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  1. #201
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  2. #202
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    If I was a God, this planet would be awesome, wishful thinking!

    Quote: God asked Noah to build a boat and gather every living animal species in pairs to survive the big Flood ( God was going to kill every living thing on earth by letting it rain for 45 days, one of his bad days in heaven ). Anybody ever ask how the polar bears, sea lions and penguins got aboard? Did they march in from the Antarctic over land to catch their boat ride? What about whales, kangaroos and poisonous spiders? Read more here: http://basboon.com/?p=2253

  3. #203
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    Sep 2004


    Royal Scum, King Abdullah the “merciful reformer”dies, Who counts the dead Propaganda?, Deadly Banana Peels and Nazi’s!

    Deadly Banana Peel!
    The Paris terrorists were all shot dead and it was said they had ties to Isis, more interesting connections were made with the Boston Bombers (The Boston Bombings was a total Hoax in my opinion). The trial against one of the Boston Bombers would connect them with the same terrorist Islamic fanatics. The trail had just started and guess what Dzhokhar Tsarnaev slipped over a banana peel in his jail cell. He must have slipped about 20 times as the blood is everywhere it looks like a complete slaughterhouse. I mean common media stop this bullshit, try to hide it at least a little bit, WTF is that picture all about (see link)? I guess we should stop making bullets and start bombing banana’s and throwing banana’s they have a monstrous deadly devastating effect, far more worse than bullets. The link reports that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev may never walk or talk again, no kidding. Chiquita must be furious about this anti banana propaganda, I will never look at a banana the same way ever again! Later the Aryan Brotherhood claimed responsibility, the banana lovers are relieved again. If this important terrorist suspect had not been isolated or protected, who knows what more he can reveal, he pleaded not guilty? Dzhokhar Tsarnaev cannot give us that answer anymore, I guess a guard accidentally fell a sleep after eating to many bananas..... The Dutch Royals have 25% stake in Shell, Shell invested 10 billion dollar in the Ukraine, so............
    Read More Here: http://basboon.com/?p=2271

  4. #204
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    Sep 2004


    Head Hunter Network, Head For A Head, John Kerry Says Not To Use The Word Islamic!

    No money for the terrorist for kidnapping the Japanese hostages so disappointment, but the demand changed now from money into the exchange for a female lunatic schizophrenic suicide bomber who failed to detonate her bomb vest Jordanian “Sister of Isis” Sajida al-Rishawi.
    Surely some background images are now passing the revue, with some blown off limbs after the suicide attack, Sajida’s husband being the mastermind of the suicide bomb attack with dozens of deaths it is the result of an attack on A HOTEL. Surely like Jihad John we now have another player as the nick name for Sajida’s is made into the Isis Sister, which is remarkable as her husband blown himself to kingdom come for Al Qaeda. Great media coverage of this new face of terrorism ( everybody already forgot) Sajida’s the Isis sister. My suggestion is to surprise Jihad John with a professionally made video where we bring back the guillotine and show an image with the Isis sister Sajida with her head lying on the guillotine platform waiting to be beheaded.

    We put a huge ticking digital clock just above her head and we have a live coverage exclusive on the HHN TV. The HHN TV the network should hire that smiling enthusiast CNN network employee Lara Baldeserra wearing her red pullover and announcing to Isis that they demand the immediate release of the Japanese hostage. She warns with a big smile that if the Japanese hostage will not be released before the set digital time indicated above the guillotine, the Isis sister will lose her head, a head for a head. No collateral civilian victims and bombing innocents people and great TV. Sponsors like head and shoulders shampoo would pay top dollars. The sponsor revenues would go to Islamic Madrassa schools and funding of mosques and hate imams around the world, this will keep the flow of fresh young headhunters for making HHD TV a huge success. The main sponsor for HHNT will be Fedex and their slogan is “when there is no tomorrow.

    Read more here: http://basboon.com/?p=2291

  5. #205
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


  6. #206
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    Sep 2004


    Holocaust Documentary “Night Will Fall” Is Full OF Inconsistencies And Propaganda! Palestine & Israel questions.

