst een topic over, maar werd door mensen niet serieus genomen. Ik ben echter groot voorstander van Yoga voor Grappling/BJJ. Het maakt je lichaam zoals gezegd flexibel en tegelijkertijd sterk. Helaas wordt yoga in nederland vooral gegeven door zweverige types.

  6. #6
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    Yoga to Build Your Stability and Core Strength

    In grappling, core stability is absolutely essential in order to help prevent injury. By properly stretching and strengthening the back, for example, it is possible to greatly reduce the risk of painful back injuries. Strengthening the core, or the trunk of the body, ensures that one will have excellent control over his body and that he will be able to get the maximum power from the arms or legs. In fact, core strength is an essential building block to overall strength in the rest of the body.

    Yoga is considered to be the original method of stabilizing and strengthening the core. In fact, many of the other exercises that have been developed for this purpose make use of many of the elements of yoga. When working on strength training, yoga can actually strengthen all the muscles used in various poses when they are stretched all the way to their limit. This typically does not happen when one is utilizing other methods for strength training. As an added bonus, there are numerous yoga positions that are actually incredibly similar to the poses one would commonly use during a grappling match. When the athlete learns how to hold these positions by strengthening the muscles and breathing in a controlled manner, it becomes possible to do them safely and effectively during a match as well without causing injury.

    One of the most common movements in grappling that exemplifies the importance of core strength and stability is bridging. Bridging is an essential movement that is used to escape pins or to sweep an opponent. It can also be used to put extra strength behind many types of submission holds. Having a strong core can make it much more likely to be able to cause an opponent to tap out when put in a submission hold. This movement requires the usage of multiple joints, and it requires a large degree of strength and flexibility in the torso region.

    Yoga Breathing Exercises for Grapplers

    When beginning a yoga class for the first time, people are quickly taught the importance of developing an awareness while breathing and learning how to control the breath. Surprisingly, this can be on of the major benefits of implementing regular yoga into training sessions. This is because many athletes do not make use of their entire lung capacity. Rather, they tend to use just their upper lungs, and this can lead to the athlete becoming overly tired prematurely. A recent study done at the University of California actually proved that the breathing awareness taught by yoga can actually work to increase an athlete’s endurance in just a matter of weeks.

    There are several yoga breathing exercises that are designed to put focus on forcefully inhaling and exhaling, using the diaphragm as a pump for pumping the air and and out. These exercises are designed to strengthen not only the diaphragm but also the lungs. While one would not actually do these breathing exercises during a grappling match, they do strengthen the lungs and hence increase one’s endurance. Becoming more aware of your breathing can also make it much easier to deal with stressful situations. Remembering to breath during a match can help keep you focused and reduce the risk of you making a mistake because you made a mistake and forgot to breathe. Proper breathing techniques also makes it possible to keep breathing when one is put into uncomfortable positions. Maintaining the ability breathe can be the difference between having to tap out or being able to free oneself from a submission hold.
    "When I am fighting I am keeping my mind empty for any expectations. I am waiting for something unique, completely new.” - Rickson Gracie

  7. #7
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    Mar 2011


    Yoga to Help With Recovery

    For a grappler, practicing yoga can also help to enhance relaxation and reduce recovery time. Relaxing on the mat is one of the characteristics of the most elite grapplers. Knowing how to relax all the muscles in the body can help to heal parts that have become bruised and sore. In fact, some athletes even say that doing yoga after a grappling session can make the body feel as relaxed as if they just had a full body, deep tissue massage. This is because yoga teaches not only how to property stretch the muscles but how to effectively relax them as well. Yoga practitioners are also taught the ways to contract only the muscles that are needed for holding a particular position while keeping all the other muscles in the body completely relaxed.

    Rickson Gracie is a world renowned athlete and instructor. During many of his training courses, he would grapple with each and every participant, winning every single match. In order to pull of such an accomplishment, it is absolutely necessary to be relaxed and easy to recover in a timely manner. Keeping the body in an overall relaxed state can also help to reduce the risk of injury. Knowing how to properly relax the muscles in between sessions can also help to heal overexerted or damaged muscles. Yoga teaches athletes how to use their muscles in a controlled manner and how to relax all the muscles following strenuous activity. This can be especially important and beneficial for grapplers.

    Yoga to Help Improve Your Grappling

    It is unfortunate that so many people have developed negative responses to yoga. While many people hear the word yoga and have mental images of half naked people in very disturbing poses, the truth is there is so much more to this ancient practice. Yoga is not just good for meditation or as a means of finding a higher spiritual power. It can also be an essential part of an athlete’s regular training regimen. When integrated into the exercise routine of a grappler or practitioner of mixed martial arts, yoga can offer a huge number of benefits.

    Yoga has been proven to help athletes improve their flexibility, develop excellent core strength, and control their breathing. This can help them to greatly improve their grappling game. Increased flexibility makes it possible for athletes to execute various moves and to successfully escape from various submission holds. Core strength can help to reduce the risk of injury, and it can also allow grapplers to perform the bridge move more effectively than ever. Perhaps of all these, though, controlled breathing offers the most benefits. Yoga breathing exercises can teach one how to make full use of their lungs and diaphragm, which has been proven to increase endurance. Being aware of one’s breathing can also make it possible to breathe calmly and comfortable even when put in a restricted position. Maintaining regular breathing helps prevent an athlete from panicking or from becoming exhausted, and this can allow him regain control of the situation rather than tapping out.
    "When I am fighting I am keeping my mind empty for any expectations. I am waiting for something unique, completely new.” - Rickson Gracie

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Briant View Post
    Dr was hier laatst een topic over, maar werd door mensen niet serieus genomen. Ik ben echter groot voorstander van Yoga voor Grappling/BJJ. Het maakt je lichaam zoals gezegd flexibel en tegelijkertijd sterk. Helaas wordt yoga in nederland vooral gegeven door zweverige types.
    Ah, jammer.... Ik ben mij net wat meer in aan het verdiepen en zie absoluut meerwaarde! Zal eens wat leuke filmpjes zoeken. Later meer.
    "When I am fighting I am keeping my mind empty for any expectations. I am waiting for something unique, completely new.” - Rickson Gracie

  9. #9
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    Mar 2011


    Deze vond ik wel aardig...

    "When I am fighting I am keeping my mind empty for any expectations. I am waiting for something unique, completely new.” - Rickson Gracie

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Hier aan gerelateerd is het Natural Gymnastics. In mijn lessen laat ik altijd wel een oefeningetje of twee de revue passeren.

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