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  1. #1
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    Sep 2004

    Default De enige Russische lafaard Vadim Finkelstein wordt uitgedaagd door Bas Boon part 1

    Quote Valetudo.ro forum (Единственный трусливый русский ) : First and foremost, congratulations on Alistairs recent victory in K-1 and overall Golden Glorys achievements! Impressive, just like always.
    Bas, we are the oldest and largest MMA/K-1 web-portal in Russian speaking countries valetudo.ru. Unfortunately, Vadim Finkelstein and other M-1 Global employees are still making every attempt to shut us down, making his mixfight website the ONLY source of MMA news in Russian language. Following our friend, Georgiy Kobylyanskis advise, we would like to contact you about the following development in Russian MMA community:

    Recently, Vadim Finkelstein has made several loud statements in regards to your best fighter Alistair Overeem, accusing him of constantly using illegal substances (steroids). Finally, it got so out of control, that the largest sports website in Russia (sports.ru), had a big title on the main page: Vadim Finkelstein: Overeem in a steroid cattle, a few hours later, the interview was taken down, and the citation and title was changed (Vadim called the reported in the middle of the night demanding to do that), but that phrase was already copied to all the major MMA websites, and forums around the world (Sherdog, underground and etc).

    We feel that Vadim actions are inappropriate, unprofessional and harmful to Alistair. Vadim keeps talking about fight with Josh Barnett, who was caught using steroids 3 times in his career, but claims that Overeem is steroid cattle and refuses Fedor to face him, when in fact, Alistair was never caught cheating.

    Therefore, we would like to give you the opportunity to talk to Russian fans, on the pages of largest MMA website in Russian, and defend your fighters reputation. We are open for all information, not the censored crap that M-1s presents to the public.

    We would be delighted to conduct an interview with you and possibly with Alistair Overeem, and to work with your Golden Glory team in the future, as a media hub for Russian and ex-Soviet Union fans of MMA and K-1.s
    The only Russian Coward

    First of all we must tell you that in my last email I send to you, Vadim and me talked on the phone and we agreed it was better for the sport to not have our differences been published on public forums. I knew he could not keep that promise for long as he is a professional liar. I Vadim said that Alistair Overeem was a steroid Bully could be seen as head article on Russians biggest sport site (later it was removed but by that time sherdog and other already took over the quote)!

    First of all we would like to praise the Russian's for always bringing great fighters to the international sports scene around the world.
    Russia has produced some of the greatest champions in Fight Game History, Wrestling, Boxing, MMA, Judo, Sambo etc. Sportsmen like Alexander Carallyn, Fedor, Kharitonov,Vovchanchin, Taktarov, etc Men of few words and lots of action.
    One think I don't get, is who is this loud mouth Vadim? Is he even Russian? Because he is not acting like one and he keeps embarrassing the Russian people around the world. Was he ever a sportsman? Did he ever compete? Why does he talk such bad things about one of our Golden Glory fighters Alistair Overeem? I've never heard Fedor say one negative thing about any fighter, and this flamboyant loud mouth keeps trash talking.
    we at Golden Glory are taking this personally, and I am ready to prove to this guy and the rest of the world that Vadim is the only Russian coward, We are the same age and weight. I am challenging him to a fight just to prove my point. If he is a true Russian and a man, than he should fight me or for the rest of his days, whenever he looks in the mirror, he will remember my words. He is a coward.

    1. Every show Vadim negotiated the terms for Fedor, he bankrupted. Pride, Bodog, Affliction ... you name it, any event Fedor ever participate they bankrupted the promoters with crazy demands. His (Vadim) nickname in America is the nail. He is the nail in the coffin.