    This does not make sense, it only does as propaganda!
    Here is where things get strange for me, in one camp Bergen Belsen there were more than 30.000 dead corpses according to the documentary narrator, however the editor Mike Lewis said he saw a few hundred dead corpses that’s a huge difference. The deceased were found lying everywhere throughout the entire camp and yet they found the Nazi camp commander Joseph Kramer and the German prison camp staff still there? What exactly were they waiting for?
    Waiting for the British to shoot them, or did they wait so they could start carrying all the dead corpses with typhus and other diseases to mass grave yards at gun point by the British (like is shown on the black and white footage in the documentary)? I asked myself that question a few times and some people told me it was because the Allies surprised the Germans. Ok let’s say this is true, maybe all the Germans became deaf and could not hear bombs, machine gunfire and mortar fire from the allies approaching the camps. Why would the camp commanders leave all these dead corpses with typhus and other diseases lying around throughout many of the German camps?
    So they can get some disease themselves, they like going to work in an unbearable stench of dead corpses every day? What happened to their famous ovens and burning the people who were gassed? We are talking about the Nazi’s who’s uniforms and boots were designed by Hugo Boss. We are talking about the Germans “Deutsche Pünktlichkeit” ( German efficiency/punctuality and discipline) . Why not cremate or bury those corpses with typhus, why allow a pile up dead corpses with Typhus throughout several of those concentration camps and let them rot and stink for months in the open air ( 30.000 corpses in Bergen Belsen alone according to the narrator of the documentary) ?
    So more prisoners get sick? So they get sick themselves, it does not make any sense. Unless you are a hired camera man for shooting a propaganda film. Notice that the documentary starts with the message that military cameraman were instructed to construct a propaganda film ( yes the word propaganda is even mentioned). Sidney Bernstein was hired to make short propaganda yes they use that word in the documentary films for the British. Scientific proof that the gas chambers never existed..... Read more here: http://basboon.com/?p=2307
    Last edited by anoniem gg; 02-02-2015 at 17:48.

  7. #207
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Kun je die Amerikanen op Sherdog niet gaan lastigvallen met deze onzin. Laat je ons lekker met rust en daar heb je een veel groter bereik. Win win lijkt mij..

  8. #208
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by my2cents View Post
    Kun je die Amerikanen op Sherdog niet gaan lastigvallen met deze onzin. Laat je ons lekker met rust en daar heb je een veel groter bereik. Win win lijkt mij..
    Voel je je gedwongen om het grote blogspot topic van mij te lezen?

  9. #209
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by e-type View Post
    welnee man, zo'n counter kan iedereen op z'n site zetten.
    Je YT videos halen bij lange na de 1000 views niet en je laatste paar nog geen 10 views per dag, denk je da'k geloof dat je blog dan wel 10,000 hits per week krijgt?
    Leuke hobby, dat wel. Maar net als met sigarenbandjes verzamelen…er zijn toch echt maar bar weinig geïnteresseerden in je verzameling.
    1000 views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjqX4tWidoM

  10. #210
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    King “Clint”Abdullah “Punks” Isis. An Execution too far, Muslim killing Muslim.

    The Netherlands imported over 150.000 Muslims in 2014 from Turkey, Morocco and Somalia.
    But the madness continues, I welcome the huge outrage the live execution of the burning pilot caused but why so much outrage because of the Hollywood film style of bringing the executions to our attention? What is happening with all the Muslim violence in our countries in the West today? I am just watching the news from my former country the Netherlands. In 2014 they imported over 150.000 immigrants: Muslims from Turkey, Morocco and Somalia, yes Somalia “Holland loves Sunni Muslims”.

    The HHN ( my former blog the head Hunter network) is very impressed with the creative competition of the Radical Islamic Terrorist group al-Shabaab in Somalia. Children in schools in Somalia from the ages of 10 to 17 are participating in a Quran reading contest first and second place winner was a AK 47 and the lucky number three of the contest became the winner of two hand grenades. In the previous year the winner went home with a grenade rocket launcher.

    This is great for the Netherlands that many of these Somali Sunni Muslims that came to Holland in 2014 are familiar with the AK 47, which are great for using at the Dutch picnics. Many gangs in Holland especially from Turkey descendant are dealing in the AK 47 ( recently in the Netherlands many Dutch Moroccans and Antillean's are becoming victims of the famous AK47, but they are also the biggest buyers of the beloved AK 47). Recently a Turkish AK 47 dealer and his associates has been arrested in Holland and the police found many AK 47’s. The police think that many of these AK 47’s that were sold have been used in several recent killings in Holland. In the past there was even a Turkish weapon dealer/criminal with the name Ali “AK 47″ Gün. I am convinced it will be not a problem for our Somalia Sunni Muslims to adapt to the culture in the Netherlands because of their great knowledge of the AK 47 ( AK 47 teachings starts as early as 4 years old in Somalia), plenty of work in the sales of the AK 47 guns and the smuggling and transport of these machine guns with bullets that will penetrate any bullet proof vest.


