vBookie Event: Dillashaw vs Cruz (UFC Fight Night 81)
Event information
This event is SETTLED
This event will accept bets until 17-01-2016 at 23:30
This event will pay out after 17-01-2016 at 23:30
Number of bets placed 22
Total amount staked 26198
Total amount won 22642
Event Outcomes
TJ Dillashaw wint

Outcome information
Current odds 100/131 (0.76)
Number of bets placed 6
Total amount staked 8508
Total amount won 0
Top bets on this Outcome
Bet placed by Amount staked Odds Amount won
MB667 5000 100/131 (0.76) 0
Spider 1500 100/131 (0.76) 0
train2grow 525 100/131 (0.76) 0
carlsberg 500 100/131 (0.76) 0
Lionheart 500 100/131 (0.76) 0
Willem033 483 100/131 (0.76) 0
Cruz wint

Outcome information
Current odds 128/100 (1.28)
Number of bets placed 16
Total amount staked 17690
Total amount won 22642
Top bets on this Outcome
Bet placed by Amount staked Odds Amount won
mario the count 2000 128/100 (1.28) 2560
Klassikl 2000 128/100 (1.28) 2560
sen 2000 128/100 (1.28) 2560
Suplex 2000 128/100 (1.28) 2560
lukashenko 2000 128/100 (1.28) 2560
Kingbalotelli 1500 128/100 (1.28) 1920
citrusfruit 1289 128/100 (1.28) 1649
LightHeavyWeight 1000 128/100 (1.28) 1280
yuko 1000 128/100 (1.28) 1280
Vuroja 500 128/100 (1.28) 640
Kemal 500 128/100 (1.28) 640
Jeru 500 128/100 (1.28) 640
viTRTor 350 128/100 (1.28) 448
Bromios 300 128/100 (1.28) 384

vBookie 4.2.1 - Updated for vBulletin 4 by Rugby
Copyright 2004 Daren "Rico" Chandisingh
A Respawned! production.