    2. Vadim embarrassed Fedor in front of the Americans, by backing down to fight Randy Couture.

    3. Now he is embarrassing Fedor again in front of the Dutch people. by backing down to fight Alistair Overeem.

    Fighting is a sport like any other, losing is OK, but hiding is a sign of weakness and fear.
    Vadim keeps saying he wont fight Alistair because he takes steroids, yet he claims he wanted to fight Barnett, who was caught on three occasions using illegal substances, yet Alistair who has never been found guilty of any use of steroids (Alistair has also fought in the states several times) It is mentioned by Vadim that Alistair is a steroid bully and this is why Fedor would not fight him? (You have to be kidding me, Vadim is scared! that is all) he continues to say...Alistair should first prove himself. He obviously made this ridiculous statement and many others to evade the fight, a fight which the fans would love to see! I do not say that Fedor can not beat Alistair, but it would be amazing to see these two excellent athletes put their belt on the line! Vadim excepted a fight with Hong Men Choi in a co- production on New Years Eve, I guess the weight and height and raking of this Hong Men Choi did not matter to Vadim as he was allowed to co-promote the event with M-1 in Japan, steroids or not hahahahahahaaa
    Vadim knows if Alistair beats Fedor, Strikeforce will be the first one to say bye bye co-promotion M-1 craphola.
    Strikeforce would like to keep their organization clean and healthy business wise and have a champion like Alistair Overeems Golden Glory fighter who they can work with!
    After this M-1 is back in Russia searching for new money investors who by then are wise enough to see Vadim as a scam artist.
    More then once we have asked for Fedor to fight Alistair in Japan, the States, Europe or anywhere for that matter and Alistair mentioned this in his interviews, he clearly states publicly that he would fight Fedor any where anytime!

    The funny thing is that then a whole campaign started why Alistair would not go to the USA to fight with upper chief coward Vadim upfront talking about steroids and crap, everybody knew Alistair was in the hospital for his injured hand which resulted in a serous infection. It was only at the end of august that Alistair could pick up training again. Strikeforce did not have any offers by the time Alistair got out of the hospital, so Alistair took the opportunity to fight in K-1 against Peter Aerts in Korea at the last 16 and won. He became third at the K-1 WGP 2009 and KOd Fujita on new years eve. Recently he defeated Potzurak from Bosnia with a KO victory by knee in round 1. Golden Glory has announced that Alistair will defend his title in the states this year and we will focus on fighting in America and now there will be no use for speculation anymore as Alistair will be submitted to the same drug tests Fedor and any other fighter has to!

    We already announced we would defend the strikefroce belt in the states, but by now Fedor's management (not Fedor himself, I am sure he would fight anybody anytime and he is a great fighter) refuses Alistair as a possible future opponent in strikeforce. Scott Cocker is getting grey hairs from this crap management from Fedor, as also the contractual terms which were agreed by Vadim and strikeforce were not honored by Vadim already after the first fight, Vadim wanted to change the agreement after the first fight as his findings were that M-1 did not get enough exposure (this recently could be read in the media I never spoke with Scott about this as it is not my business).
    This is exactly what it is all about Vadim never fought himself before and like I said before I question if he is even Russian? Vadim promised Fedor to become an equal partner in the M-1 circus and tried to find rich Russian investors to build their own organization) the poor investor did not know what he got himself into. Vadim forgot to tell Fedor and the investor that to be able to run an organization you need good fighters and to corporate with some of the strong fight camps and promoters in the world. That door was closed as Vadim still owes G.G huge amounts of money about a previous deal G.G made with Vadim regarding the management of Fedor and was not honored by Vadim.
    The reason to smudge Alistair Overeem and evade him to fight and some other fighters they refuse like Couture, but especially Alistair is a simple one: fear and money! Vadim knows that there is a chance of Fedor loosing to Alistair, if that happens he can not play the M-1 Global promotion card anymore and that would mean the end of M-1 or better said the end of Vadim trying to be the big shot promoter that he most certainly is not! Vadim tries to build his M-1 brand/ promotion by honing in on the hard work and accomplishments of others , no wonder the UFC refused to co-promote with M -1.
    Barnett, who was got caught three times with illegal substances, yet Alistair has never been found guilty of using illegal substances in his career (Alistair also fought in the states several times) Yet Vadim states he is a steroid user and this is why Fedor will not fight him, he first should prove himself more and more of these ridiculous announcement to evade a fight which the audience would love to see. I do not say that Fedor can not beat Alistair. Alistair has been busy in the strong field of K-1 stand up strikers and did really well.
    We were already with strikeforce and Alistair holds official this heavyweight title, unfortunately last year Alistair got into a brawl where he hurt his hand and was out of the fight game for 6 months and could not defend his title in the states because of this.
    More then once we ask for Fedor to fight Alistair and Alistair mentioned this in his interviews, he would fight Fedor any where anytime.
    .Golden Glory stated that they will defend the Strikeforce Heavyweight belt on May 15th in the States against who ever they put in front of Alistair (comments from some of the people at Fedors camp, Fedor is on a long holiday and can not fight then).
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    part 2