    Nicknames for Jihadists.
    In the newspapers from the last two days we can read about Abu Abdul Rahman al Hollandi ( great finding the Al Hollandi) this Homegrown Jihadist from Holland fits in the Hollywood scene from the caliphate and according to Isis he bravely blew himself into pieces to become a martyr. Khaild “The Dutch Headhunter” K “the polder Jihadist”, Jihadi John. The Caliphate and the Media shows a morbid form of humor giving Beatle nick names to the Islamic State of Islam and Al-Sham ( Isis Jihadist), “all you need is love”. Mokhtar Belmokhtar, the Islamist smuggler , kidnapper and jihadist nick name , “Mr Marlboro” and “The Uncatchable”. In Canada there is Abu Truaab al-Kanadi the 23 year old “celebrity” when it comes to Isis be-headings, his real name is Muhammed Ali ( wow what where his parents thinking). Good news came at the end of 2014 for Nawal Msaad, AKA ‘Jihottie’ as she was cleared from funding jihadists in Syria. The “poor’ woman always thought her husband was working with aid convoy’s in Syria organizing picnics.....

    Read more here: http://basboon.com/?p=2334

  11. #211


    • peter, richard ,frank, laserpe, fred ross ,sjaak burger ,kaale jr, errol bell ,greg remmers, michel, mitch ,jesse ,ruben, hendrikus ,lucas ,huub

    Allemaal bekeerde hollanders of turken en somaliers met een schuilnaam?

  12. #212
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by cholitzu View Post

    • peter, richard ,frank, laserpe, fred ross ,sjaak burger ,kaale jr, errol bell ,greg remmers, michel, mitch ,jesse ,ruben, hendrikus ,lucas ,huub

    Allemaal bekeerde hollanders of turken en somaliers met een schuilnaam?
    Criminelen met terroristen vergelijken. Nee, niet hetzelfde.

  13. #213


    Quote Originally Posted by blackadder View Post
    Criminelen met terroristen vergelijken. Nee, niet hetzelfde.

    Turkse wapenhandelaar = terrorist
    Nederlandsche wapenhandelaar = crimineel

    leuk om jou vooroordelen door jezelf bevestigd te zien worden,

    Of je hebt bb zijn tekst niet goed gelezen, waar ik me dan wel weer wat bij kan voorstellen...

  14. #214
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by cholitzu View Post

    • peter, richard ,frank, laserpe, fred ross ,sjaak burger ,kaale jr, errol bell ,greg remmers, michel, mitch ,jesse ,ruben, hendrikus ,lucas ,huub

    Allemaal bekeerde hollanders of turken en somaliers met een schuilnaam?
    Misschien heb jij de tekst niet goed gelezen?
    Turkse wapenhandelaar werd verdacht van AK 47 leverantie aan Jihad verdachte in Vilviers Belgie. Mijn blog is natuurlijk een satire, maar ik geef commentaar op nieuws artikelen. Sommige school kinderen in Somalia: als ze de Quaran het beste uit hun hoofd leren worden beloond met een AK 47. Deze groep zijn dus terroristen in opleiding dat spreekt uit bv de prijs voor de winnaars en hun leeftijd.

  15. #215
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Dat zal toch niet in heel Somalië plaatsvinden. De meeste mensen willen gewoon leven volgens mij. Nutcases heb je overal, bv de antivaxxers in de VS. Rare rechts extremisten in de EU etc.

  16. #216
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Ik denk het ook niet in heel Somalia ik mag het hopen, maar dat het uberhaupt gebeurt is natturlijk volslagen van de pot gerukt. Hele land bijna moslim, Hirsi Ali moest haar klitoris daar ook afgesneden achterlaten.

    Somali Islamists execute 28 non-Muslims on Kenyan bus http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/...0J604W20141122

  17. #217
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    From the Blog Bas Boon Says:
    Isis Giant “Bruce Lee’s”, Cage: Muslim lawyers and human rights-groups, Cologne Cathedral cost 1 euro!