    This were some developments which were not mentioned before

    M-1 Red Devil Mafia, Fedor trapped, Appy threatening to kill M-1 promoter in Seattle?

    Recently I have read some interesting interviews regarding Appy Echteld and Vadim Finkelchtein. It almost reads as a very bad gangster story, or mafia movie, but there are some interesting facts here, that should most definitely not be ignored!

    There is a chapter, where Appy echteld is caught on tape, hiring killers to blow away certain people and the whole European Fighting Network of the Dutch promoter Simon Rutz.

    Bas Boon of Golden Glory on Overeem, Fedor, K-1, M-1 and More! HeadKickLegend.com the new domain for K-1 LEGEND

    App E manager of Fedor and at that time Spong (he left appy's manegement) hires killer in Holland - Sherdog Mixed Martial Arts Forums

    Crimesite Toon onderwerp - Vechtsport en de onderwereld dutch crime site nl

    2h2h organizer / manager wordt waarschijnlijk dit weekend gearresteerd [Archive] - MixFight.nl Appy probably will be arrested this

    Quote Mix Fight (Dutch forum) :

    The interesting part is that Mixfight.nl - Wie is de Baas? posted the story first, topic was closed because of Appy E called about this (does this sound famliar with threads to shut valetudo.ru?) Later reopened as the moderator from mixfight who got confirmation that the story was true by listening to the the tapes.
    These recordings of Appy Echteld hiring killers etc were confirmed by famous Dutch people in the fight industry, Hans Nijman, Dick Vrij, Chris Dolman, Simon Rutz

    Ultimate Fighting: Russia vs. the World - Pravda.Ru front page on a russian newspaper about M-1 MixFight being involved in heavy crimes

    App E manager from Fedor and Spong hires killer in Holland - Page ...
    - 18:05 - [ Vertaal deze pagina ]
    Yes Appy does manage Fedor and look after his interests along with Vladim and ... Petersburg Mix Fight Federation has had the right to organize mix-fight ...
    http://www.sherdog.net/forums/...e.../index3.html - In cache

    My good friend in Seattle told me the same story, with a few differences, but again with Appy threatening to kill people - this time a Seattle promoter. There were huge problems with Appy Echteld from M-1. No contracts were made for the M-1 Seattle event about production cost, fighters, stage builders.? The fighters were fighting for $1000, but for production M-1 was spending tens of thousands of dollars. Finally there was a problem about production cost with the promoter of the M-1 Seattle event. It went like this: Appy was screaming and yelling you fu%$%$@# he pulled his mobile phone camera and started making pictures. Then he said he was going to send the pictures directly to a Russian hitman who would come to Seattle and kill the promoter!

    To reiterate - Appy Echteld takes pictures with his camera in front of an American citizen who should promote M-1 in America and screams that he is now sending this pictures to a Russian hitman and then they would kill him!

    Vadim's response to the post of Bas Boon is in English on a Dutch forum link:

    Bas Boon over M-1 en Golden Glory + Reactie van M-1's Vadim Finckelstein - MixFight.nl

    What's interesting about this read is that Vadim tries to make Bas Boon look like a thief but actually what Vadim said makes no sense at all and he seems to be avoiding the topic at hand.

    In the USA every foreign fighter will get a 30% tax deduction from his fight purse, this is the law of the USA it is now and it was the same back then when Semenov fought. Bas Boon must be speaking the truth as the argument from Vadim is weak and makes no sense! And why does he not answer any of Bas Boon's questions? Or address the topic at hand?

    Therefore it is M-1 with crazy fight purses like Gerard Mousasi, who is the Champion from Dream who fights for $2000.- in Strikeforce????? Or Fedor fights for $300.000 who is undefeated against Tim Sylvia who gets $800.000???? Then Orlowosky gets paid 1.5 Million but Fedor fights for $300.000?

    Well I guess M-1 does not like to pay tax's for their fighters on US soil (and Vadim was accusing me of the 30% tax law in the united states, saying this law did not exist). Come on make USA look ridiculous by having Gerard fight for $2.000.-. Make it $20.000 or $35.000 at least but $2000.-?

    Then there is the fact of Appy claiming he heard from somebody inside the UFC, that they would not pay enough for Gerard? Somebody inside the UFC??? Appy and Vadim have Joe Silva's number, Danna White and the number and mails addresses from The Fertittas, so what kind of bullshit story is that, some person on the inside and Appy cant remember his name???
    Gerard had been checking the story and Joe Silva confirmed that he never spoke to Appy or made any offer! Another Appy Echteld lie. Just a few days later, Gerard Musashi fights in Strikeforce for $2000.-?

    In Bas Boon's post It gets really interesting as he provided a legit copy of an offer from K-1 in 2006 for Fedor when pride was dying. The total offer was 2.4 million plus sponsorship and freedom to fight in the USA where Fedor could made another two million. Five million for Fedor in 2006, instead Fedor fights Zulu two months later for 450.000 then Coleman that year for another $450.000. Appy Echteld and Vadim who had big problems with Golden Glory held a disaster event in the Ahoy in Rotterdam. They told Pride if you pay for our losses we will keep Fedor with you guys and I bet you fedor never saw the legit offer from K-1?

    This means Fedor missed $4.100.000 dollars because lying Appy Echteld and Vadim used Fedor, to blackmail Pride - paying for their expenses (Appy and Vadim expenses in the dissaster Holland Ahoy show) OR IN OTHER WORDS HUGE LOSSES disaster show (they told Pride boss Sakakibara: Fedor will keep fighting at your Pride show, but then pay our losses from the Ahoy Rotterdam show)! Now as for their so called mafia connections or speaking constantly about Russian Maffia, Appy and Vadim should be concerned about using the Russian mafia to threaten people. There will be a K-1 event in St Petersburg next year and it will be done without Vadim and Appy, the venue is already booked and it will be interesting to see how big Appy and Vadim's so called maffia connection really is. I think Appy Echteld is on thin ice and Vadim Finkelchtein is only using M-1 as a cookie for Fedor. Fedor should realize there is no other good fighter with that organization other then him and Gerard Mousasi and that when he looses, M-1 is dead. Vadim and Appy are lying through their teeth if they tell Fedor and their invesotor that M-1 is a huge success and that they are going to be the biggest organization on the planet, ask anybody in Europe on the streek do you know M-1 and they think it is a brand for washing clothes!. The money man who put money into M-1 is bleeding hard and will see huge competition with far more countries broadcasting K-1 and Dream then M-1 which this business man put millions of dollars on the lying Vadim and Appy!