    Before I comment on some of the recent news reports that were apparently witnessed by human rights activists I would like to share the following study conclusion with you all: In a recent program on the Discovery science channel “through the wormhole” with narrator Morgan Freeman it was explained and demonstrated that people will change their mind to go a long with the crowd even if it goes against their original opinion or view point. They believe a lie just to join the majority. Studies show that if you would put an individual together with a bunch of other people at a dinner and they would all talk about their mutual experience from the night before the majority of individuals would change their mind and actually believe the new story. More surprisingly when they use the same person to experience the same thing two weeks later without the pressure of being with another group of humans with a different opinion the results would stay the same. Even two weeks later most individuals that were undergoing the test still would lie to themselves even without the pressure of the other humans present with a different opinion.

    Their reality memory brain was basically altered and they believed their own lies. Interesting, If you still wonder why so many youngsters are joining terrorist groups like Isis or a religion, you now know why. Humans just love wishful thinking and belonging to a large group of humans with the same thought patterns and opinions. Especially religious people that glorify irrationality and condemn other humans with a different opinions and lifestyle

    The daily newspapers and TV broadcasting’s inform us daily on new atrocities and developments of the number 1 public enemy the terrorist group Isis. Surely I would love to see the CNN journalists Dos Santos or Amanpour work in close contact with the Isis terrorist group as war and terrorist reporters from the front, for some real “journalist” reporting. Unfortunately the regular news are printing their stories through their new source of news information: human rights groups and other charity groups such as: The Sirian Observatorium for Human rights reports on monday 23 feb 2015 that Isis cannot find new recruits, what a bummer for Isis.

    Isis can not find recruits!
    The report says only 54 new recruits in the last month ( it then says these numbers are probably not accurate, no kidding?) But the human rights organization does report that it knows directly after the rise of the caliphate the number of recruits were 6300. The website of the Syrian human rights observation says the following: Quote” The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is not associated or linked to any political body. The SOHR was founded in May of 2006.” The United Kingdom-based SOHR has their offices ran out of a two-bedroom apartment and is basically run by one person, Rami Abdulrahman ( Syrian Sunni Muslim who also runs a clothing shop). His news is often quoted by CNN, Reuters, BBC, Voice of Africa etc In an interview with Rami Abdulrahman in 2011 he reported to have a network of 200 volunteers in Syria and that 6 of his sources were killed. If 6 of his sources were killed in 2011 and the average loss of lives within his human rights organization volunteers would be 6 a year, he should have about 150 volunteers left. Good for this organization those 150 SOHR members never got caught and can be seen captured in a cage being burned alive, great work from the SOHR ground correspondents. We should not forget that these 150 volunteers are all spread out near the borders of Syria and all airports. The SOHR correspondents are in possession off an electronic tally device and a paper with questions for the new recruits of Isis.
    Question 1:
    Are you an Islamic terrorist of any kind? answer:
    A, Yes
    B, Sleeper
    C, No
    D, Don’t know yet.
    ( So far they only received 56 papers with the answer A – signed by new recruits )

    Lees meer hier: http://basboon.com/?p=2350

  18. #218
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    Sep 2004

    Default Islam Was The Motive For Chattanooga shooter Abdulazeez andAll Other IslamicTerrorist

    Obama calls Abdul a lone gun man, but the Charleston Church Shooter acted on behalf of the entire white race?

    Let’s look at the facts: The family of Abdul, he had a violent father who wanted to have a second wife, abused his current wife verbally, sexually, mentally and physical, he also hit his children. Son Abdul is painted as the perfect “all American boy” by the media and some witnesses, but then the family report shown on CNN portrays a lot of severe violence and then there is Abdullah’s DUI arrest in April. What happened to Muslims obtaining from alcohol? Contradictory!

    Sure the frustration of the smiling Abdul who once made the remark: My name causes national security alerts, what does yours?

    Abdulazeez made this remark because every Muslim in the world feels they are the victims because others human non believers attack their religion of Islam as it is constantly linked to terrorism. If there would not be Islam or other names for religions or sects, this phenomenon would not occur. It’s only humans who take things personally and make assumptions and give their own delusional interpretations to so called holly scripts or messages from the invisible man in the sky.
    The politicians know this, but Islam is too far integrated in worldwide societies, so now governments are in damage control mode. Let’s not use the phrase Islamic terrorist anymore (J. Kerry) so other Muslims do not feel insulted when the next Islamic terrorist attack takes place (cut off head on a fence by Islamic headhunter in France or the retard who opened fired on a beach in Tunisia killed 36). CNN does not use the terms Islamic Terrorist anymore, just watch the graphics.