    Further more its rumoured that Lorenzo from the UFC has recently been seen in Russia (some fan recognized him at the airport in Russia), this would be very interesting if this was true!!
    It will be very interesting to see if Fedor knows he lost huge opportunities worldwide not to mention Fedor lost $4.100.000 dollars in 2006. Gerard Mousasi is finding himself in a similar position now, Mousasi knows App and Vadim lied to him and its time to change camp and management.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007


    nou nou, ik ga morgen als ik wakker ben wel ff lezen... ga nu me bedje opzoeken.... ben benieuwd
    "Some people have so much respect for their superiors
    they have none left for themselves."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Dus jij en Vadim gaan dit jaar toch niet samen op vakantie Bas? Of heb ik het verkeerd gelezen?

  5. #5
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    Aug 2004

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Ik moet gelijk aan deze topic denken.. haha wat gaat de tijd toch snel.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Marquis View Post
    Ik moet gelijk aan deze topic denken.. haha wat gaat de tijd toch snel.

    Hey Marquis, Goedenmorgu

    Al vroeg in de archieven snuffelen zie ik!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by basboon View Post
    Hey Marquis, Goedenmorgu

    Al vroeg in de archieven snuffelen zie ik!

    Ik moest toch ff het fijne er van weten en ophalen voor dat ik mijn grote tetter open doe hier

    Al was het verhaal rond die tapes al het revu gepaseerd bij mij in die periode.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Marquis View Post
    Ik moest toch ff het fijne er van weten en ophalen voor dat ik mijn grote tetter open doe hier

    Al was het verhaal rond die tapes al het revu gepaseerd bij mij in die periode.
    Heb jij zo een grote tetter dan?

    Bovenstaande is een opsomming met wat recentelijke gebeurtnissen!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by basboon View Post
    Heb jij zo een grote tetter dan?

    Bovenstaande is een opsomming met wat recentelijke gebeurtnissen!

    Nee valt wel mee betreft mijn tetter..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Goedemorgen Bas, Is die partij op K1 rules of MMA?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by NGW 4 View Post
    Goedemorgen Bas, Is die partij op K1 rules of MMA?
    Heb ik nog niet over nagedacht, nu je het zegt?

    Laten we dan zo zeggen, wat zouden jullie willen zien?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    M1 dus mma . hij gaat echt niet kickboksen met Bas Boon. Die draait gewoon mee op gehaktdag.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Kan het niet zo zijn als die le Banner vs Sapp partij met een ronde K1 en n ronde mma?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Ik zeg MMA,maar Appie kan je toch ook uitdagen hij is volgens mij nog in training.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    MMa op pride regels zou mooi zijn.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by micha View Post
    M1 dus mma . hij gaat echt niet kickboksen met Bas Boon. Die draait gewoon mee op gehaktdag.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illest View Post

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Aardige opsomming Bas. Jammer van de opmaak, leest wat moeilijk weg zo zonder alle hyperlinks e.d.
    Het was mijns inziens natuurlijk allang duidelijk dat Vadim er alleen voor zichzelf zit. Fedor klaagt ook niet, begrijpelijk, die vangt evengoed tonnen.

    Oh, en hij heet Gegard Mousasi.

  20. #20
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    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Harrie Nak View Post
    Aardige opsomming Bas. Jammer van de opmaak, leest wat moeilijk weg zo zonder alle hyperlinks e.d.
    Het was mijns inziens natuurlijk allang duidelijk dat Vadim er alleen voor zichzelf zit. Fedor klaagt ook niet, begrijpelijk, die vangt evengoed tonnen.

    Oh, en hij heet Gegard Mousasi.

    Men doet of Fedor geen enkele inbreng heeft in alles.

    Laatste interview van Appie betreft Fedor zei hij dat men voor Fedor werkt dus in dienst is van Fedor en dat Fedor inzage en inspraak heeft op alles wat met hem betrekking heeft en dat ze niets doen zonder zijn goedkeuring.

  21. #21
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marquis View Post
    Men doet of Fedor geen enkele inbreng heeft in alles.