    This Abdulazeez coward was ............... read more here: http://basboon.com/?p=2395

  19. #219
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  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glen View Post
    http://<a href="http://s253.photobuc...vp.jpg</a></a>
    Populaire naam , ook verschillende massage salons in Thailand met die naam, ik heb het allemaal toegestaan ben in goede bui de laatste tijd.....

  21. #221
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Lef jij bog steeds? Dacht dat je met je rare gedachtes en stemmen in je hoofd allang naar Syrie of Irak was gegaan.

  22. #222
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    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Minotauro View Post
    Lef jij bog steeds? Dacht dat je met je rare gedachtes en stemmen in je hoofd allang naar Syrie of Irak was gegaan.
    Ik Lef bog steeds, ja ...Stemmen in mijn hoofd? Dat laat ik aan gelovigen over. Ik zit in Thailand en heb geen behoeft om naar die landen te gaan!

    Last edited by anoniem gg; 24-07-2015 at 09:38.

  23. #223
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    Sep 2004


    Obama’s African Union Speech, the dentist lion killer and corrupt humans will have a new show which will bankrupt the UFC:

    Obama’s Speech to the African nations about fraud. Zimbabwe collects 50K from dentist hunter who kills Cecil the lion!

    President Obama spoke to the African nations live on CNN, during his speech he lectured to his fellow black man that corruption has to be fought. Funny how an African nation like Nigeria immediately brings up memories: you’ve got mail: mail regarding a donation of millions or winning the lottery in Nigeria (or else) and were chosen for an inheritance, if I just would get in contact with them

    The speech of the president is still fresh and already some “officials” from Zimbawe are in the news taking a 50K donation from a US dentist to guide him to some “exclusive” hunting territory to lure Cecil
    the lion out of his protected in habitat so the “war” dentist with camouflage clothes and paint on his face can shoot an arrow threw the iconic lion.
    Sports according the dentist who is seeing smiling with huge white teeth out in the African jungle over his animal “trophies”, with special thanks to the insurance system of the US who makes it possible to make millions as a dentist, doctor or hospital owner.
    Surely the Africans and the red cross and other international peace keeping organisation have a different approach in Africa in many countries there it is fashionable to mutilate villagers and later give the victims a make apology. And it’s true if they were ever promised financial compensation it wouldn’t reach the victims.1 million Hutu’s and Tutsi’s (Rwanda genocide) were slaughtered, not 1 dollar repayment money or disability for those people missing their hands, arms and noses, just sorry. The Jewish nation received 1.3 trillion dollars from Germany in war payments and the payments continue today. Africa you are doing it wrong, please pay attention here.

    Do we give a fuck if we are insured.....read more here: http://basboon.com/?p=3080
    Last edited by anoniem gg; 01-08-2015 at 05:44.

  24. #224
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    Sep 2004


    The Bullshit King of Bulgaria saves “50.000 Jews” + Bad Nazi’s movie propaganda, RoyalHeilness.

    It made me think why CNN is coming up with this story now about some heroic King? Well the royals have a history of collaborating with the Nazi’s. Recently on the front page of the English Newspaper the Sun was the following headline: Royal Heilness.

    Now in 1941 the Germans already were deporting Jews from an allied country like Austria, but they left Bulgaria alone? March 1941 Bulgaria made the alliance with the axis of evil. So WTF, did King Boris from Bulgaria have some dirty pictures on the Fuhrer, did he have a terrible secret weapon? For three years the Germans do not insist on the Jews being deported in Bulgaria or they do, but they just leave the Bulgarian Jews alone? In the final year when the war was lost for the Germans the Bulgarians switched sides and then the Germans were not amused they felt betrayed to say it mildly. Immediately the Germans ask for deportation of Bulgarian Jews ( ask?) , the years before these 50.000 Bulgarian
    Jews ( could be 30.000 but hey who’s counting accurately) was never an issue apparently.

    Read more here: http://basboon.com/?p=3797

  25. #225
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Oostenrijk was geen bondgenoot. Oostenrijk was geannexeerd.


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