    Laatste interview van Appie betreft Fedor zei hij dat men voor Fedor werkt dus in dienst is van Fedor en dat Fedor inzage en inspraak heeft op alles wat met hem betrekking heeft en dat ze niets doen zonder zijn goedkeuring.
    Wat moeten die Appie en Vadim wel niet hebben over Fedor? Dat Fedor zo even $4.100.000 dollar investeert in die mislukte evenementen in de Ahoy in 2006, misschien was Appie het gewoon vergeten te vertellen dat Fedor daar een pak investeerde zonder dat Fedor het wist en dat er een super aanbieding lag van een andere organisatie dat kan. Appie was ook ook al zo vergeetachtig met het verhaal over Gegard Mousasi naar de UFC, hij wist niet meer met wie die had gesproken!

  23. #23
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    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by basboon View Post
    Wat moeten die Appie en Vadim wel niet hebben over Fedor? Dat Fedor zo even $4.100.000 dollar investeert in die mislukte evenementen in de Ahoy in 2006, misschien was Appie het gewoon vergeten te vertellen dat Fedor daar een pak investeerde zonder dat Fedor het wist en dat er een super aanbieding lag van een andere organisatie dat kan. Appie was ook ook al zo vergeetachtig met het verhaal over Gegard Mousasi naar de UFC, hij wist niet meer met wie die had gesproken!

    Ik neem aan dat Fedor een accountant heeft die zijn financien regelt of doet Appie dat ? Dat lijkt mij sterk namelijk.

    Fedor zal toch ook wel weten waar zijn knaken naar toe gaan of ga je me vertellen dat Fedor geen besef had waar die "$ 4.100.000" naar toe is gegaan toentertijd ?

    En als Appie zo slecht is in zijn werk dan lag hij toch allang op straat ?

  24. #24
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    Sep 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Marquis View Post
    Ik neem aan dat Fedor een accountant heeft die zijn financien regelt of doet Appie dat ? Dat lijkt mij sterk namelijk.

    Fedor zal toch ook wel weten waar zijn knaken naar toe gaan of ga je me vertellen dat Fedor geen besef had waar die "$ 4.100.000" naar toe is gegaan toentertijd ?

    En als Appie zo slecht is in zijn werk dan lag hij toch allang op straat ?

    Ik zou geen aannamens doen omtrent deze twee personen!
    Het gerucht ging dat Appie enige tijd geleden uit M-1 is gezet, let op gerucht schrijf ik! Ik was eigenlijk wel blij met die afspraak met Vadim, dat we onze geschillen niet meer op een forum zouden uitvechten, helaas kon Vadim het niet laten!
    Ik denk dat Fedor daar helemaal niks van wist ook niet van die aanbieding, maar Fedor kan het nu lezen op http://www.valetudo.ru in zijn eigen taal. Maar goed, Appy en Vadim kunnen het vergeten zijn te vertellen aan Fedor, bij mij hadden ze ook gigantische problemen met het herinneren van afspraken het woord delen begreep ze helemaal niks van! Namen van personen met wie bv Appy gesproken had bij de UFC omtrent een zogenaamd bod voor Mousasi, vergeten, tja......
    Goeie opmerking trouwens Marquis, wat was dan Appy zijn werk........
    Last edited by anoniem gg; 17-04-2010 at 10:07.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Marquis View Post
    Men doet of Fedor geen enkele inbreng heeft in alles.

    Laatste interview van Appie betreft Fedor zei hij dat men voor Fedor werkt dus in dienst is van Fedor en dat Fedor inzage en inspraak heeft op alles wat met hem betrekking heeft en dat ze niets doen zonder zijn goedkeuring.
    Neem dat maar met een korreltje zout.
    Fedor is niet de zakenman achter M-1, en zit overdag echt niet achter zijn kantoortje te werken aan M-1 events.
    Er werkt een groot team achter de schermen aan de (overigens leuke) M-1 events en management.
    Maar je denkt hoop ik niet dat de insprake en inzage die Fedor misschien wel heeft ook zo reel is dat hij degene is die het laatste woord heeft?

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